Rating:  Summary: an example of what you'll find Review: This is a man who knows so much.Turn to the section on 'how to stop terrorism'. Here this man suggests that the reason Israelis do not try to kill all the Palestinians is becasue "in their hearts , they know they are wrong", and he suggests that the US provide 4 billion dollars a year to the Palestinians, to be fair( no mention that they already get about that amount from the EU and the USA). Then,according to Mr Moore, we are to provide the Palestinians with Apache helicopters, also to be fair. Then the two groups will allegedly fight it out, fairly, and they are abjured to "leave us the hell alone"... Well, he's had a couple of years of college, so we can forgive him for being relatively ignorant, I suppose.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's My Gun ? Review: This is an addendum to my last review:I live in one of the most gun loving parts of the US. My neighboring city, Kennesaw GA, has had, for about 20 years, a law ON THE BOOKS requiring residents to own a gun. As soon as that law was enacted, crime fell through the floor there. There's no need to enforce it, because one never knows just who does and who does NOT have a gun in their home....psychology works here folks ! To ban guns outright is just plain stupid. I have a better idea: BAN STUPID PEOPLE All stupid people have five seconds to stop breathing. Nevertheless, I feel safer with my trusty Glock nearby while I sleep.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, I'm a hypocrite Review: Moore makes a living out of blasting the very country that has made him a multi-millionare and has given him the luxury to publish books, make films and eat ample amounts of food. Is it just me, or do you see a paradox?
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore can do better than this. Review: Well it's a new book from Moore and this time he is holding nothing back. He attacks Bush, corporate crooks, conservatives, and even the Democrats whom he calls "professional losers." However Dude Where's My Country still feels like a rush job. I wish Moore had taken more time and did more research before writing this book because some of the things he is saying are just plain wrong. -Democrats DO have a right to complain about the Green Party. Green Party took 3 million votes away from Gore in the 2000 election. No 3rd party took 3 million votes away from Bush. -Saudi Arabia is not directly responsible for 9/11. Yes 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis and it's true that Osama bin Laden has kidney failure, but everyone knows that al-Qaeda is responsible for 9/11. Hell al-Qaeda members said they did it. -Instead of wasting space with silly stories about the future when the oil runs out and what he would do if he was God, Moore should have spend more time talking about corporate crooks and what they have been up to lately. One chapter is not enough. -And speaking of a wasted space, the chapter where he says that there is no terrorist threat is a total waste of space. Moore should have spend more time discussing the Patriot Act instead of making wild assertions that will cause many people to question his sanity. In Dude Where's My Country Moore tried to do too much and as a result almost everything he said feels unfinished. There is nothing in this book that you can't find for free on the internet, or on Moore's own website. Moore should stick to what he does best, exposing the greed and arrogance of corporate America, and stay away from the war on terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: Good in parts Review: Moore's latest is worth reading. There are things in it that are about right, or at least make you think, as well as some shots that are quite badly off the mark. He spends a long first chapter trying to insinuate that there is no such thing as a terrorist threat to America, and 9/11 was carried out (by appointment?) by the Saudi Air Force. This may cause some people to dismiss him out of hand (wrongly) as a conspiracy nut. Let's have Moore on corporate shenanigans, his strong suit. By the way, sad fantasies about Canadians are beside the point. What does the 'reviewer' below think he is up to? "Gord, Third World King" has appeared here word for word several times before. Apparently the writer is so proud of it that here it is again - twice. It makes no more sense now than it did the first time, and whatever else it is it isn't a review. He should try to think of a different loony tune.
Rating:  Summary: Gord, Third World King! Review: For that emotionally insecure, undersexed, lonely Canadian teen f#@%, retarded mongoloid, hick, "Gord", you need a dire course in political learning, economical learning and international learning, you idiotic teenager. First of is your impenitently shameful disgrace of being a dumb, easily impressionable teenage-dumba$$. All your thoughts aren't based on sound, unpartisan deduction; they're based on reading nothing but the most insanely and menacing of fanatical, left-wing internet websites, possibly ranging from anti-American propaganda from the Arab world to anti-American sensationalism from the BBC or Pravda, or even American traitors like Thomas Paine! Are you really that defectively hallucinatory that you actually think Canada is anywhere near comparable with the States? It hasn't even entered the 17th century, you insolent ingrate. Furthermore, what is it with the Canadian, inherent illness that dilapidates scores of brain-rotted Canadians to fantasize that they can have such unrealistically haughty pride in viewing themselves?? Listen, you undereducated teen-fu&*, Canada's in the crapper, the bottom of the barrel. You furious proletariats fail GDP growth. America's is 8% last quarter and expected to average upwards of 4% next year. Canada is lucky to experience a trickle-down effect, you impertinent ass. What's the Unemployment Rate in your frozen hellhole, 25%, while America's is 5.9%?? How many jobs did America create its last quarter, 57,000, revised from +100,000, while Canada flounders with 54,000, with the additional scandal of creating half of those "jobs" in temp positions! America's premier exchange, Nasdaq, rose +40% in the year, with the Dow surpassing 10,000--what's Canada done? Allowed more terrorists across the border! This is attributable to Bush's tax cuts, dumb fu%#, which demeans you as a stupid, uncultivated, untaught teenage moron. Scum, you're jealous of America's prosperity, which you should disclaim in all your reviews. If you seriously believe that Moore's "facts" are verifiable based on internet sources (LOL), what Moore "told" the world this year turned out "true", interviews with Bush's staff make "little sense" to you and others, then you, and possibly the education and rationale of Canadians broadly, are exactly like the unenlightened, radically STUPID, and hyperventilating Arab world, jacka$$, which is a crime in your Neanderthal case because you've the opportunity to educate yourself, living next to America's news and internet capabilities. Instead, you chronically ignorant teenager choose to devour anti-war, Muslim-distrust propaganda that's launched by ideologically liberal zealots, "religiously" fundamental Muslim world and countries who're enduring crises of inferiority complex because they've no power to veto US actions. You belong to such a country, wwanker. Liar, America invented pundits and cable news to foster political debate; you fukkin Canadians suppress open debate like you crush Native people's rights, which are still beneath world-standards. Canada's officials are thugs-in-disguise; they have no professionalism, resorting to loathsome, street-like insults to defame Bush. Implicating how terminally unlearned you are, you admit Canadians are liberal, insisting that's "middle", when your country loves gay-marriage, legalizes narcotics, doles out welfare programs like candy, has no immigration standards--Canada's a liberal hellhole, cretin. Fruit, your piece reestablishes the dishonor that you shouldn't represent for Canada. It simply harms the botched reputation Canada already has in its economy, culture, foreign relations, education, sanity.
Rating:  Summary: This is the written proof that Bush IS ignorant! Review: Well, actually my title to this review is useless... Everybody has found that (or worse) out by now... MICHAEL MOORE exposes harshly and in the least subtle linguistic manner, all the mischief that the Bush Administration has managed to veil from the world's public, through its fabrication of half-truths and by misconstruing facts. He analyses in depth the lies told by the president himself or his entourage, quoting authentic speeches. Reading them, one can effortlessly perceive that they are the fruit of intellectual inanity, and the rest was willingly told to momentarily hoodwink the press and hence the citizens. As an example I can refer to the statement, repeated umpteen times and artificial to the utmost, citing Iraq's possession of mass destruction weapons, which would have threatened every country around the globe. This 'double-whopper with cheese', as Moore calls it, pompously declared for months, was used as an excuse to remove Saddam's regime, whereas the real interest was, and doubtlessly is, oil. Bush clearly could not invade Iraq if devoid of a conceivable purpose, so he prevaricated this lie, later proven, given that no such warfare apparatus could be found! Bush did not heed a CIA forewarning, that cautioned him from including the non-factual avowal, used as a shrouding manoeuvre for the offensive, in his statements. As a consequence of this lack of concern, his repetitive trouncing on this point, turned him into a literal fraud. At first, sentient about the ever intensifying murmurs about authorities' trustworthiness, the Bush Administration tried to inculpate the CIA, overtly sustaining charges of the institution's negligence to notify the "President" 1) of the misinformation. Then, because the opposite was exposed, Condoleezza Rice's deputy, Stephen Hadley, was made a scapegoat, since it was he who, supposedly, had approved the text of Bush's address. But finally, the "President" was left with no alternative other than to confess his duplicity and to emphasize that he alone was responsible for the forged assertion. 1) Moore's manner of referring to the legitimacy of Bush's election to the presidency. -Nolan R. Quinn-
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read for all Review: Great book. Another Michael Moore classic. This is a must read for everyone, it will open your eyes to the way the United States functions. Yet another reason we need Howard Dean in the White House.
Rating:  Summary: An almost humorous documentation of the case to dump Bush Review: This book, in a satirical and semi-humorous fashion, documents the lies, misrepresentation and illogic of Bush and his gang. On the whole, it is compact and devastating, although some chapters are weak. His documentation comes mostly from news reports that are not disputed by either side. What makes the story compelling is his placing the reports of Bush’s statements and behavior along side of each other, so the tendency to forget what was said and done yesterday cannot happen. The book is a polemic, though, and thus looses some credibility. There is some funny stuff here like: • Identifying members of the Coalition of the Willing in Iraq as Palau, a group of North Pacific islands, with a population smaller than the audience at many rock concerts. Palau has "yummy tapioca and succulent coconut but, unfortunately, no troops”. • A demonstration of how unreadable the text of the U.S.A. Patriot Act is. • the fact that the Internal Revenue Service has a specific form for tax refunds of $1 million or more. (It is reprinted.) • Exposure of underpublicized news events like a Taliban visit to Texas, for oil-related reasons, in 1997. • Questioning why 20-year-old video images of Donald Rumsfeld embracing Saddam Hussein have been broadcast only by Oprah Winfrey In the end, Moore makes a final plea for anyone in 2004, but Bush. For someone who supported Nader in 2000, that is a long way to go.
Rating:  Summary: Scary Review: A friend recommended this as a joke and loaned a copy to me. Yikes, this is inane. There is no sticking to fact, he just pulls things out of thin air and seems to have a real problem with anyone who disagrees with him. It'd be great if he ran for office so he could be forced to answer some of his false statements.