Rating:  Summary: Great research! Review: First, I would like to point out to all the people who claim that Mr. Moore does not support his statements that they apparently did not see the section at the back of the book entitled "notes and sources," in which he justifies neary all of his claims and statements throughout. This means that although some readers may not agree with his opinions or views on the facts, they should not be so ignorant as to claim that his facts and figures are baseless. That being said, I did find his use of language in some instances to be somewhat crude or disrespectful. In general, though, his use of sarcasm and irony makes this book much more enjoyable to read than other political commentaries out there, and his supporting facts are (contrary to popular belief) quite valid. It would seem to me that it is not fair to review a political commentary such as this based upon the political stance of the reader, and therefore I am trying to review this book as much as possible on the quality and applicability of facts, and on the overall ease with which the book is read. I would give this book 4.5 stars, but as there is not such a rating available, I will round up to five. I would reccomend that everyone read this book for its current perspective (and supporting facts!) on the US, regardless of their current political stance.
Rating:  Summary: This is a lousy book and it must have taken 10 days to write Review: First, a word of praise for Mr. Moore. I do not agree much with Michael Moore, but at least he is willing to state unapologetically that he is a liberal. Conservatives ought to read Mr. Moore's book, not as an act of conversion, but rather because most elected liberal officials in America actually agree with Mr. Moore's contentions. Among one of Mr. Moore's contention is that America ought not to defend itself against terrorism. Lacking the nuances that many radical professors have (used to intentionally distort their true motives), Mr. Moore flatly offers his advice on how to deal with terrorism: "People in most other countries have been living with acts of terrorism for years, some for decades." So what does he say is the correct approach: "They [the world community] learned to live with it." Well.Far be it for any American to accept this premise, but in reality most elected Democrats, in their heart of hearts, agrees with Michael Moore on this conclusion. Mr. Moore is able to openly state his views because he is not an elected official, but it would be welcome to hear Mr. Kerry repeat Mr. Moore's rantings and accept the fact that he, too, would, just like Mr. Clinton, ignore terrorism and act as though it did not exist. The prose Mr. Moore uses to argue his points can be described as shallow and aimed at the lowest common demoninator. Yet, with perhaps a bit of irony, Mr. Moore claims that Republicans and conservatives are not only mean and nasty, but that they too are rather "dumb." Nevermind that Mr. Moore used very strong lashes of profanity in this book, which was usually inappropriate in the context to which he was discussing. When one must use a profanity to demonstrate their level of passion, the general conclusion is that they have a relatively small number of words to grasp with to argue with their opponents. I am actually quite surprised of the success of this book. For instance, nothing in this book is new. Not even the prose. It can be summarized as: "Bush should be defeated, taxes should be raised to pay for socialism in America, and no one should think that they can become rich like me because a few elites have ruled the world." Nothing Mr. Moore said is true, however. Mr. Moore does not back up any of his claims with substantive answers or researched facts, as Ann Coulter does in her books. Many people say the two are similar when in fact that is just not the case. They are both very different in how they write; for instance, Ms. Coulter actually is rather funny because she does not have to use profanity to get her point across, and she tends to use different types of linguistic mannerisms to get her point across. Mr. Moore, on contrast, writes as though he is speaking to you in a rowdy bar with no tolerance for dissent or a careful analysis of the facts. Shame on Mr. Moore. To just contradict a few of Mr. Moore's claims: he says that stock market is not a place to invest for people who are middle-class. Wrong. If they are saving for anything long-term, there are plenty of index-funds to invest in that allow one to generate real, actual returns over the long run. Of course, such a strategy would result in people becoming richer and thus not believing Mr. Moore's rantings, which is perhaps the point. Second, the rich already pay a disproportionate amount of their income in taxes, in contradiction to Mr. Moore's claims (but again, with no actual factual basis in his ideas). Third, socialized medicine does not work anywhere because it results in rationing of medicine, which actually harms not only the economy but increases pains on the health care system. I do not think other countries are laughing at us for not adopting socialized medicine; if that were the case, why then, are so many Candians coming to America to use our private-health care system. Fourth, America is not a "liberal" nation. Mr. Moore cites data that I have never seen replicated anywhere -- including data on vast support for gun control and high taxes. If this had been news, it would have been reported. That is all. I am rather shocked that this book is still popular. It has no original thought and it looked as though it must have taken 10 days to write. Michael Gordon
Rating:  Summary: First timer finds familiar voices Review: I am new to the literary worlds of political maneuvering and corporate plotting. I simply decided to no longer be an ignorant American, living on the sound bites of the truly annoying rightist radio spokespersons and the unbalanced reporting of major media networks. I knew right off the bat choosing a writer like Michael Moore was not going to help me find balance of facts, but the topic is of particular heated interest and value at this moment in American history and culture. I enjoy his rhetoric up and even sarcasm mixed with a little cynicism is edible to a point. Ignoring the dripping poison however still leaves a meaty blade thrust at the coalition of the wealthy. Leaving Americans in the dark with true intentions and purposes of our role in the modern world and in foregin policy. There are just too many issues that Bush needs to answer for within his obfiscated tenure in the White House. I think Michael could have shouted all his questions out into the Grand Canyon with equitable results, as those challenged herein realize they don't have to respond to any of it nor will they. Glad to know some people are worried about these issues though. Now if we only had more than 2 choices for President. I think I will be reading Mr. Moore's other books, but will balance it out with a few conservative viewpoints before I get caught up in stories told from one person.
Rating:  Summary: hmmm Review: I used to watch TV Nation years ago. I really liked that show... Moore is obviously a smart and very funny guy. But as I got older (I was eleven when TV Nation was on TV) I began to question his methods. It seems Moore has very little respect for facts... and likes to bend statistics (the source of which is often in question) to fit his preconceived ideas. I have no problem with liberals writing books - so long as they are HONEST. Moore is too smart to be making so many obvious mistakes... he is deliberately misleading the reader.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Funny and Liberal view of Bush's America.... Review: Michael Moore is pissed, why? Because we live in a fictionous time, and we have a fictionous President who sent us into a fictionous war. Michael Moore points out on 9/11 when the all commercial planes were grounded, why was the Bin Laden's FLOWN back to Saudi Arabia and had the Air Force make sure that they didnt get hit or anything? Did you know that Bush as governor of Texas, that he made a deal with the Taliban through his oil company? He wanted to run a pipeline through Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia to Turkey for natural gas? Also he wanted to give $100 million dollars to the Taliban for the construction of the pipeline? Also do you know that the Saudi Prince call Bush 'Badbar Bush'? Also here are a couple of things that some conservatives said about 9/11: 'We need to invade their countries and convert them to Christinary.' Ann Coulter WHAT? Is this a crazy woman like it says on her braclet? I dont know. Also it talks about how the conservatives say that due to the lack of approval of France over the war in Iraq, and how like they should do this and that, but are Conservatives stupid? It was the French that helped us fight off the English during the Revolutionary war, it was also the French who trained the Colonial soldiers to shoot, and how to fight in battle. So how can the conservatives be so pissed off? Because they know that liberials are the big head right now, and they are tired of seeing the Liberals having all the control. Michael Moore then goes into how big coporations are getting HUGE tax cuts, while people who pay little or no taxes get NOTHING! Just 3 dollars or a little more, while Michael Moore got more than $10,000,000 on tax cuts. So what does Mike do? He is going to make the people decide to how to spend his tax cut money. Michael Moore goes into a lot of detail about how the Saudi royals are running the country, and how they are friends with us because we just want their oil, and also while they kill their own citizens in public executions. The book gets very interesting from page one, and he is funny. Read this book if you are a liberal, and screw the Consertivies!
Rating:  Summary: A quick, informative read Review: After writing "Stupid White Men" Moore said that, "barring success", he would not write another book. That should probably be kept in mind when reading "Dude, Where's My Country?" as it seems it was mostly written after Moore's Academy Award speech to adress current issues. Where "Downsize This!: Random Threats from an Unarmed American" is still valid today "Dude, Where's My Country?" will look pretty dated when it's as old as "Downsize This!" eg. the section on Wesley Clark for president is already obsolete. It was a surprisingly quick read, I was past the halfway mark before I knew it and before long only had a couple of chapters to go. I like it that Moore included his references as footnotes for the first chapter, it makes people accusing his books of being cover-to-cover lies look even more silly. I admit I did not enjoy reading this book as much as reading his previous two, but it was worth reading nonetheless in my opinion. In the first couple of chapters there are rather long lists of questions to Bush and whoppers told by Bush, but after that it gets into the familiar informative and satirical Moore fare that we come to expect of his works. I'm not sure if Moore takes as well to politics as he does to big business but you've got to give him credit for stepping up to the plate when no else seems prepared to. For those who are new to Moore's work I would not start with this book, I'd suggest "Downsize this!" and "The Awful Truth" season one.
Rating:  Summary: Great Fiction Review: Many opinions backed by few facts. I give it two stars for good fiction. People who read this book amd believe it should do a little research. Don't be blind.
Rating:  Summary: Required belief Review: What a great guy telling us all what is wrong with America, conspiracies and all, and getting nothing out of it. Saudi Arabia declares war on America and Bush doesn't tell us. If he's reelected it will be the last election we ever have probably. People who don't like this book are soo illiberal. I HATE people like that.
Rating:  Summary: Truth hurts Review: This book is VERY well researched and gives some frightening facts that not many people are aware of. Those who wish to be ignorant and blindly accept what is being told to them won't like this book. But those who have learned their lessons from history and want to know what is really going on will be disgusted at what is being done under our name. Also check out Mr. Moore's website for all the current issues happening because he pretty much does all the research for you so don't have to take his word for it.
Rating:  Summary: A Disgrace Review: Michael Moore is the biggest disgrace the United States has. I don't care if you're a Democrat or a Republican, what I do care about is that if you live in this country, you should have at least an ounce of respect for the country and her allies. To go to France and rip on the country and our leaders to already an already hostile audience shows me, and it should show you, what an absolutely ridiculous man this person is.