Rating:  Summary: great book Review: A lot of reviewers knock this book for being short on the facts. So it may be, the important thing is that it will help open up people's minds and eyes to what is going on in the US. After reading this who knows how many people will go off and learn the truth on their own. What's brilliant about this book is that Michael Moore is willing to state what is on his mind. Unlike most of America he does not blindly follow Bush and his cronies. He takes the time to think and question and attempts to get his readers to do the same. He wants you to think outside of the box. For once in your life look at the US from a foreign viewpoint. You are not patriotic when you blindly follow your leader and believe everything he says. Those that do believe that would have fit in comfortably in the Soviet Union or some other oppressive dictatorship. As for this book it is a worthwhile read, whether you are a neocon or a liberal. Just read it with an open mind and don't make too many assumptions before reading it. What I think this book boils down to is that he wants you to think outside the box. You cannot always believe everything you are told or read about.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore is a genius Review: The only people who hate this book are right wing Jesus freaks, who shouldn't be reading it or reviewing it anyway. Go read a book by the Pope instead. Or spend your time praying George Bush is going to be re-elected-- he's going to need all the help he can get.
Rating:  Summary: DON'T BUY THIS BOOK! Review: I cannot tell you how much I hated this book and urge you to boycott it. I am a lifelong Republican and activist. My party stands for those who are successful, Christian minded, and controlling those who want to hurt American business. - First of all, how dare you oppose Bush in not supporting of the glorious war and Crusade against non-Christian infidels? What's all this bull about WMDs? Saddam killed, so we killed, might makes right in any sensible mind. So all those who are against Bush are going to hell. - Democrats are all renegade swine, quite frankly, and it's a crying shame they are even allowed to vote. Jesus would have supported Bush in his war against muslim sheep and cutting funds for people who are disabled, crippled, retarded, old, etc. It's their own fault, Bush didn't make these losers the way they are. - So Bush didn't win the popular election; God wanted him to be President, God didn't trust the 'popular majority' and God wanted a military hero like Bush in office. Thank God for our unbiased Supreme Court. - Furthermore, how dare you show narrow-minded animosity at Bush when he is a self made man. Don't believe those who say the US doesn't have enough jobs. If the Mexicans can find jobs, so can you. Republicans get better jobs because we know the game, know how to take advantage of the system, and because of our Godly contacts. You should buy Anne Coulter books instead. She is the leading spokeswoman for the Republican party because she knows and speaks our truth. Quotes from her: • "I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it....it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care."-- Politically Incorrect, 2/26/01 • "...a cruise missile is more important than Head Start."-- Speech, 11/01, rebroadcast by C-Span in Jan. 2002 • "In his brief fiery ride across the landscape, Joe McCarthy bought America another thirty years. For this, he sacrificed his life, his reputation, his name. The left cut down a brave man, but not before the American people heard the truth."-- The Drudge Report, quoting from Coulter's new book, Treason, 6/19/03 • "We hate them. Americans don't want to make Islamic fanatics love us. We want to make them die. There's nothing like horrendous physical pain to quell anger. A couple of well-aimed nuclear weapons will get our opposition out of the way."-- Column, 9/25/02 • "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."-- Column, 9/13/01 • "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors."-- Speech to Conservative Political Action Conference, January 2002 • "Soldiers are just cowards with their backs against the wall. The lowest IQ men in our society, those incapable of normal careers enlist. Their choice in life; prison or the military. Some will have to die in the support of our cause."-- Intervention Magazine, 11/06/03 • "The only beef Enron employees have with top management is that management did not inform employees of the collapse in time to allow them to get in on the swindle."-- Column, 1/24/02 • "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."-- New York Observer interview, 8/20/02 • "Then there are the 39 million greedy geezers collecting Social Security. The greatest generation rewarded itself with a pretty big meal."-- WorldNetDaily, 12/10/03 My hero is the Ex-House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, GOP presidential prospect, and architect of the Republican Party's failed impeachment of President Clinton. He only failed because Newt was having an affair. Who could blame Newt, his wife went and got sick with cancer. That was completely different from Clinton. Unlike Clinton, Newt was smart enough to divorce his wife after she got sick and could no longer drag him down with her. Lastly, how dare you stumblingly expose your miscreant incompetence with rantings against the Patriot Act. In my mind Some Americans have too many Constitutional rights. The Bill of Rights should not even apply to the blue-collar middle classes who are too stupid to get involved. No Bush hating media or newspapers should have 'freedom of the press,' since they only have their rights and freedoms because the rich allow them to have them. Ever see some poor slob or middle class idiot who owned a newspaper company? You defamatory libelous, uneducated swine should keep your comments to yourselves or we'll send your job overseas. Go out and burn this book now! I'll pray everyone who buys this book will burn in hell!
Rating:  Summary: Just Want to Add one Thing. . . Review: Well. . .it seems like everyone has a definite opinion on this book (and has written a review on it). So I'm not going to bother to write a complete review. I'll just quote my favorite part of the book: "They call it a war on 'Terror.' How exactly do you conduct a war on a noun?" I'm not even going to comment on this, because the people who see the absurdity of that statement don't need it clarified, and the people who take it seriously don't read enough.
Rating:  Summary: Things I Never Realized Review: I try to be open-minded, so I reluctantly read this book after several of my friends recommended it. Once I read the first paragraph, I couldn't stop until I finished the book.
Rating:  Summary: sad but true Review: Dude, where is my country is for sure one of the best works in history of literature, Moore's backed up explanation of George W."Christ", his administration and the whole "show me the money movement" is originel, hillarious and sadly, sadly the TRUTH. If you love freedom, hate Bush and are ready to change something this book is right for you!!! I'd also like to recomend "stupid white man" and "downsize this" as well as -Bowling for Columbine- and -the awful truth-
Rating:  Summary: What does Michael believe in? Review: I Listened on CD and while Mr. Moore does ask some Thought provoking questions he fails to pull the reader in as he trashes everyone as stupid. He mixes polls and survey results to answer his questions the way he wants them to sound (percentage, and 1-in 10000000 chances) He plays on the short memory of people and distorts dates to serve his own intrests. Other than hating George Bush I have no idea what he does believe in. It certianly isnt god, Stock market, capitalism, Democracy, or the working man (he's a millionair).
Rating:  Summary: Save your money for a good book. Review: This book is nothing but typical mindless DemocRATic ravings. There is little substance behind the charges made in this rag. I read it at my mother's house in the bathroom. That is where it belongs. Please use several pages though. Do yourself a favor and read something that makes you think a little. I recommend Oblomov. If you really have to read this crap, I recommend borrowing from the library or going to a bookstore to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Why this kind of book is necessary... Review: Of course, this book could be better and I am wondering why Moore keeps working for these huge media companies he bashes (despite his rather blurry explanation in one of the chapters). But still, most of the book is backed by research. It should open a debate which would go beyond Moore's perspective and not only elicite mere reject simply because it is badly written or very gross. It's funny how the debate is pretty narrowed to some basic arguments in this country. To take a few examples: TYPICAL COMMENT BY REPUBLICANS: this book is pure s..., nothing is true, con writers are much more authentic, they don't write being full of anger/hatred, they are always well documented. Everything which some progressive ideas other than "become rich, heavens is yours" is labelled as Commie pitch and whatever offending verbage they can come up with. Bush might tell you he's working for the poor and the working class but i am sure he likes fine food, cars, entertainment and trips like his Democrat clones and not like these filthy ever demanding voters (who sould satisfy themselves with junk food full of hydrogenated fats and hormones and pesticides, 2 weeks of vacation and sick days to enjoy time with their family, being surrounded by nuts with guns and putting up with a lousy education system whose only success is to "put" stars and stripes in every head) because they have to choose between affording a decent neighbohood and paying their everlasting debts (education) for the sake of their children and buying safe food)... He is part of this country's aristocracy enjoying power and wealth not because he worked hard but thanks to his nobleness. TYPICAL COMMENT BY DOMECRATS: Moore is wrong, the Greens stole 3 million votes from Gore (as if a party and the voters it represents would not have a right to express their difference from a so-called "liberal" party in what is supposed to be a democracy). If the Greens managed to grab these votes, the Democrats are the only ones to blame, for deceiving liberal voters for so long, for playing the same game as Republicans (minimum government intervention whatever the social price to pay, dropping bombs on poor countries like Tchad, which by the way, is still recovering from the pharmaceutical factory bombing, being on big business payroll, supporting dictatorships (like when they were doing business with China or Indonesia). Really, take a few minutes and try to see what differentiates Kerry from Bush. War? he voted for it (whatever excuses he can find for this). Gay marriage? he thinks it is wrong because marriage is between a man and a woman (i am a convinced straight guy so no bias here). I don't think they do any harm to anybody, though. And if you think that they set a bad example for our kids, maybe you should rethink what love is and what it means for someone to be happy whatever his/her partner's gender is. (Really, do you think watching violence on TV is much better?) Job going abroad? We have to work so that economic growth produce job growth. (How? I don't know, I'll figure out something once you elect me to the White House, although, with a Congress completely controlled by Republicans, you can understand that the choices are even more limited, if possible). As for universal health coverage and rationning as a reviewer wrote...what about HMOs? Do you think you can access freely to care? Let's take a personal example : my wife is pregnant. We have a hospital 5' away from home but thanks to being privileged with a generous insurance, we'll have to drive to another town (a 30 minute drive at least if we're lucky) for delivery. In countries with universal coverage (I should know, I come from one of them), you can go to the closest hospital (which might be helpful in certain circumstances). The only restrictions come when (as is happening here) big pharma labs pass on their marketing bill to drug consumers and the insurer(s) has (have) to resort to expense cuts or higher premiums. And another puzzling fact: when I spoke about health care with a Canadian, he told me that near the border, Americans came to receive care. And what about drugs, isn't Congress trying to prevent people from buying drugs next door (viva free market!) because it's cheaper? Take a break, read and watch the foreign media (except of course if you're convinced the whole world is wrong or, worse, against you, but then you might be sick and I recommend seeing a doctor..if you can afford it!). If you think I hate this country (because this is another spontaneous comment when you criticize the "perfect world"), I don't. I have met very nice people here and I have been able to give my family a nice living environment and standard because I came here with diplomas (although having them recognized here is no easy task). Particularly, I have found so much honesty and trust (I was not used to) in some people.
Rating:  Summary: He doesn't have anything new to say Review: If you thought "Stupid White Men" was a lot of angry, inaccurate and unfunny drivel, wait until you read this one. Same mantras all over again - George W Bush, Enron, Kyoto protocol, how rich rule the world... And anti-capitalists are clapping their hands in ecstasy. Same old story. In fact, I kinda feel sorry for them, because it does not seem to take a lot of effort to amuse those lefties and nearly bring tears of righteous indignation to their eyes. This talentless self-centred sorry excuse for a writer just keeps talking to anyone who would listen. Old-school pinko artists (like Oliver Stone) at least had some talent. Their ideas might have been unacceptable to some but everyone respected their professionalism. Michael Moore just keeps mass-producing trash and making nice money out of it. He is not even a professional, just an incompetent fraud. Liked his first book and Columbine film? Go on, buy this one too. You'll love it: it's more of the same.