Rating:  Summary: Thank the God's Roland is back Review: I can't believe some of the bad reviews this book has on this web site, it is a truely remarkable book. If your a big time Dark Tower fan you will love reading about Roland's past and you finally get to meet Susan and Cuthbert, Roland's long time friend. This book is one of King's best books to date, it's just to bad we had to wait seven years for it's release, some parts off the book go back to the first Dark Tower book which sometimes makes this book hard to follow, but once you start reading you should start remembering some off the past three books.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Review: I thought this was one of Mr. King's best! He continues the story of Roland, Eddie, Susannah and Jake searching for the Dark Tower, but adds something I have rarely seen in his books. Romance! I was pleasantly surprised, and frankly, it's been a long time coming! I thought most of Stephen's characters unable to love! But he proves me wrong with Roland and Susan Delgado's passionate, ('tho shortlived) love affair. Kudos Stephen! And please, give my enthusiastic thanks to "the unemployed school boy with the long black hair and beard"! I hope to meet him again in future books! Windy Langely
Rating:  Summary: A journey through time and a story of life! Review: WOW! This latest from S.K. is a gem of a piece. It's a great analogy of life as we know it and the journey that Roland and his companions have taken seems to be longer than most people think. O.k. they phisically didn't travel far but spiritually Roland has shared a burden that could have slowed them down, maybe to the point of never achieving their goal. Most of us need to accept the past in order to move on in life and Roland is no different. We've seen how he became withdrawn, even by his standards, and I for one felt that without sharing or unloading the burden of his past the whole quest could be in jepordy. It is obvious that S.K. also needed to get this particular part of the story off his chest hence the almost generation spanning gap between episodes. I hope Stephen can now travel a little faster down this particularly rocky road. I would like to add how exciting it is that R.F. is still around. Another analogy of life in that just when you think the worst is over or gone it seems to reappear with renewed vigour. I feel certain that S.K. was not satisfied with the ending of THE STAND and must have reasoned who better to incorporate into the Gunslingers life and continue the part of 'evil' than R.F. It looks as though he is a major player in any world or dimention while the players who represent 'good' are constantly changing. Finally, some advise to those of you who, like myself, have followed the story of Roland from it's beginings: once you have read this installment go back and read the other three. I did this and enjoyed them all so much better knowing what Roland had gone through before we all met him the first time. p.s. I'd be glad to hear from other S.K. fans via E-mail.
Rating:  Summary: An Honest Reveiw of DTIV (Sorry for the acronym!) Review: __________________________________________________ Waiting the eternity since the printing of Wastelands had left me hungry. I picked up W&G and bought it. Unaware; didn't care that it was sooo long. Not to worry! The pages flew. In this most recent addition to the eternal saga of Roland, the last Gunslinger, Stephen shows the Gentle Reader his commitment to this story and its characters. If you've walked with The Gunslinger before, you'll be riding with him this time! __________________________________________________ ***** A breif observation of Mr. King: ****** In his writings, our hero hasn't done very well dealing with a few subjects. Love and Sex have been two. In this installment of the Dark Tower, Stephen does more than a commendable job in approaching these subjects with affection and tenderness. Unlike anything we've seen by him in the past. Bravo! _________________________________________________
Rating:  Summary: The King has spoken Review: As a Constant Reader since I sat on my Daddy's lap looking through various King titles, I was beguiled by Wizard and Glass as a continuation of my King obessesion. Some readers complain that it was needlessly long and boring, but I say, that if you read King, you know that the Dark Tower series will be ten or twelve volumes (at least) in the making. Why complain? Yes, volume four took five long years; yes, Eddie, Susannah, and Jake were almost non-existant. But what about the superb flashback to the real Roland? Is'nt he what it's all about? Wouldn't you love to know a little more about his sufferings and loves? I was heartbroken by this book, and I am reluctantly waiting what could probably be another five years. However, I consider the fact that I have been collecting data on Roland's quest through The Eyes of the Dragon, The Stand, Insomnia, and Dark Towers 1-3. If this is a life-long commitment, then wish King luck, and prepare to be amazed. Much love Constant Readers.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent blend of Fantasy, Sci-fi, and modern day. Review: First of all S.K. IS NOT A HORROR WRITER!!! now that i have that off my chest. If you are scared by the majority of his writings then something must be wrong. I've read scarrier thiings on the back of serial boxes. Dont get me wrong, i am an avid king fan... Only i see that he is a master writer and a creative genius. His talents dont lie in scaring people with ghouls and creatures from beyone. His power is in the opening of doors and the introductions to the worlds that most people dont see. As far as W and G goes, the "flashback" is the book, and it is the progression of the storyline. So far i think the so called flashback is the best part of the series. Kings Genius lies in the depth of his characters. Roland, arguably one of his most interesting and detailed characters as king says himself, is opened up and shown to us. No greater understanding can be reached of a character than that which is taken from his or her past. Even if all the book did was to show us why roland is hard and melancholic then it was well worth the many years wait...
Rating:  Summary: Real Dark Tower Fans Will Appreciate the Backstory Review: I've read both possitive and negative reviews regarding Roland's 500 page backstory. What are you negatives whining about? If you are a true Dark Tower fan, as I am, you probably felt much of Roland's character and history needed to be explored much more than the three previous books did. I think King accomplished this with Wizard and Glass. Now, we know more about Roland and WHY he is seeking the Dark Tower! Kudos to King -- can't wait for the next book. Savor each read folks!
Rating:  Summary: A great book that continues a fine series. Review: Stephen King continues a great story line in Wizard and Glass. Mr. King is a true master of storytelling. To all you who disagree and say the book is rambling I say you never know what King has up his sleave for the next book. Wait and see what develops.
Rating:  Summary: Thankee-sai, Mr. King... Review: ...for giving us another fix of Roland and his never-ending quest. I don't think it's the best of the Dark Tower series but at least I can stop scratching that nagging itch. Seven years is a long time to wait, but maybe that's part of the journey. The Dark Tower series is the best of King's storytelling. And like any story worth telling, it will take time. So don't be impatient with the flashback, or the length, or the wait. Or else you'll miss the story.
Rating:  Summary: The ending... the horror...the horror... Review: Gosh... this book is a glorious dive off of the the high board. A swan dive into double twist, and a double flip- all perfect- then to finish we have a frickin cannonball. I was expecting a clean splash that would lead us into the next book... instead I am stunned by the turn it took- anyway I look at it I have to assume it's later writing for Mr. King. The good news is Stephen has promised to get back up the ladder again and maybe the cannonball was part a a bigger performance piece- triple lindy in the works...? perhaps.