Rating:  Summary: 3rd Degree Review: Wow! I am once again reminded why Patterson is my all time favorite author!! Amazing plot, a HUGE surprise and at one point, brought me to tears. I have to admit, I am beginning to like the Women's Club better than Alex Cross!!
Rating:  Summary: 3rd Degree Review: Very very good. A fast read. After Big Bad Wolf it was a breath of fresh air.
Rating:  Summary: Fast Mover Review: I read this book in one day, and like a previous reviewer stated, was disappointed it came to an end. Patterson has a unique style of changing the point of view from one chapter to the next, alternating third person perspective with the minor characters with first person when the chapter is about the main character. I found this approach interesting and refreshing. Also, Patterson likes to write short chapters, about 500-750 words per chapter. 3rd Degree has 111 chapters, but read quickly, with each chapter ending with a hook that pulled you into the next chapter. I wasn't real fond of the female detective club thing in this book, but found the story entertaining and never dull. His plot and the intertwining of current events relative to terrorism added realism to the story. I recommend this book to any fiction reader.
Rating:  Summary: Pulse-Pounding Suspense Review: Third in the Women's Murder Club series, (1ST TO DIE and 2ND CHANCE), Patterson's latest finds Detective Lindsay Boxer of the San Francisco P.D. witnessing a horrific bombing of a residence after her morning jog. The residence belonged to Morton Lightower, a CEO of X/L/Systems, who made money from selling stock in his company the same day that his investors lost money. Lindsay's subsequent investigation of the crime becomes more significant when her journalist friend Cindy Thomas of the CHRONICLE begins receiving threatening e-mails from the purported terrorists signed "August Spies". As more prominent, well-to-do businessmen are killed, Lindsay seeks to find a connection between the crimes, as her search leads her to Berkley and its revolutionary days of the 1960's. Suspense is never in short supply, and Patterson has added an element of romance when the Deputy Director of Homeland Security, hunky Joe Molinari, arrives in town to work with Lindsay and put together the pieces of this fascinating criminal puzzle. With global leaders heading to San Francisco for a G-8 conference, the feds and S.F. P.D. work closely together to apprehend the culprits behind the anti-establishment terroristic threats in a pulse pounding race against time. Author Patterson's short, on point chapters hold the reader's attention until the last page is turned.
Rating:  Summary: MUST READING! Review: Detective Lindsay Boxer is out for her morning jog when an explosion tears through the streets leaving a townhouse in flames and three people dead including the owner, an Internet millionaire. As Lindsay looks for any survivors she learns there was an infant in the house who has since disappeared and a mysterious letter has been left behind by those responsible for the explosion. Another businessman is found murdered along with another message, this time a warning of what will come over the next few days. As Lindsay investigates the new murder, as well as the disappearance of the infant, her friend and fellow member of the Women's Murder Club, Chronicle reporter Cindy Thomas begins receiving email messages from the killers. The messages contain brief descriptions of what will happen and minor clues to who the victims will be. Lindsay, along with fellow members of the Women's Murder Club; Cindy, Claire Washburn of the medical examiner's office, and Assistant D.A. Jill Bernhardt, must work quickly to find out who is behind the murders and why they are intent on killing someone every three days, but the murder of one of their own will send the other women on dangerous mission to uncover the truth about a friend. Yes, a main character in the novel does die...but you need to read the novel to find out who. '3Rd Degree' is a great entry in the Women's Murder Club series. As always, the pages turn fast as each new surprise comes flying at you. Genuine characters combined with powerful plot twists make this an unforgettable reading experience and further proof that James Patterson is truly THE master of writing a suspense novel. What can be said about a James Patterson novel that has not been said before...the writing top-notch, the twists surprising, the plots original, the suspense thick and the pace lighting fast. Put this on your MUST read list! If you like conspiracy books here are a few. Having read the TOP books in the Government Cover-up Genre; "Unconventional Flying Objects" (NASA UFO Investigator for 30 years) by the scientist Dr. Paul Hill; my FAVORITE is "Alien Rapture" by Brad Steiger and Edgar Fouche (Top Secret Black Programs Insider) - (Great fiction-soon to be a movie); "Alien Agenda" by the best selling author of 'Crossfire' Jim Marrs; and "The Day After Roswell," by Colonel Corso - I'd say these books are fun and a MUST READ also!
Rating:  Summary: I liked it! Review: Despite some of the reviews, I liked this book. I had only read ROSES ARE RED before, so this is only my second Patterson novel, but I thought the characters were memorable and the writing was fast-paced. Also recommended: BARK OF THE DOGWOOD and ROSES ARE RED
Rating:  Summary: Third in Women's Murder Club series is a shocker! Review: Back from "1st To Die" and "2nd Chance", the Women's Murder Club finds terror in unexpected places in this third outing. Starring San Francisco PD Homicide Lt. Lindsay Boxer, friends newspaper reporter Cindy, Medical Examiner Claire, and Asst. District Attorney Jill have somewhat larger roles than the light supporting cast they portrayed in the two earlier books. We're also glad to see the adolescent dialogue from the last pairing of Gross and Patterson was replaced by much more meaningful interactions between the foursome. (We might quibble that it's an unlikely group from the viewpoint of a three-way conflict of interest: cop, DA, and reporter). Keeping in touch with modern times, involvement by Homeland Security personnel and a plot that featured seemingly random acts of terror gave the novel an up-to-date tone. And two subplots, involving spousal abuse of Jill, and a love interest between Boxer and Molinari, the Homeland guy, added to the torrid pace of the main and complex mystery for which Patterson is well known. When a home is bombed and then a death by deadly chemical is followed by another bombing at a mall, it's clear that some group is out for revenge. We get to meet a few of the bad guy players from some first person dialogue of their own, but their identities are not all revealed until the somewhat surprising ending. The usual short chapters (111 in like 340 pages), plus a lot of blank pages from five Parts, make the book little more than a two hour blitz. But the shock comes from a direct attack on one of the club members, nothing new to the other novels in the set. This series may not be quite as hard core as Patterson's more movie-oriented thrillers, but the generally likable heroine and her friends, along with a suspenseful storyline, is quite good enough for an enjoyable read. You might want to save it for the beach!
Rating:  Summary: Third In The Series...Back On Track For A Patterson Read!! Review: This is the 3rd in the series and so much better then the previous title. The women's murder club is back and they are now in the middle of a domestic terrorist threat. Lt. Lindsay Boxer is the first on the scene of a bombing where she bravely rescues a young boy which, just so happens to be the only survivor. Why was this family targeted and just who is the group that is claiming responsiblity for the bombing? Before Lindsay knows it she is right in the thick of things and this case is about to get very personal. This was a very fast paced read with many twist and turns and more like what Mr. Patterson is known for in his writing. Secondary storylines add to the overall main story and new characters are introduced, and of course characters from the previous titles in this series are included. If you have been reading this series from the beginning then you won't want to miss this latest installment.
Rating:  Summary: Why did it have to happen? Review: I can understand Patterson's need to keep surprising us, but why did he have to go and do what he did in this, the latest volume of the "Women's Murder Club." He (and his employee Gross, who poses here as "co-author") must certainly hate women to a previously unsuspected degree. To say any more would risk the biggest of spoiler warnings, but I came away from the book with a chill down my neck. For them, it's all fun and games. The thriller plot of the book is pretty good. The so-called "terrorist cell" is presented here with a skill that recalls Joseph Conrad and his anarchisr masterpiece, "The Secret Agent," or Le Carre's thriller "The Little Drummer Girl," which displayed a similar ambivalence about the need for world revolution and the proper vehicle for right-minded political action. Well, see what you think. Will I be back for Volume IV? Probably, but I'll hate myself in the morning. PS, if you've ever been to the real life "Rincon Center" here in San Francisco, you'll be relishing what becomes of it in this novel.
Rating:  Summary: The Woman's Murder Club is to Die For! Review: I had just finished two thrillers in a row-"Firestorm," by Iris Johansen and "Desperation Moon" by Ken Douglas-that had me up and raring to go, so I figured why not go for a third that I knew would get my heart racing even more. I picked up "3rd Degree" and I was off. First off you have to know about the Woman's Murder Club. The members are San Francisco Police Detective Lindsay Boxer, Assistant DA Jill Bernhardt, Medical Examiner Claire Washburn, and crime reporter Cindy Thomas and "3rd Degree", is the best book in the series by far. These women first got together in "1st to Die" and started getting together more often, going over what they knew about a murder and thus the Woman's Murder Club was born and it continued on to the next book "2nd Chance" and then to "3rd Degree". I don't know how Messers. Patterson and Gross keep turning out such excellent thrillers, but they do. You can't go wrong with anything of them.