Rating:  Summary: Another One Review: Another great one from Hannity!!!! he ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Pure Truth Review: Sean Hannity exposes the lies, pandering, and appeasement that has led surpisingly to some of the darkest days of the last twenty or so years. The reference list indicates the long list of facts and data that back up the conclusions in the book. I'm not a blind conservative; I like to know what I agree and disagree about, but I can definitely say I've not found anything wrong with what I've read in this book. In fact, it is a wake-up call shining light onto the real agenda of those in the world who have it in for the USA, but also it shows how they use the extreme Left in this country (whether they are aware of it or not) against the interests of this country. If you have pride in this country and want to be armed to argue the great issues of our day, this book is a must.
Rating:  Summary: Silly liberals; don't you know Christ is for conservatives? Review: It is hillarious how you self serving liberal wackos call on Christ whenever it suits your purpose. You have no core, no foundation, and no defensable position. You and your kind will soon go the way of all other outmoded creations.
Rating:  Summary: I ONLYGAVE IT 1 STARBECAUSE 0 WAS NOT AN OPTION Review: This so called book is mindless drivel, just as is his daily show. I listen occasionally as entertainment as well as an effort to hear the rights' current propaganda. This guy is a one trick pony and a one note singer. I'll listen perhaps once or twice a month and just like a soap opera, you miss nothing ;same guests, same rhetoric, same pontificating- oh well back to the book. I read it in two sittings at my local Borders. I was amazed at the level of simplicity, the elementary syntax and the concrete observations and conclusions.Yes i am one of those evil liberals, but I at least attempt to keep an open mind in the political arena, this should be evidenced by the fact that i read this as well as his first book which was at least readable ,not particularly provocative,but somewhat balanced. This book is merely a recapitulation of his sad and angry radio program. He has a dichotamous cognitive style and the title of this tome merely confirms it. Mr. Hannity , the world is not black and white, but rather many many shades of grey, you and your cohorts seem unable or unwilling to see these areas and thus your opinions have no depth. You continually cite those who disagree with you as "not getting it", I am afraid sir, that it is you who does not get it. The tragedy of 9/11 affected us all, but it was a group of religious zealots that was at the basis of this action, it continues to be amorphous and malignant as most terrorist movements are. They have never won the minds and hearts of the majority nor will they. You propose to wipe the ... out, but it ain't gonna work. The race does not go the swift or the mighty but to the steadfast and reasoned among us.
Rating:  Summary: Deliver Us From Hypocrisy Review: It's amazing to me that Hannity presumes to know how a 'liberal' thinks. Not to mention he compares them to 'evil'. Hatemongering in this country is getting old; fast. For those of us who are regular viewers/listeners to his radio & TV shows, Hannity is clearly the most hypocritical man on TV today. If you've listened over time, you see that the rules/standards he held the Democrats to when they were in the White House aren't the same rules he applies to Republicans. Don't waste your money on this trash.
Rating:  Summary: Deliver Us From Evil: Defeating Terrorism,Despotism,and Libe Review: Excelent book recomended to all who need to know the truth about what is going on all around us but just donot see it.This book will put everything in perspective. Who ever reads it will see that if we donot reelect one of the greatest Presidents in our time that our Great Country will be in a whole lot of trouble.By the way Let Freedom Ring is also another great book.That you should also read if have not already.
Rating:  Summary: Larry Review: It was a great read! Sean uses undisputable evidence from the history of our country and the world that prove the point of why we must defeat the three "isms". To be a leader of a great country or to be a country that is a great leader in the world you must confront evil head on,no matter how difficult the decision may be. We need to learn from great leaders in our past how to handle the problems in our future.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent points, solid arguments--withering liberals Review: The liberal vitriol against Hannity is typical. Most of the negative reviewers wouldn't spend the money on any book let alone one penned by a conservative. They typically just thumb through it at B&N doing all their reading free of charge.
Rating:  Summary: Evil Review: Liberals = Appeasement. Liberals = French-loving cheese-eaters. Liberals = Lovers and protectors of dictators and tyrants. Liberals = "Small minority of oppressors" who "long for a return to power and to riches" [Thank you, Jim Hoagland] Liberals = Irrelevance. Liberals = EVIL
Rating:  Summary: Deliver Us From Evil Review: One of the best books I have ever read. It really tells what Liberalism is all about. It makes the Silent Majority aware of the fight that is ahead and gives us the tools to squash these people who are in the minority.