Rating:  Summary: Poor Liberals Review: It must be tough to be a Democrat these days...REPUBLICANS CONTROL: The White House The United States House of Representatives The United States Senate The Supreme Court The majority of governorships (now including Ca-leee-fornia) The majority of state houses The majority of state senates DEMOCRATS CONTROL: ABC CBS CNN MSNBC NBC (And still they can't win an election!)
Rating:  Summary: Hopeless Idealogue Review: Hannity is a far right idealogue. Period. He's consistent, never strays from the party line. It amazes me that folkes can take his rants as gospel truth without skepticism - but then again people flocked to circus tents to be cured by phoney faith healers. And, if you want to believe you will, despite any and all evidence to the contrary - like children who believe in Santa Clause. There's problems a-plenty with this book. Read the Publisher's Weekly review posted here... 1. Circular Logic: like not finding WMDs in Iraq is proof that there are WMDs in Iraq. 2. Irrefutable evidence is highly refutable... A. Hannnity's account of Neville Chaimberlain's appeasement policy is a very dated history. Currently, WWI scholars generally agree that appeasement was a stall tactic to allow Britain time to re-arm. Chamberlain was feverishly working to re-arm Britain on the one hand, while he "appeased" Hitler to buy time on the other. ->Common knowledge, but not mentioned in Hanity's book. B. Nixon and Eisenhower respectively ended the Vietnam and Korean wars - two head to head battles with communism, both truncated by Republican administrations. C. No mention of the Iran-Contra scandal under the Reagan administration, where weapons were traded with terrorists to free Ameriacan hostages in Iran. -> To exclude this renders Hannity's book a joke. It just does. Buy it and revel in it if you're "Hannitized" to anyone else who is historically or politically aware, it might be good for a laugh. Suggestion... if you're "Hannitized" see your nearest faith healer, perhaps s/he can cure you.
Rating:  Summary: Hannity Conclusively Proves that the Nazis were Evil! Wow! Review: This book tries to be profound and falls way, way short. According to Hannity, there is "Evil" in the world and he can prove it! Worse yet, "liberals" always answer threats from evil despots with appeasement. Hannity's first example is British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his infamous appeasement of Adolf Hitler over the Sudetenland. Never mind the fact that 1.) Chamberlain was a member of the CONSERVATIVE Party, 2.) that this was in Britain and out of the Democrats' jurisdiction, 3.) that in the U.S. the Republicans were isolationists who clamored to stay out of Europe's war up until Pearl Harbor was bombed, 4.) that the U.S. president at the time was a liberal Democrat (FDR) who would be farsighted enough to start helping the UK as well as building up the "arsenal of democracy" in anticipation of an inevitable showdown with the Axis powers. No, never mind all that. Somehow that was supposed to be a set-up for taking on the Dems later in the book. Next, Hannity takes on Communism and pretty much credits Ronald Reagan with single-handedly defeating it. To prove it, he quotes books written by Reagan's most ardent fans (Ed Meese, Jeane Kirkpatrick, et al) as well as Reagan himself. Very balanced. Probably the most glaring example of ignorance was Hannity's analysis on Iran. Throughout the book, anytime he wants to prove just how evil a regime is, he mentions how their secret police use rape, torture and murder as methods of suppression. In the case of Iraq, it was Hannity's biggest reason why the U.S. invasion was still okay despite not finding any WMD's. While the current Iranian regime's use of rape, torture and murder is condemned by Hannity as grounds for toppling it, he conveniently forgets to mention that the previous regime under the Shah had a secret police force, SAVAK, which also used rape, torture and murder as methods of suppression. But Hannity needed to attack Jimmy Carter for allowing the Shah's demise, so he simply says that the Shah "wasn't a perfect ruler" and that "[i]n his attempts to rush his ancient Persian society into the modern world, he led an often oppressive regime." Why does he need to attack Carter for the Shah's demise? Well, because the rise of the radical theocracy in Iran forced, yes forced the hand of Ronald Reagan to begin giving aid to Saddam (wasn't some of that aid in the form of dual-use chemical components?). I suppose if it hadn't been for Carter's weakness, Reagan wouldn't have been forced to sell weapons to the Iranians in an attempt to get hostages released either (isn't that appeasement?). Yep, Reagan is blameless. It's all Carter. And Clinton, of course. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that has ever gone wrong in our foreign policy, was the fault of the liberal Democrats, at least according to this book. If only life were this simple.
Rating:  Summary: Thoughts from a man Review: This fellow is quite opinionated. His views certainly lean toward the right, which is parlance for someone who is a republican or conservative. A democrat or liberal is described as being on the left. I think this is because many democrats are left-handed while republicans tend to be right-handed. Though there is a pitcher on the Mets named Al Leiter who I understand is quite conservative and I believe he is a lefty. I suppose the whole left-right description of political views could stem from something else. If you agree with him (Sean Hannity not Al Leiter, Mr. Leiter hasn't written a book that I am aware of) I think you'll enjoy this book. If you disagree with him, you most likely won't. Personally, I don't know. If I thought I had the answers to all these problems I'd probably speak up. But we need people to inform us of what's going on, right? The bottom line is that this book is a read that is as snappy as the suit Mr. Hannity dons on its cover.
Rating:  Summary: great read Review: Great book, a must read for all. Hannity's book is an easy informative read. The best thing about this book is that Hannity is a straight shooter and tells it the way he sees it. Whether you agree with his views or not this is a book you can not miss.
Rating:  Summary: How dare you think for yourself! Review: It is way too easy to read some history and figure out that a staple of reactionary governments is to scare people into sacrificing rights in order to fight enemies. Terrorism, in particular, is one of the most effective bogeymen there is. The threat from terrorism to the US is very real, make no mistake. Terrorism is a problem. However, it has always been a problem and not just here. To assert that terrorism and despots are evil is obvious. Yeah, we all know this. To then use this as yet another springboard for attacks on your political enemies is plain cheap and transparent. Hannity is obsessed with Bill Clinton and still talks about impeaching the man for hanky panky. It would be inconceivable to talk about a president who manufactured a war, and helped ensure the US would be resented the world over. Or a VP who continues to suppress the details of meetings with corrupt corporations (Enron) in forming an energy policy, and complains about the 'eroded powers' of the executive. No, it's much better to just blame Bill Clinton, who surely must have caused the blackout, mailed anthrax to people, and is probably behind Mad Cow disease, as well as the general moral degradation of the United States (directly linked to giving gays more rights and advocating free speech.) Sean Hannity is a professional cheerleader for the Republican party. He is not a journalist, nor is Alan Colmes. (Journalism at least attempts to appear impartial.) They are cheerleaders who repeat what you want to hear. This book is nothing new and is as lame as his previous offering. It is very easy to wave the flag (or stand in front of the Statue of Liberty) and talk about being a patriot, and fighting the good fight, and leading the way, etc. This is professional propaganda, after all. However, it's also bankrupt of anything new or of any real solutions to fighting terrorism. This is not a book you have to study or even read through to understand. You know where it's coming from if you've ever watched Sean Hannity shout over and cut off the people on his show. Hannity is not serious, and he hardly warrants comment. This book alone may be drivel, but a steady diet of material like this is harmful. A scared population will submit to whoever is in charge, something the people in charge expect and desire.
Rating:  Summary: No elitism here, just peer-to-peer communicative writing Review: Hannity delivers a very broad-ranging book about political philosophy without the usual elitist overtones and infinite shades of gray that so fills the pages of most books of this nature. What seems to bother others about this book is that Hannity is not afraid to call, in his opinion, a spade a spade. For some odd reason such clarity of opinion bothers people who are less secure in their beliefs.
Rating:  Summary: deliver us from people who can't see the truth Review: i feel sorry for those who went to places like columbia u. where they teach extreme-left-wing clap-trap. i suggest they go to the internet to search for facts and not just free downloads. i also suggest that critics actually read sean's book (no, you don't have to actually, like, totally buy it!!!)
Rating:  Summary: You can make many paper boats with this book Review: Jeff Johnson from Kalamazoo, MI United States writes that ESean Hannity puts into words what 80% of America (despite what the liberal media tells us) believes. Sean is a true patriot. The book shows that there are still people in this country who believe that there are evil people in the world. True evil. Not grey, not the type of wishy-washy liberal apologist opinions where we blame ourselves for being attacked. There is true evil in this worldE Thanks Jeff Johnson. I am sure that you would find plenty of other people who agree with your sentiment. For example, millions of Palestinians, Syrians, Saudis, Lebanese, Iranians, Egyptians, Iraqis, Indonesians, Pakistanis, and countless others who take Islam as their faith would agree with you whole heartedly that there is in fact true evil in this world. It just happens to be the Americans and the Israelis who are evil in that paradigm. I am confused as to why and how you confuse Hannity's sophomoric dichotomy of human nature as a form of patriotism. Who exactly is Evil again Mr. Johnson? Is it everyone who wears a burka or a turban? Everyone who prays to Mecca and speaks Arabic? Or is it simply everyone who has darker skin than Sean Hannity? Throwing around the schoolyard term of "EvilEand then spending billions of dollars to "fightEthis conceptual noun at the expense of domestic education and healthcare is the result of confused set of egos on Pennsylvania Ave. that are strangely enough NOT at the center of our universe. People who use the term "evilEto self appropriate some degree of higher divinity by fighting against it are living in a movie of their own making which is separate and apart from the realm of democracy in which precious leadership had governed and in which some of us still reside. The degree of perversity that this obsession with fighting "evilEhas attained is evident in the sole fact that our President sought a Constitutional Amendment against gay marriages. We can presume that it is because they are "evilE Invigorated by reading Hannity's book, you may think yourself patriotic for a vision that so starkly contrasts good and evil. I am sure that Hannity thinks you are patriotic simply for buying his book. I for one, may be "evilEsimply for writing this comment, in which case Hannity might find it appropriate for me to check myself into Guantanamo Bay with the other souls who are there because they happened to be wearing the wrong color of skin and praying to the wrong God. In the case of a layman, who, free from the chains of science and philosophy, chooses to purify the "evilEones from atop his soapbox under a streetlight, we may dismiss the sermon as misguided. But when it is not a soapbox, and not a pulpit, but the Oval Office, TV Studio, or publishing house at who's discretion "evilEis assigned we can not dismiss the misguidance. Let's not disguise racism, and let's not call ourselves patriots for doing so. "Those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.EEBenjamin Franklin
Rating:  Summary: Bravo! Review: Once again, Sean Hannity has written the truth; and it just burns the buttocks of the liberal minority. This book is great at exposing the excuses liberals use to justify why appeasement is the best course. Liberals want to believe EVIL is just a fantasy created by those straight-laced men at the pulpit. I know, I used to be one of those "know-it-all" liberals. Many years ago, I believed abortion was a woman's right; especially if it was one I might get pregnant. I used to believe war was ALWAYS bad, until I met people made free by war. I used to believe taxes helped society live better; then I became a taxpayer and watched people pay for 200 dollars worth of groceries with food stamps and then walk out to a 40,000 dollar automobile. I used to believe handing out condoms in school was okay; then I met someone who contracted AIDS because he thought that condom would protect him. Yes, there is evil in this world. And there are times when I wonder if the words EVIL and LIBERAL might just be interchangeable. But Sean Hannity approaches this subject with much more dexterity than I would. He is a statesman, a gentleman, and a great writer. He is second only to Ann Coulter at telling it like it is. This book rocks! Buy it, read it twice, and then give it to a friend. I can think of no greater gift. Ignore the people who criticize this book; they're just mad that Sean Hannity is so good at what he does. I only wish Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter could write a few books a year! God Bless! (yeah, I believe in Him) (...)