Rating:  Summary: Great Read Review: This is a great read... (...)
Rating:  Summary: Younger Rush Review: As a far right-wing, Christian reverend, one might think I'd be behind this guy. After reviewing the work, this cannot be the case. Although Hannity does indentify a lot of the problems, much like Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Acoulter, the solution is "vote reuplican.". As if the republicans hold some better track record then democrats. Jesus never choose the lesser evil, why should we? He succesfully indentifies the problems, gives the root of them(hate and money), but the best he can really offer is that if we get out and vote; somehow things will change. As if the majority of Americans are "truely" Christians and or share the same beliefs. He uses God for inspiration but fails to heed any of God's solutions. God certainly wouldn't advocate voting republican anymore than voting democrat. Hannity really fails to find fault with his solution. If the republicans as a whole, were moral, ethical or even simply Christian, then maybe there would be a change and things could be reclaimed. Given the fact he skims over Bush's failed policies, politics and shady dealings, he's provided nothing more than a one sided argument. If one ignores fault on his own side, he can't be expected to be a good leader. If one has listened to his radio or tv show for sometime, most of it will seem like old material. Having read many other conservative books and being familiar with other conservative shows, Hannity isn't unique. New name and face, same old arguments. No solutions that don't involve circular reasoning(voting) or that haven't been said before. All in all, simply a younger Rush Limbaugh.
Rating:  Summary: Sean Should Have Finished School... Review: Hannity uses Neville Chamberlain' s "appeasement" policy as the lynchpin of his whole book. He blames this policy for WWII and millions of deaths... etc., then later ties appeasement to Carter, and Clinton, etc. (Though, curiously, Uncle Ronnie's Iran Contra scandal is left out. Hmmmm. Wonder why?) However, his whole retelling of Chamberlain's appeasement policy is just WRONG! It's not the commonly held view of MODERN WWII scholars - and what is thought in general! Look below, the Columbia Encyclopedia. I cite an encyclopedia to illustrate that this is a commonly held view, not some flake academic's opinion. Look, see? "During the 1930s, Chamberlain's professed commitment to avoiding war with Hitler resulted in his controversial policy of "appeasement," which culminated in the Munich Pact (1938). Although contemporaries and scholars during and after the war criticized Chamberlain for believing that Hitler could be appeased, recent research argues that Chamberlain was not so naive and that appeasement was a shrewd policy developed to buy time for an ill-prepared Britain to rearm." I could easily cite a dozen sources all saying the same thing. Hannity builds his case on a faulty premise and very dated history. IT NEGATES THE WHOLE PREMISE OF HIS BOOK! (...)
Rating:  Summary: A Return to the Dark Ages... Review: Hannity and Ashcroft are pretty much mid-evil types. Can't burn witches anymore - that's too politically incorrect (though Ashcroft is working on it). What's a mid-evil type guy to do? Hey, next best thing! An inquisition! Yeah! That's the ticket! Commies, terrorists, liberals... Nothing like a good old fashion inquisition. Saddam has some old torture devices up on eBay, cheap! No reserve. What sad times are these. Minstrel, grab you veille and play me a merry tune.
Rating:  Summary: Deliver us from Hannity... Review: This book, after borrowing it from my Library and reading it cover to cover is one of themost crooked, slanted, and biased books I have ever read. Hannity is nothing ut a business man, trying to bank on this book by distorting truths, flat out lying, and writing things that are just plain not true at all. If I were a betting man, i would say that Hannity gets some kickback from the Republicans to continuously push their lies via his books and radio shows. Becuase if this man is really this delusional, then he needs help! Bad bad bad book. If you want lies, propoganda, then its a funny read. If you want the truth, look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Hannity's Tome a Mixed-Bag Review: Book's not bad. It has it's moments. A few zingers. But let me be honest: I don't like this guy much. His absurd haircut. His irritating voice. His college drop-out education (he shares that status with a lot of GOP talking heads -- among them, Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove). But if you can ignore that -- this book ISNT HALF BAD. Hannity makes his case pretty well -- or the Wall Street journal hack who wrote this for him makes Hannity's case pretty well. Here's H's view of the world: 1. There are good people. Me and people who listen to me. 2. There are people who do not listen to me. We call them "bad people" (aka "liberals") 3. There are people who have some intelligence and the capacity to think sophisticated thoughts that cannot be printed on a bumper sticker or in a big print book appropriate for the supermarket checkout lane -- since these people almost never fall into category #1 -- they are also, by default, bad people. (aka "liberals") 4. There are people who are actually bad. Murderers. Dictators. Etc. (aka "evil doers") In H's world, everybody who is not listening to him is under suspicion of belonging to group #4. I like his proposal to melt down the Statue of Liberty as an anti-french gesture and a way to raise money for the war on terror. Other than that, he has some witty somments about Hillary Clinton and her thighs. He calls her Senator Jumbo at times. Not a bad afternoon read.
Rating:  Summary: The guy's an idiot... Review: ...period. And none too bright. Nary an original thought enters this man's head. People who buy this stuff are being laughed at by the robots who write this stuff. AND THEY ARE LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. Get with it folks! Think for yourselves!
Rating:  Summary: Truth Review: If any of you people out there want to read the truth read this book. Mr Hannity makes his case by and has the sources to back them up. The poor folks who have bashed this book havent read it. You will be shocked at what you find out. Thank You Sean!
Rating:  Summary: What a blow to modern thinking Review: I can tell from some of the other reveiws you librals dont like this book. I think Sean lays it down like it is concerning terrorism, liberalism and so forth. Not a book for the weak bleeding heart liberal. I agreed with him on everything he wrote in this book. If you are a God fearing,patriotic,conservative minded American with some sense of what is truely right and wrong then read this book. He puts things like they really are and not like the libral media and politians would have us believe and think. I enjoyed every page from front to back.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, gimme a break. Review: I haven't read this book. I might, in the future. If I do, I fully intend to give it fair treatment, and not fall prey to "knee-jerk liberalism." However, in the meantime I feel compelled to give it a 1-star rating for perhaps the worst book title in history. I mean, "Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism"?! Does this guy even know the definition of these three words? In other words, Hannity's writing a manual on, um, "Defeating oppression and freedom"? Good job! P.S. For the skeptics, here are the definitions of "terrorism, ""despotism" and "liberalism" from dictionary.com. des·pot·ism P Pronunciation Key (dsp-tzm) n. Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority. The actions of a despot; tyranny. A government or political system in which the ruler exercises absolute power: "Kerensky has a place in history, of a brief interlude between despotisms" (William Safire). A state so ruled. ter·ror·ism P Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm) n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. ib·er·al·ism P Pronunciation Key (lbr--lzm, lbr-) n. The state or quality of being liberal. A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority. often Liberalism The tenets or policies of a Liberal party. An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.