Rating:  Summary: Read it before you criticize Review: I guess maybe that's not even enough... Maybe open your eyes before you read it as well? Ask yourself if Hannity has a point before spouting off what your liberal professor taught you? I'm sorry there's people out there who can't handle the lessons of history, like the great destruction caused by Chamberlin and Carter and the like. Thank God for people like George W. Bush who are willing to clean up the mistakes left by predecessors (including his own father) and for people like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh who continually remind us what you should've learned in your history books already.
Rating:  Summary: Extreme Right Propaganda Review: These conservatives continue to put out paint-by-number books full of all the proper buzzwords and over-generalizations to whip their people into the usual frenzy. I believe Ann Coulter has perfected this art, but Hannity is a close second. Maybe if he resorted to cheap sex appeal like she does he could be more like Coulter. Either way he resorts to the same hate, calling liberalism "evil" on the front cover of this "book." If there were no liberalism and it were left to you conservatives blacks would still ride in the back of the bus (among other things), if we would have progressed even that far.This is not political journalism, its more of same agitpop trash "journalism" that you hear spewed from right-wing radio day after day after day. Save your money and just turn on the radio for five minutes and you will hear the extent of this mans intellect. You will also see how all their arguments work. Of course you hardly need an argument when your show is so biased you allow only one view. In a world like that what is there to use to argue against you? Avoid stepping into this pile of dog waste.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: Worst material i ever read. It would seem that this guy would get his facts right before he starts to write and bash liberals. He must of been joined by Ann Coulter in preparing this fiction.
Rating:  Summary: Publishers Weekly Is Right Review: Take it from the Publishers Weekly review above - the arguments presented in this book make no sense. Neocon dittoheads won't care (logic is not one of their strong points), but unless you are an idiot, do yourself a favor and read something written by a real journalist. This books should really be titled RIGHT WING OPINIONS FOR DUMMIES.
Rating:  Summary: Okay I'm convinced now Review: I'm now convinced that the mainstream media doesn't want to get all the facts out there. Alot of this stuff is available, but it just isnt being presentted because of the idealogues in the mainstream press' tendency to tilt to the left (yes, it's true, even I condede it). This book is written by a true American, for Americans. If you are part of the small but vocal extreme left wing minority that blames America first, or blames the President for everything - you won't like this book. THat said, you should still read it - open your supposedly "open" minds.
Rating:  Summary: A Must For Everyone !! Review: Wow, this is a really great book. I highly recommend it for everyone. This is the kind of book you buy for all your friends and loved ones. We need more books like this one.
Rating:  Summary: This is a wonderful book !! Review: I expected an informative book from this very well informed man but I was very pleasantly surprised at how beautifully written this book is. I recommend it highly for everyone, Conservatives, Liberals and Undecided's alike. The information it provides and the thought it provokes will benefit all. I found it so good that I bought a second copy to put on my Palm so I could read it again anywhere. I hope this author will keep the books coming. We can use all the informative, positive and pleasant reading we can get.
Rating:  Summary: Conservatives Make Me Laugh Review: People who read books like this make me laugh. But, better that the mindless herds of conservativism (moo!) send Sean Hannity 16 bucks than send it to the Bush Campaign. So, by all means, read books by these propaganda peddlers. Read books that "prove" what you hope to be true. Drink the kool-aid. Enjoy. p.s. Liberalism (From Websters Dictionary) - a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties. Yup. Sounds evil to me.
Rating:  Summary: Unreal Review: I bet the last person who posted was first in line to cash his 6 bucks though right? Make some sense dude, seriously. Your crying because you say you didnt get enough back, well how much in taxes did you PAY into before the tax credit!? Thought so. Good book overall. Sean has alot of topics correct. Sometimes I cant take his strong conservative beliefs. Sean, take a breathe once in a while will you!? A little too much preaching but overall a good read.
Rating:  Summary: A careful appraisal Review: All one needs to know about Hannity's book is found within his show and on these boards. You have a PC gamer who loves it and asserts liberals cannot win in the marketplace of ideas. You mean, places like colleges, intellectuals, and the well-educated? I think the liberals sort of rule the places where ideas are argued...okay, maybe not in "Doom", but in the real world. Next, we have a patriot from Missippi, who blandly asserts that the gun-owners who founded our country knew something about patriotism. I respect the founders as much as anyone (more for their ideas about self-government than their brandishment of guns and killing of their fellow man), but calling a group of men who founded their country by rebelling against their government, not once, but twice (see English crown and Articles of Confederation), patriots seems to be an exaggeration. One is known by his friends. Apparently, Mr. Hannity's friends are the benighted sorts whose thinking is, like their insanely rich hero, clouded. PS How does one "love his family", yet spend what must be 12 hours a day as a pimp for the GOP and fours a day on either TV or radio?