Rating:  Summary: Put into context Review: As someone who considers myself liberal, I really enjoyed the contrast this book offered me. I frequently listen to Hannity on his afternoon radio show. He has me convinced that he really knows how to research his stuff, and isn't afraid to stand up for anything he believes in. Although he kinda gets his edges distorted after trying to fit himself into the same mold as other conservatives, he should not be proclaimed "Anti-American" as some others have said. In fact, what's more american than standing behind your ideals rather than modifying your attitude toward things so you can be accepted by persons under a given label. Conservativism does tend to put things in a black vs. white light, which is wrong on many levels. It causes us to try to categorize things as evil and axiomatic, and it causes one to be able to deal with the lesser of two evils rather than confront the problem with a level head. (The US Funding both Iran and Iraq behind the scenes during the Iran/Iraq war is a good point showing this blindness). In the end, though, I agree with Sean because he is not talking about just defeating sympathy and doing away with it. He gives off what a lot of liberalism is missing: Personal responsibility and accountability. Do we really need a billion laws trying to protect us from ourselves? Do we really have to give as much power to the government as we do? And I'm not talking "Patriot Act" power. I'm talking about liberals currently in the government going WAY too far; so far that "majority rules" doesn't really seem to mean anything anymore. So far that we must not only appease minority issues, we must legislate morality. Must we blur things into such a mess that we can't think for ourselves?
Rating:  Summary: This "book" is a joke Review: If you want a good laugh, read this book. If you want to learn, read something else. The ideas in this book are as fake as Hannity's dyed black hair.
Rating:  Summary: Spare us your self-righteous indignation Review: Sean Hannity sure is busy these days, turning out the books as fast as Regan Books will publish them. But, if you are looking for "truth" you won't find it here. I find it disingenous, to say the least, for Hannity to accuse the Democrats of being partisan when he is one of the staunchest defenders of the conservative hardline. He feeds into the apocalyptic vision of the Religious Right, equating Hussein with Hitler, and speaking of the situation in the Middle East in readily identifiable Biblical terms. But, what really gets me is his belief that the Democratic Party has sold out to the Liberals, daring to question the motives of our Commander in Chief. I suppose this is a good indication of just how far right the Republican Party has swung in recent years with Hannity having lost any semblance of moderation. Instead, he continues to push the war in Iraq as if it is a battle between good and evil, sanctimoniously presuming that God is on our side.
Rating:  Summary: A Blunt, Passionate, Rallying Cry for Conservatives Review: In "Deliver Us From Evil", Sean Hannity reminds people that evil truly exists, and that invoking the notion of evil is responsible, rather than immature. He cites several potent examples of evil, from Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin, to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. These monsters can only be described as evil.President Bush has issued a pledge, through the Bush Doctrine of 2002, to take the War on Terror to the enemy before he targets us - much in the spirit that Ronald Reagan forcefully created the conditions for the dismantlement of the Soviet Union. Bush's doctrine of pre-emption is right for America, and when the threat posed by a rogue state or a terrorist group fully materializes, it will be too late. Sean Hannity brilliantly displays how the Democrats have disreputably played politics with some of the most vital issues concerning American national security. On issues crucial to the American people - Republicans and Democrats - the Democratic Party of today has abandoned its virtuous past, when JFK and Harry Truman were in power, and has become hijacked by the extreme left that puts opportunism and power ahead of national security. Moreover, Hannity explains why all Democratic presidential candidates (from Howard Dean and John Kerry, to Dick Gephardt and Wesley Clark) are unfit to be president (Joe Lieberman is halfway decent though), and contrasts them with the unwavering moral clarity and decisive leadership George W. Bush has offered the American people and the world. Hannity also addresses several present dangers facing America, from the Syrian Ba'ath party and Iran's mullahs, to Kim Jong-Il's North Korea and China. Sean Hannity has written a powerful and convincing book on how appeasement is fruitless and only leads to more violence, and how there are those who engage in such immoral acts that they have to be classified as evil. With the election in a few months, I believe all Americans should read this book, as it proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that George W. Bush is the right man for another four years. P.S. YES THERE ARE CONSERVATIVES IN CANADA!!! LOL BUSH-CHENEY 2004!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A great American book! Review: After reading the "Dittohead Guide to Adult Beverages," I got turned onto the idea of reading this book. "Deliver Us From Evil" is a real look at what is going on right now in this country. Sean shows us how the left is neglecting to respond to, the biggest attempt to "abolish America" since 1776. He explains how America is facing its worst attack ever. We need to look at and respond to these people who want us dead, not ignore them and hope they go away. This book is a must read. By the way, I'm a converted left winger, but since 9-11 Hey, I understand what's important. As Daryl Worely says, "have you forgotten?"
Rating:  Summary: Deliver us from narrow mindedness. Review: Hannity paints the broadest of brushes, by lumping terrorism with liberalism. He misses the point of what true democracy is. Like other talk radio / TV pundits, he tries to limit the scope of the debate, by trying to discredit those with opposing opinions. He forgets that people with liberal opinions are patriotic Americans, too. They just disagree. Stick to the facts, make your best case, but drop the hate.
Rating:  Summary: raises your blood pressure Review: Contains a lot of historical information. Facts you didn't know or had forgotton. A must for seeing the "big" picture. Helps you understand what the duel between the "right" and "wrong (left)" is all about. Reading Sean's book and one called "An enemy hath done this" by E.T. Benson, will have you come out swinging.
Rating:  Summary: Sean Hannity pulls no punches Review: Benjamin Franklin once said, "The sting in any rebuke is the truth." The reason the left is so afraid of Sean Hannity is because he tells the truth. Hannity's book, "Deliver Us From Evil" does not claim that all liberals are evil. It claims that liberals believe that evil does not exist in this world and that they want to believe that everyone is good and can be reasoned with. Hannity uses many examples of this to prove his point. He explains how Jimmy Carter caused the problems in Iran by forcing the Shaw to release the political prisoners and to allow them trials before a judge. The Shaw of Iran trusted his ally, The United States of America, and did, in good faith, what Jimmy Carter instructed him to do, trusting that the United States would come to Iran's aid if things didn't go the right way. When things did go south for the Shaw and Iran, Jimmy Carter turned his back on the Shaw. Jimmy Carter still felt like he could negotiate with the evil people in Iran (the Ayatollah. Instead they were emboldened by his lack of action and felt like they stood up to the big bully the USA. Hannity also proves his point that appeasement doesn't work by illustrating how Neville Chamberlain made concessions with Nazi Germany and allowed Adolf Hitler to annex Czechoslovakia in order to prevent another war. Hannity argues that this emboldened Hitler and actually made Nazi Germany stronger because Czechoslovakia was a strategic location and contained industry that Germany needed for their war efforts. I would like to quote directly from Hannity's book, page 9, "...[O]ur so-called weaknesses, whether lust or greed, do not excuse our evil actions. As human beings, we're confronted with moral choices every day. And if we choose to concoct excuses instead of making moral judgments, before long our sense of good and evil will disappear altogether." This is really what Hannity's book is all about: recognizing good and evil and calling them what they are, standing up to evil and defeating it instead of compromising and appeasing it. Hannity argues that the republicans have done this and the democrats haven't. He does point out that the democrats used to do this. He mentions FDR and JFK and examples of how they stood up to evil. This book is not an attack on the left as many people think. This book is a book on ethics and morality. It bothers the author, and myself, that America has gotten so far away from it's roots. Our founding fathers recognized the existence of a Creator and recognized that we are all endowed by our Creator. The left do not want to recognize the Creator. A nation that doesn't give God credit for its existence and seek Him for guidance will fail. Satan is using the left to turn us away from God and to be subject to the power of evil. Sean Hannity has struck a nerve because his rebuke contains the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Please give me a -5 star rating Review: Sadly, Sean Hannity and his neocon machine insist that evil simply exists and that we, American do-gooders, must eradicate it. Yes, his understanding of the world is as profound as a two-dollar comic book. The concept of cause and effect seems to elude men like Sean Hannity, and their pathetic explanations for the horrible deeds committed in the world reduces to "uh oh, it must be evil!" When you have such an utter lack of understanding about human nature, you tend to want to destroy what you do not understand. Hence the wars, hence the bitter invective, hence the rabid jingoism of men like Sean Hannity who have absolutely no desire to make the world anything else but a breeding ground for rich, privileged men. Hundreds of new laws were passed after 9/11 for states to enforce; yet funds are yet to be forthcoming from Washington. Funds for Airport security, State security, Border security, Fire & Police requirements, and tracking aliens have been minimally funded. It is estimated that state taxes will have to be increased at least 12% if Bush's plan to relax immigration from our southern border are passed. The U.S. Department of Labor reports the unemployment rate rose to 6 percent in November, with many of the jobless from the manufacturing and service industries. Actual unemployment, counting those who have given up looking for a job and those no longer carried by state databases puts the unemployment rate at closer to 8.7 percent. Manufacturing jobs have declined for 28 months in a row. "This hardship is concentrated in certain regions and in certain industries," said Bush during his speech. "You know what I'm talking about here in the Midwest. You're showing signs of recovery here, yet many people here and across this country are still looking for work." For every job created during the last three years, 1.2 jobs are lost to overseas manufacturing or outsourcing, which the administration seems unable to address. - "It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency." - George W. Bush, June 14, 2001. Speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson. - "They misunderestimated me."-Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000. - "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."-Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000. - "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"-Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000. Yeah, vote for dubya again. Bush says he supports the military but not one word was written or said by Han-nutty about the cuts in soldier's pay and benefits, cuts in combat pay and overseas cost of living, etc., etc. Nor did he mention anything about Bush's massive cuts in the Veterans Administration health care system for disabled American Patriotic soldiers. Of course he would have been a draft dodger like his idols during the Vietnam War, just like the conservatives he blindly supports. Even if you believe this nut-case, the book is poorly written and overly-simplistic. Hannity is an avid supporter of Ann Coulter. Both are crazed, mean, and bigots who have lost touch with reality. • "I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it....it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care."-- Politically Incorrect, 2/26/01 • "...a cruise missile is more important than Head Start."-- Speech, 11/01, rebroadcast by C-Span in Jan. 2002 • "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors."-- Speech to Conservative Political Action Conference, January 2002 • "Soldiers are just cowards with their backs against the wall. The lowest IQ men in our society, those incapable of normal careers enlist. Their choice in life; prison or the military. Some will have to die in the support of our cause."-- Intervention Magazine, 11/06/03 • "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."-- New York Observer interview, 8/20/02 * His hero and frequent guest is Disgraced Ex-House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, GOP presidential prospect, and architect of the Republican Party's failed impeachment of President Clinton. Newt caught and admitted in multiyear affair with young aid, while leading the attack on Clinton, finally served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital dying of cancer. For fun, if you are open minded and looking for those books begging for its pages to be turned...look no further. I just read a copy of Edgar Fouche's 'Alien Rapture,' which astounded me. Fouche was a Top Secret Black Program 'insider', whose credibility has been verified over and over. I also really liked Dan Brown's 'Angels and Demons.' Want to be shocked, check out Dr. Paul Hill's 'Unconventional Flying Objects' which NASA tried to ban. Sad to see that people actually fall for Hannity the circus clown. But, as P.T. Barnum says "there's a sucker born every minute." Buy this book if you're that sucker.
Rating:  Summary: DELIVER US FROM HANNITY, a national disgrace Review: Loving wife, devoted mother, community volunteer, liberal -- I'm one of those "evils" Hannity would like to "defeat" along with terrorists and despots. Strange company to be in! American liberalism has long been a beacon to the free world -- the bane, not the ally, of terrorists and despots -- but in Hannity's twisted polemic, it's a great evil to be defeated. Using a combination of tactics -- the Big Lie, flagrant distortions, utter hypocrisy -- Hannity recasts liberalism as one long campaign of appeasement against evil enemies, foreign and domestic. LIBERAL APPEASERS? Who does Hannity think were the appeasers, the foes even, of American's proud revolutionary struggle against aristocratic privilege and oppression? And who fought every step of the way against democratization: the abolition of slavery, votes for women, Social Security, civil rights? Hannity knows: it was conservatives, not "evil" liberals. And oh the laughable contortions Hannity must go through to portray liberals as appeasers in foreign affairs! In one particularly egregious passage, he recounts the history of liberal appeasement from WWII to the present...while carefully sidestepping any mention of FDR's name, or that of Truman (Korean war), Kennedy & Johnson (Vietnam), and Clinton (Bosnia and Kosovo conflicts)!!! He conveniently forgets that conservative Republicans (Taft & Wilkie among them), when they were not outright fascist sympathizers, were among the staunchest opponents of WWII and the fight against fascism. Also forgotten: that Bush Sr and Rumsfeld were big Saddam appeasers right up until the first Gulf War. Still more Hannity amnesia: forgetting GOP opposition to the US war in Bosnia and Kosovo, and ignoring the overwhelming bipartisan support for the invasion of Afghanistan. LIBERAL APOLOGISTS? One of the BIG LIES Hannity tells is that liberals don't want to fight evil, they just want to excuse it. This is damnable slander, but it's slander worth examining. Liberals, it's true, are reluctant to use the word evil as readily as conservatives do. Why? First, because once you pronounce something evil, you're no longer under any obligation to understand it. You don't need insight. You don't need to unravel the implications of your actions. For example, once Dubya decided that Saddam was evil, the invasion of Iraq was just a "no-brainer". Never mind that Iraq had no viable WMD program, or that it had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Saddam was pronounced evil, so we took him out. Except that now we're baffled: we find that most Iraqis do not welcome the humiliation of having been liberated by Americans (rather than by themselves), that many believe that their families are in greater jeopardy today than they were under Saddam, and that they fear the prospects of conflict among Iraq's varied ethnic, religious, and tribal groups. A second reason for liberal reluctance to call people evil? When you do, you dehumanize them, making them easier to kill with a clear conscience. What did Hitler tell Germans about Jews? That they were evil, that Germans were doing humankind a favor by exterminating them. What does Coulter say about liberals? "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too." And: "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is that he did not go to the NY Times Building." Which brings me to the biggest IRONY behind Hannity's words. He talks exactly like the terrorists and despots he says he wants to fight! "You can't negotiate with evil. You can't compromise with it. You can't give ground to it. You can only defeat it or it will defeat you." And you wonder why there's no peace in the Middle East?! Hamas, ultra-right wing Likudniks, and Bin Laden all talk like this, all see the world in black and white. So do the fascist-sympathizers in Japan. Like Hannity, they believe in standing up to the enemy (in this case, us). Like Hannity, they excoriate liberals who have the temerity to bring up wartime atrocities. Says right-wing Japanese nationalist Shintaro Ishihara: The Rape of Nanking never happened. Says Karen Hughes about Kerry: "I was very troubled by the kinds of allegations that he hurled against his fellow veterans." A few more lies, hypocrisies and distortions from this awful book: 1) Hannity claims that "Clinton made Saddam bolder and Iraq stronger." Actually it was Reagan and Bush Sr who did that when they sold him both conventional and chemical weapons. Clinton, by contrast, kept Saddam (and by extension, Iraqi fundamentalism) contained. Similarly, Hannity lies when he claims that "Saddam was working feverishly to produce WMD". Absolutely false. The world knows it; even Hannity knows it. 2) Hannity deliberately conflates liberals with extreme leftists. Chomsky's an anarchist, the antiwar group A.N.S.W.E.R. is Marxist. Both have as much contempt for liberals as Hannity does. 3) Hannity has the gall to attack Wesley Clark for "standing by while the UN refused to stop the genocide in Rwanda." Hannity has a big mouth. Why didn't we hear him so much as whisper a plea for US troops to go to Rwanda? When did Hannity ever give a damn about anyone who didn't look like him, talk like him, or get rich from political opportunism as he does? The fact is, Americans would never have supported US intervention in Rwanda, and Hannity knows it. 4) Hannity claims Kerry lacks the "strong moral compass" to lead this country. Hmmmm. When asked why he didn't serve in Vietnam, Cheney replied: "I had other priorities." So a politician who makes one of the most immoral (not to mention politically autistic) comments in recent American history has a "strong moral compass", while a man who served his country does not? 5) Hannity sees terrorist threats coming only from swarthy foreigners. He fails to note that the FBI's biggest counterterrorist arrest since 9/11 was of Texas white supremacist William Krar! Any wonder that a Pew study found FOX viewers the most misinformed about current events?! Deliver us from Hannity!....PuhLEEZ!