Rating:  Summary: No need to explain Review: With all the review, it's no need for me to say what the book is about, plus if you have watched Hannity and Colmes or listened to the author's radio show, you already know his views. I just wonder, if you know from the beginning what his views are, why would you even bother to read the book, if you don't like his opinion on his television show and radio show, chances are you are not going to like the book, but if you agree with his views i am sure that you will enjoy the book.
Rating:  Summary: Demolishing A Very Poor Author... Review: This book earned a one star rating for the following reasons:1. Flawed Appeasement Argument. Hannity relies on a laughably outdated and inaccurate history concerning Neville Chamberlain's "appeasement policy" torward Hiter prior to WWII. He uses this as an analogy to set up his straw man arguments against his opposition. Although Chamberlain was criticized for appeasing Hitler immediately after the war by his detractors, we now know Chamberlain had no choice. Britain was not militarily ready to confront Hitler during Chamberlain's tenure as Prime Minister, as Britain was still engaged in the post-WWI rebuilding process. Chamberlain "appeased" Hitler as a stall tactic, while he worked feverishly to re-arm Britain to prepare for the inevitable confrontation. The modern, correct, and widely held account of Chamberlain's WWII appeasement policy borders on common knowledge. It is not a fringe view. -> This fact largely negates the entire premise of his book, and renders it laughable. If you're up on WWII history, this argument alone makes Hannity look like a fool. Chamberlain's appeasement policy was simply the wrong analogy to cite in making his case. Frankly, he's insulting your intelligence, and his argument is predicated on the presumed ignorance of history of his audience.<- 2. Outright Lies Nothing serves to discredit an author more than outright lies. Hannity does it twice. He twists the NYT piece he cites on page 22 by clearly taking quotes out of context to illustrate how the NYT held an anti-american view regarding our military action against the Taliban in Afganistan after 911. Simply, this NYT op ed says precisely the opposite of what Hannity leads you to believe. The second, well documented, outright lie concerns his blatantly out of context citation of a speech by Senator Dick Durban. This one's so bad it's worthy of Ann Coulter. 3. Cherry Picking Of course, when one sets out to make the case that the GOP is always correct, and the Dems are always wrong - or vise versa, you're on shakey ground to begin with. Your only option in making such a case is to cherry pick those events which support your case, and completely ignore any fact that is contrary to your argument (This is the tactic employed by those UFO books...). Hannity ignores the Iran-Contra Scandal, Reagan's support of the Mujadeem, which morphed into the Taliban, Bush I's failure to get Hussein after Gulph I, Truman's decision to pull out of Korea, Nixon's decision to end Vietnam, Bush II's appeasement of the Saudi's to name just a few examples of republican appeasement, and failure to have the necessary "moral clarity" to confront and defeat evil, and see it through. One could just as easily cherry pick the examples I've cited and turn Hannity's argument around and point it at Republican leadership. 4. Straw Man Hannity basically makes liberal "Straw Men" for a living. This is a poor form of argumentation whereby you intentionally frame the opposition's position in a very weak way (hence, "straw man") to be easily demolished. It's the bread-n-butter of virtually all right-wing AM radio zealots. DUFE is one big "Straw Man" case against democrats in book form. It amazes me anyone buys it - but the sales figures prove they do. 5. Trite "Evil exists and it means to harm us." LOL! Really, Sean? Thanks for pointing this out. So, we're the Power Puff Girls and they're Mojo Jo Jo? Your argument sounds like it came from the Mayor of Townsville. Ya think it's really that simple? That's all it boils down to? What an estute observation. Gimme a break. There is a case to be made in favor of neoconservativism and preemptive strikes against terrorists in the wake of 911. In fact, I'm in favor of this approach. But Hannity is either more concerned about book sales or simply doesn't have the wherewithal to pull it off. DUFE for reasons 1 through 5 is just bad. Laughable in fact to anyone who looks at it objectively. It IS entertaining, however, in a campy, unintentionally funny kinda way - like one of those movies on MST 3000. One look at the cover - Hannity's mug plastered in front of the statue of liberty, and you know what you're in for from the get-go.
Rating:  Summary: Hannity is a rude bigoted ultra-conservative idiot. Review: Hannity is a rude bigoted ultra-conservative idiot. Yet, he has a rabid following of bubbas and country club neo-cons. A FOX robot that has never questioned Bush, ever. Yet, even now, more and more Republican politicians and conservatives are questioning the lying corporate gang we have in the White House. If you want one-sided drivel that pumps up your fantasy of the neo-con chicken hawks and Dubya, then waste your money on this junk. Fast forward now to GWB: Technology has moved ahead, and where under Ronnie there were brief film clips, today the images are measured in tenths of a second splintered partial pictures and powerful symbols that are all run together in profusion. Words themselves no longer matter much so now it's only images that count. Body language can be a narrative all its own. Here's Bush junior a blank-slate in reality, pretending to be the president, and he slouches, he swaggers, he's tough and crude and mean, whenever he speaks of "the evil ones," as though he were about to join in the fight. But the facts tell a very different story. He's nothing but a frat boy, a power junkie in the bleachers of life, a failure and a fool. Does that matter? No! Why not, because people vote for him based on the character they have made him into in their minds, regardless of the myriad lies and deceit. His legacy..... I've created the Ministry of Homeland Security, the largest bureaucracy in the history of the United States government. I've broken more international treaties than any President in U.S. history. I am the first President in U.S. history to have the United Nations remove the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission. I withdrew the U.S. from the World Court of Law. I refused to allow inspectors access to U.S. "prisoners of war" detainees and thereby have refused to abide by the Geneva Convention. He has set the all-time record for most days on vacation in any one-year period. As a President who doesn't fair well under public scrutiny, he set the record for fewest numbers of press conferences of any President since the advent of television. But he did manage to set the record for most campaign fundraising trips by a U.S. President and become the all-time U.S. and world record-holder for receiving the most corporate campaign donations. After taking off the entire month of August, George W. presided over the worst security failure in U.S. history. His largest lifetime campaign contributor, and one of his best friends, Kenneth Lay, hasn't answered for the largest corporate bankruptcy fraud in U.S. History. His political party used Enron private jets and corporate attorneys to assure his success with the U.S. Supreme Court during the election decision. He has protected friends at Enron and Halliburton against investigation or prosecution. More time and money was spent investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-offs in history which have been supported by Bush Jr. Some page turners and memorable reads I recommend: I just read a copy of Edgar Fouche's 'Alien Rapture,' which also blew me away. Fouche was a Top Secret Black Program 'insider', whose credibility has been verified over and over. I recommend anything by Ken Follett, especially "The Pillars of the Earth", all of DeVille's novels, and Dan Brown's novels are all great reading. Want to be shocked, check out Dr. Paul Hill's 'Unconventional Flying Objects' which NASA tried to ban. "Against All Enemies" by Clarke; "Worse Than Watergate" by Dean, "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" by Franken are also worth reading. Check out the reviews on these books.
Rating:  Summary: Hannity's lies are getting out of hand. Review: I am a liberal who has read Sean Hannity's book with the hopes of recieving a conservative point of view. All I can say is that this book's lies make Michael Moore's false truths and Rush Limbaugh's outright one-sided lies. I will expose a few of these lies in the following paragraphs. In Sean Hannity's book, page 22, he states that the New York Times shunned the invasion of Afghanistan and insulted the Bush Administration, which I assume he used as an attack on liberals. However, the article says somewhat otherwise. "This one is already different - more than 5,000 men and women were killed in New York and Washington on Sept. 11. Most were civilians. Now the nation's soldiers are going into battle in a distant and treacherous land, facing a determined and resourceful enemy. As they go, they should know that the nation supports their cause and yearns for their success." (...) Another lie would be his twisting of WWII history, by insulting Chamberlain's "Appeasement" policies and using them as an outright attack on people like Clinton. Below is a sentence from a History Channel article that seems to state otherwise: "Although contemporaries and scholars during and after the war criticized Chamberlain for believing that Hitler could be appeased, recent research argues that Chamberlain was not so naive and that appeasement was a shrewd policy developed to buy time for an ill-prepared Britain to rearm." (...) A third lie Hannity exploits for his own political ends would be Dick Durbin's speech in Sept. 12, 2001. Hannity states, "Did Dick Durbin condemn the terrorists who perpetrated this despicable act? No. Did he voice sorrow over the loss of three thousand Americans? No. Instead, in the aftermath of our national crisis, Senator Durbin appointed himself as high watchman of America's gas stations." I will not lie and say Durbin did not say anything against the exploitation of gas prices, but I am absolutely outraged that someone would provide such a neoconservative propagandist lie like this. If anyone would like to read the full speech by Dick Durbin, it can be found in the link below: (...) The book is quite interesting, admittedly, because it's fun to count just how many lies you can find. However, if you seek to edify yourself, try something less one-sided, possibly someone willing to tell you the truth, I suggest you find a moderate book to read. (I won't suggest any neoliberal books like Michael Moore, as they're not that truthful either.)
Rating:  Summary: Confronting evil. Review: Sean Hannity returns with "Deliver Us from Evil," the follow-up to his outstanding "Let Freedom RIng." In an age where America is at war against terrorism and against states around the world which either sponsor terrorism or harbor terrorists, we need to be able to recognize evil and confront it. Hannity delivers his commentary with the same passion and zeal he shows on his radio and televsion programs. "Deliver Us from Evil" is an amazing read, and should be required reading for these dangerous times we live in.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Waste Your Money Review: In "Deliver Us From Evil", Sean Hannity insists that a cosmic evil force truly exists, and that invoking the notion of evil over and over and over again is responsible, rather than immature. He cites several potent examples of evil, from Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin, to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. He must be some sort of history buff. These monsters can only be described as evil. It couldn't be that one of these monsters was beaten when he was young. Could it? Nah. President Bush has issued an ultimatum, through the Bush Doctrine of 2002, to take the War on Terror to what he defines as the enemy before the enemy targets us. Of course, they already have targeted us thanks to the Saudi monarchy. One example of the enemy is most of the Middle East with the usual exception of Saudi Arabia and Israel - of course. All of this much in the spirit that Ronald Reagan forcefully created the conditions for the dismantlement of the Soviet Union and the creation of al Qaeda. Bush's doctrine of pre-emption is nothing new and is right for America (but nobody else), and when the threat posed by a rogue state or a terrorist group fully materializes, it will be too late. Too bad he didn't think of this sooner. Oh wait, Reagan already thought of it 20 freaking years ago. Moreover, Hannity neglects to mention the fact that the US is itself a rogue state acting unilaterally when it sees fit (see the NSS 2002). Sean Hannity displays how the Democrats have disreputably played politics with some of the most vital issues concerning American national security. To be sure, but he neglects to display how Republicans have done the same, even more so with the current admin. On issues crucial to the American people - Republicans and Democrats (that is all there is, right?) - Hannity submits that the Democratic Party of today has abandoned its virtuous past, when JFK (Bay of Pigs fiasco) and Harry Truman (dropped the Atom bomb - twice) were in power, and has become hijacked by the extreme left that puts opportunism and power ahead of national security. Bush would never imagine anything of the sort now would he. Here is a quote for you: "This is a great opportunity" George W. Bush, 9-11-2001. And who is the extreme left?. . .Clinton? I don't know. Moreover, Hannity tries to explain why all Democratic presidential candidates (from Howard Dean and John Kerry, to Dick Gephardt and Wesley Clark) are unfit to be president (of course this begs the question - if Wesley Clark is unfit, how much more unfit is Bush), and contrasts them with the distorted morality and dictatorial leadership George W. Bush has forced on the American people and the world. Hannity also addresses several present dangers facing America, from the Syrian Ba'ath party and Iran's mullahs, to Kim Jong-Il's North Korea and China. And bully for him. Sean Hannity has written a weak and unconvincing book on how multilateralism is fruitless, and that those who engage in such immoral acts just don't understand that Bush is here to help us. With the election in a few months, I believe all Americans should avoid this book, as it attempts to prove that George W. Bush is the right man for another four years. Which is true if you are a billionaire.
Rating:  Summary: A must read!!! Review: Yeah, for liberals, sometimes life isn't fair. Liberals need to realize that Communist ideology isn't going to fly in this country. Blacks don't need "reparations" and people like Jesse Hijackson and Alan Notsosharpton behave more like money exhortionists than civil rights figures. To my liberal friends, life is not fair, get used to it.
Rating:  Summary: The evidence is clear Review: Hannity's book was the first book of his that I and it won't be the last. The light that he sheds on the subject of evil, terrorism, despotism, and liberalism, is just a part of the book. He defines things as evil in a way that it is hard to refuse. His evidence against communism, liberalism, terrorism, and despotism, is so startling that I almost couldn't believe at first, at least until I researched it myself and came to the same conclusions. This book is not for a libral who won't listen to the other side, it is only for a person who has an open mind and and already has a good idea of what evil is.
Rating:  Summary: CONSERVATISM IS THE WINNING IDEOLOGY OF HISTORY Review: Sean Hannity is one of the leading voices of American conservatism at a time in which this ideology is at its height. Hannity represents the straightforward, mainstream conservatism of the 2000s, which is quite open, honest, engaging and accepting. Their is a sense of triumphalism or righteousnes to Hannity's message, which at its core comes from the fact that, after 2000 years of modern history, conservatism (in conjunction with Christianity) is the winning ideology of Mankind. Even though Hannity is not from the South, he loves country music and is popular with that crowd. This is a very telling development, and speaks to the New South in a positive way. There was a time when Southerners would dismiss Hannity as a "damn Yankee," but the fact that Hannity is popular with them is a sign that, over the past 30 years, the South has probably made greater positive strides and improvements than any people or region on Earth in the past century. This I say despite arguments that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan are now Democratic, but they "accomplished" this only after we defeated them and "forced" them to. The South, on the other hand, voluntarily changed its ways, and it is conservative Republicanism, of the kind Hannity represents, that husbanded this monumental sea change in American poilitics. STEVEN TRAVERS Author of "Barry Bonds: Baseball's Superman" STWRITES@aol.com
Rating:  Summary: Liberalism is a fanatical religion Review: This is easily Hannity's best book. He ties together various points to produce this composite which thoroughly explains why America is the best country in the world. Liberals are simply unable to answer the following questions that destroy their intellectually bankrupt arguments that buckle under the slightest scrutiny. He explains why Liberals believe the following seven lies : 1) America is rich only because it has stolen money from other countries. Africa would be rich if America had not stolen from Africa. Even the wealth created in the last 10 years from software development was the result of exploiting the Amazon jungles and the Congo. 2) Blacks in the US deserve reparations, even from people who's ancestors came to the US much later than the Civil War. Even Asian American taxpayers who arrived in the 1970s must pay reparations to Blacks who would otherwise be wealthy in Africa had they not been taken from there. Blacks are continually discriminated against by whites to this day at every possible opportunity. The fact that black immigrants from Dominica and Jamaica are doing much better than African Americans means that they are selectively not subjected to racism, even though their skin is even darker. 3) The SAT is racially biased. The fact that Korean, Chinese, and Indian students do better than whites still means that it is biased against blacks. 4) All rich people are rich because they had rich parents. If someone has poor parents, they have no chance. Communism, which fairly redistributes the fixed amount of dollars in the US, is the only fair solution. Even the immigrants who became rich after coming here (Andy Grove, George Soros, Vinod Khosla, Arnold Schwarznegger, etc.) have exploited others. 5) Bush's tax cut only favors the rich. The person making $300,000 was paying $100,000 in taxes, and now will only pay $80,000, getting a refund of $20,000! The person making only $20,000 was paying $2000 in taxes, and now will still pay $1500, getting a refund of only $500. It is unfair that the rich person gets a refund that is 40 times larger than the poor person! They should get a refund of the same size! The fact that the rich person is STILL paying $80,000 while the poor person is only paying $1500, or less than 2% as much, is irrelevent. The rich are evil, and we have to take it away. 6) We have NO right to attack the Taliban, even though they don't allow girls to go to school and force women to wear a burkha. Women in the US, however, are still held back by the glass ceiling. 7) All the world's cultures are equal. The fact that immigrants from every part of the globe want to leave their countries and come to the US is not a valid point. I do not need to visit Africa, China, Brazil, or Iraq to know that their cultures are better than America. It is okay for China to massacre its own students at Tianamen, and conduct genocide against Tibetans and Uighurs, but it is wrong for the US to attack the Taliban while providing food for the Afghan people. If you are a conservative who is angered by liberals who put forth these arguments, you will find indestructable firepower for your next argument in this book. No other book provides so comprehensive an arsenal to demolish the liberal shibboleths as this one. You will also know when you have WON when liberals say 'you are dumb' or 'you don't know' without putting forth an intelligent sentence. If you are a liberal who thinks the above are true, read this book if you actually believe in free speech (liberals usually only believe in free speech when it consists of their own liberal intellectual incest.). Prove that you are not a hypocrite and read this book. Note that the fools giving this book one star do not actually point out any flaws in Hannity's reasoning, but just scream about things not relevant to this book. That is because HANNITY HAS ALREADY ANALYZED AND DEFEATED THEIR POINTS, and they have no choice but to cry in protest to their being outwitted and embarrassed. Read this book before your next debate against some liberal pseudo-intellectual. Liberals are so dumb that their fanatical beliefs have actually become their religion. They are religious fanatics to just as great a degree as a Crackpot Christian. Liberals are also incredibly racist - they hate minority conservatives only because they are dark-skinned people who do not subscribe to their fanatical religion of liberalism