Rating:  Summary: Our future is terrorism AND our economic collapse combined Review: As Hannity says, it is clear to any rational person that the next decade or two are going to be vital to the security of our nation, and the "traditional behavior" (my words) of the right is certainly better suited to this challenge than the left. In fact, we have even worse to fear than that. If we are to believe the virtually irrefutable facts in Daniel Arnold's [The Great Bust Ahead]. . . , then in just a few years we will also be at the onset of the greatest depression in American history, thirteen years long and several times worse than the 1930s. Hannity does not factor in the consequences of such a catastrophic economic overlay that, by itself, will probably be America's greatest challenge of the 21st century. The mix of the two, which now appears to be a certainty, hardly bears contemplation.
Rating:  Summary: Weak Review: This book, although well researched to support Sean Hannity's side of the story(and his beliefs) is utter drivel. If you have ever watched the American Propaganda Network(aka FOX news) you know what this book contains. He even attempts to play to the religious right with the title. Do not be taken in by this man attempting to make money off of you. There is nothing new in here, that you could not get by watching any heavily-leaning conservative right entertainment show. Really, donate some money to a soldier in Iraq, or help out the family of a man who is overseas. Why pay for nothing new?
Rating:  Summary: Thought Provoking, Though Occasionally Dumbed-Down Review: Firstly, I listen to Mr. Hannity's radio show nearly every afternoon. I find him to be an articulate voice of American conservatism, and I respect him immensely for his resolution and convcition. That said, his book absolutely does not measure up to his abilities as a radio host: This book is occasionally repetative and short sighted. Overall, however, Hannity does an excellent job of portraying to the reader exactly _what_ threatens America, as it stands today. It seems that a lot of people get all over Hannity like a cheap suit on a hot day for his arguments: They say he's too simplistic, that he boils 'complex' issues down far too much. However, it seems to me that most of these people, were they to read this without knowing Hannity as a conservative would acknowledge, if not agree, with many of the points he makes. In Hannity's mind, there is an excessive "politicization" of moral standards. As "Deliver Us From Evil" articulates, there are circumstances and situations in which totally, wholly unjustifiable evil exists. That is, there is no excuse for some actions -- for instance, onlookers urging a suicidal woman to jump to her death from a bridge. It is here that Hannity argues that many people are slowing down and impeding progress - economically, socially, and internationally -- by their perpetual filibusting: These are people who must debate every minute detail. Another issue Hannity raises is the responsibility - or, more accurately, lack of - in the American populace. Transgressions are justified by prior experiences: Sexual molesters rationalize their atrocities by claiming they themselves were molested; criminals plead not guilty, saying their crimes are the result of their envinronment. Hell, people sue fast food chains becuase they are obese -- ALL are instances of the growing inability for Americans to take responsibility for their own actions. It is refreshing to read a book which does not constantly nitpick the president, America as a whole, nor point out the seemingly endless "flaws" in the country. Rather, Hannity focuses on the positive, and demonstrates to the reader how our country can be even greater were certain issues dealt with head on, and swiftly. "Deliver Us From Evil" successfully manages to both portray Hannity's views, and real circumstances, in a method which is meant to instigate thought in the reader. There is no condescension to the public, nor is there any fire and brimstone talk about the horrors of liberals: It seems to be that the liberalism in the title is not the liberal beliefs themselves, but rather, liberal actions. "Deliver Us From Evil" is not a remarkable, must-have book. However, it is a strong, compassionate examination of our nation. Hannity is easy to read and generally simplified, though his underlying messages are powerful. This book does not hold a candle to his radio show, nor his live speeches - though it does serve as a strong perspective of the world today.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Hurts -- "Appeasers" Beware Review: This book does an excellent job of utilizing historical facts in backing up some very interesting theories. If you believe in running from a fight, you probably will not like this one. But if you believe that we as Americans must take a stand against the evil that wishes to destroy our way of life, this book is a must read!! This book goes beyond simply talking politics and challenges the reader to seriously ponder what the furture may hold if the Liberals again achieve control of the White House and Congress.
Rating:  Summary: Hannity has produced another best seller Review: I first read LET FREEDOM RING and I was impressed by Hannity's plain spoken conviction. Then, I watched him a few times on television, and was pleased at how well he handled himself on his feet. Obviously a very bright young man. This book is, I think, another winner. He makes good, common sense, and most of it seems indisputable. Of course, if I were a Democrat, I would be incensed by his attacks on the political left, and so I do not recommend those folks buying his book--although I wish that they would digest, believe and act on his thoughts. But, at 75, life experience tells me that hardly anyone changes their political convictions based on the arguments from the other side; especially when they are forcefully presented by one of a spokesmen from the opposite camp.
Sometimes, contrary to common sense and Sean Hannity, I think that the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, may have some good, even if unintended, consequences. For generations--since the 1930s in my own memory, this country has been drifting rapidly away from its historic freedoms and ideals. Virtually every moral value I was brought up with has been turned on its head, in my lifetime. If a band of enemies had been intent upon destroying all of our institutions, wiping out our values and customs, they could not have done a better job. There is no point in going into detail. Young Hannity has done a good job with this book. Now, since 9/11/2001, people are aware at least of the dangers presenting themselves to our system of government and our institutions. I can empathize with the angry people on the political left who are enraged at the accusations he makes here, even while agreeing with him, and I understand their passion as they write negative reviews and angrily give negative votes to the positive reviews, as they will, no doubt, to this one. I would do the same, perhaps, if the word "Republican" were substituted everywhere that Hannity uses, "Democrat." Yet, I can only agree with him. Something has changed in the American character. Something important. And it has happened since the Second World War, since I was an adult. I've seen, for the first time in my lifetime, American citizens refusing to support their own country in wartime, using mind-altering drugs is epidemic, marriage, always a fragile institution, is being destroyed, as is integrity, courage, patriotism, our religious institutions, and our government is tending toward socialism at an exponential rate. Our historic heroes are being debunked, explained away, and laughed off. Cynicism is our new national religion. No one will ever accuse us of being naive or innocent, boy! I don't know all the reasons, but I suspect it begins with the breakdown of the family which is currently being exacerbated by the liberal drive for same-sex "marriages," and the sophists' sneers at patriotism. I'm glad I'm an old man, and will probably not live to see the total destruction of the society that nurtured me. This is a good book. I hope you will read it. There is a lot of truth in it.(...)
Rating:  Summary: An Amazingly Well Written Book Review: This book was so well written, it amazed me. All the facts were supported by the data given. I was taken aback at how good Mr. Hannity is at writing. I am a conservative, and I agree with him. Not because I allow my opinions to be dictated to me by someone, but because I explore them for myself. For the moron from Fort Lauderdale, I am not some mindless zombie just because I believe the same things as the author of this amazing book. Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: LIBS RUN FROM THE TRUTH!! BURRY YOUR HEADS IN THE SAND! Review: First off, GREAT JOB, SEAN! Once again you turned the flood light of truth on the liberals! They are scurrying around like roaches trying to hide from it (or are too stupid to just face it like real men and women). Libs are the biggest bunch of appeasers and yellow bellies, it's sickening. Their grandparents (who were tough and fought bravely in WWI & WWII) would be disgusted by their antics today. The only way this country will remain the strongest and most powerful in the world will be if it's run by Conservatives. GOD help us all if we have another ultra-lib like John "Scary" Kerry in office. He will SURELY decimate our military (just like Clinton) and give away all of our power and sovereignty to the U.N. (United Nutjobs). And of course, he will take credit for the economy rebounding because of plans put in place by the Bush Admin., once again, just like Clinton did with the economic plans of Reagan and Bush I. I'm almost finished reading this book and will pass it on to my son who bravely fights his liberal teachers in school everyday who try to poison his mind with their agenda and lies. (He was reprimanded for saying aloud that Reagan and Bush have been our greatest presidents of the last 20 years) Keep fighting the good fight Sean, and bring their evil to light!
Rating:  Summary: What a great book Review: This book is the best of its kind on the market today. Thank God for Sean Hannity!!!
Rating:  Summary: You may want to check your facts Review: There are so many erroneous and downright false statements in this book it boggles the mind. Sean, this is making us Republicans look like idiots the more we print things that either distort the truth or flat out lie. It is so easy to check facts now with the Internet I can't believe you and Ann fail to do your research.
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Hannity: Welcome to the Club... Review: Once again, Sean Hannity writes a wonderful and colorful book on American conservatism. As an Irish-American born to Irish immigrants, Mr. Hannity draws from his own experiences, demonstrating that to fully become accepted among the American establishment, one has to stray as far away as possible from one's own immigrant and "minority" past by being as "republican" as possible. Mr. Hannity's insightful comments in regards to African-Americans, Hispanics and alike is justification of the theory that "new republicans" has to keep pushing down vulnerable minority groups to gain admiration from the old guard that one desperately wants to be part of someday. I think Mr. Hannity is brilliant and is not "anti" any minority group. But to fully understand where Mr. Hannity is coming from and why he can not afford to show any sympathy for other hard-working, minority Americans one has to read "How the Irish Became White" by Noel Ignatiev to gain some gravity on the issue. In fact, after reading Mr. Hannity's books -including this one -- and using Ignatiev's book as a back-drop, I really appreciated Hannity's drive and desire to make his mark as a "new" republican. I also watch his show with a deeper understanding particularly when he proudly said the other day that he does "not like or respect" a certain African-American, self-made and successful film maker on national TV or the other comments about other minorities his made on TV and in this book. Clearly, this book has to be a must read for all first generation republicans!!!