Rating:  Summary: One who actually still remembers 9/11 Review: This is a great read for those who at my age (27) or any age for that fact, are today standing at a split in the road for our country's future. To the left or to the right. Hannity shows the argument for taking the correct path towards prosperity (tax cuts for all americans that pay taxes) and security(In a post 9/11 world). The liberals belive in socialism, that the government should be in control of your decisions and money. They believe that instead of issuing spending controls to find out where the money is going, rather to spend more. After all the government is very efficient with our money waisting roughly 40% of our tax dollars every year. W 04
Rating:  Summary: Bravo Review: I enjoyed every word in the book which I have read so far. Oh by the way, me and the rest of the reviewers are full of it since no one has had a book to accually read. It is amazing that these idots would review a book they have never read. LOL!!!
Rating:  Summary: SO NEEDED IN THE PERILOUS TIMES IN WHICH WE LIVE Review: Sean is a great man and this is a great book. He stands up for truth and right. Sean and his book are especially needed in these perilous times in which we live.
Rating:  Summary: Get Hannitized!!! Review: All you people that are rating this book w/o having even read it needs to get a life. Hannity is the man and even you ignorant stubborn, brainwashed liberals need to give hime a chance.
Rating:  Summary: Let the truth be known Review: It is about time Hannity came out with another book. Sean has written with honesty and integrity once again. He goes to great length's to point out the obvious truth's. I think evil is a bit harsh, but, in this book, he make's one helluva case.
Rating:  Summary: I Hate The Book!!! by Sean Hannity's Biographer Review: If you are a liberal, that is what you will say. You don't even have to read it, heck you don't even have to buy it to hate it. You can just read the title from across the isle in your moco loco coffee bar/bookhouse. You'll see that word "evil" and that'll be the end, because you don't believe in evil. You think that the word evil is only used by Bible thumping middle America morons. The Statue of Liberty on the cover will throw you for a loop though. On the one hand it is a sign of freedom and love of America, which you won't like, but on the other hand it came from France, which is where you said you would go if Bush was elected, except you won't leave. So what to do? Pick up the book! Do it! It's not going to bite, it won't burn your hands and heck, you might learn something. Learn what a flip flopping wacko that John F-ing Kerry is and wonder how anyone could vote for him. Read his own words talking aobut how Vietnam service wasn't an issue for draft dodging Clinton, but is very important when it comes to President Bush who served honorably and much longer than Kerry did. Learn how the Democrats scaled back the military and the intelligence that led to Sept 11. Learn how that if we don't get away from these politicians who want to bow to the UN we are doomed to repeat 9/11 again and again.
Rating:  Summary: Wake up America!! Review: America needs to wake up. Not to the phantom threat of terrorism, but to the false dichotomy of left and right and the two party dictatoship it has become. This book was so predictable it wasn't funny. I agree with a lot of the criticism of the 'left' but how people can blindly, obnoxiously defend a president who has links to the funding and supporting of Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden is extremely concerning. The US government is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world and the CIA was made up of imported Nazis initially. America, rather than defending its freedom is turning into a police state itself. There is plenty of evidence for this in much more patriotic, Christian books that don't want perpetual war against an unknown, unseen enemy. Jim Marrs is a good start. It would also be worth reading up about how much of a lie the official story of September 11th, Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin incident were, and how those claiming to serve and protect America were complicit or at least allowed them to happen as a pretext for starting wars which killed our children and took away our freedoms. Patriotism is about defending the freedom of America, not giving it away to tyrants both internal and external. A president who virtually makes the constitution obsolete, even if he claims it is for the good of the people, is no friend of freedom. He certainly wasn't elected by a majority vote, which has been admitted and proven by Greg Palast. His only allegiance is to the Skull and Bones, of which Kerry is also a member. I'm sure most of you will try to ignore these facts but something has to change fast or America will be the next Nazi Germany. P.S. I have been abroad for a while so I can see a lot of the news that the mass media in the US ignores, and it is worrying.
Rating:  Summary: Defeating Liberalism? Review: For everyone praising this book, I would just like to remind everyone what liberalism actually is: 1. The state or quality of being liberal. 2. A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority. 3. Often Liberalism the tenets or policies of a Liberal party. 4. An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard. 5. A 19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, and de-emphasized dogmatic theology. I'm glad to see that Sean Hannity thinks that America should defeat this evil thing people are calling liberalism. p.s. Sean Hannity sucks.
Rating:  Summary: God, spare us from this man Review: I had a double misfortune recently. I was sick and laid up in hospital where the only news program they had was Fox News. For a month I had to endure this joke. Mr. Hannity is amongst good company there- Geraldo, North, O'Reilly, et al. To give him a fair go I gave the book a try but, just like that news channel, the outrageous self-delusion that it/they are ''fair and balanced'' makes me physically sick. How Mr. Hannity can spout the things he does with a straight face is beyond me. Believe it or not I am party-neutral. I detest hypocricy and stupidty no matter what you believe in. It just so happens that Mr. Hannity's fantasy world of self-righteous conservative thinking makes me want to throttle him when I read his book or watch him on TV. Good to know what all sides are thinking, though, just bad for the blood pressure :-)