Rating:  Summary: Straight talk and truly proves Hannity is a critical thinker Review: After reading the Deliver Us From Evil, I was convinced that we are at war and our President is the only one in this country that is sranding up for freedom. It was interesting to read Hannity's analysis of the 9/11 attack and how it has been politicized by others for political gain, which is disheartening as 9/11 was a tragedy and there are those who are trying to benefit from the attack to take the Presidency. His writing was clear and the message is current. Took all day and part of the evening to get through the book as there is a tremendous amount of information in the book, but it was good reading and I recommend it. If you listen to his radio broadcast daily for the three hours that he asks from fans of his show and see his television show at night, this book fills in the gaps that he did not find time to discuss on the air, with of course alot of things that he has brought up in the shows that he does have. Good reading and Sean, if you are reading this, could you sign my copy?
Rating:  Summary: Sean Hits A Homerun! Review: How pathetic that some on the left have too much time on their hands. Why not actually read the book before you comment on it? You can't compete in the arena of ideas so you resort to namecalling.I found Sean's book to be a GREAT and MUST READ, well written, hard to put down and extremely thought provoking. Thanks for telling it as it is Sean!
Rating:  Summary: A WONDERFUL AND THOUGHT PROVOKING BOOK Review: As has already been stated, the majority of the negative reviews were given without the reviewer having read the book. That is a typical tactic of left-wing nutbags with maniacal, socialist views who have no leg to stand on. Instead of discussing issues they insult, demean, and belittle those that can. Just look at this years election campaign for evidence. This is a wonderful book and you have to know that it is since so many left-wing liberal loonies are coming out of the woodwork to attack it. I actually enjoy it since it proves that I and those that think as I do are correct in our views. Sean's views in this book are really no different than what he puts forth daily on his radio show (3 hours a day for me, Sean) but are laid out in a concise, easily read form. Great job, Sean!
Rating:  Summary: This man has COMMON SENSE, not like the far LEFT sadly. Review: Well writen and eye opening, I recomend this book to all who have open minds.
Rating:  Summary: More of the same..... Review: Evil has become to generic of a word. Terrorists can be evil, liberals can also be evil. hmmmm. What is even more evil is this F-ing pompous idiot helping his moronic party keep this country in the same warmongering, mindless state. Vote Kerry '04. Oh, and by the way, Osama and his cronies would hate it. They love Bush being president, mainly because he ignores them most of the time and lets them get away with things, namely crashing planes into tall buildings.
Rating:  Summary: Ah, The Truth Review: As you can see by some of the other reviews on this page, Sean scares liberals to death. Facts and the truth both shatter and shake the fairy tale, emotional, delusional, microcosm where liberals tend to dwell. A place where LSD flashbacks, Marxist theory and secularism rule the human psyche to the point of utter insanity and absurdity. Sean offers some rational insight that opposes the constant mindless word dribble reguritated day in and day out by the far left.
Rating:  Summary: This man and his followers HATE this country!!! Review: These people are so out of touch with America. The premise of this book is straight out of Fascism's playbook: impugn your opponents' patriotism. We see these people hate our country and what we stand for. They promote their worthless so-called defense policy for political gain, not the best of our country. We need to fight terrorists, not create more by fighting political wars such as Iraq to try and win elections. We need to win a war on terror. REPUBLICANS CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH OUR NATIONAL SECURITY OR OUR COUNTRY!!!
Rating:  Summary: philosophy for liberals to learn Review: we all want to progress, afterall, change is unavoidable. However, only conservatives realize that the only way we can change things is if we embrace and accept how things are- to go WITH the forces that be. The left doesnt ACCEPT the reality of today- let alone agree or disagree. C learly, the left is not working with reality. "Progressives" should stop trying to CREATE something new by way of trial and error only to venture further into disillusionment and instead should DISCOVER the classical thinkers. For example, the humanities-the sciences of man- (politics, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology..) were once aimed toward discovering the nature of man so we can uncover the GOOD, TRUE,UNIVERSAL, and what is FREEDOM. Our normative values were to follow from our understanding of how the nature of self relates to the nature of existence. This was more than an approach it was a METHOD. Liberal thinking, however, is undercutting this method toward the true, good, and universal in man. They instead try to justify their goal toward "equality" while disregarding the concept of "freedom" . Freedom becomes a FREEDOM FROM- no longer a FREEDOM TO or FREEDOM FOR. Values become relativized and humaness becomes an average. This, In effect, destroys the method toward a science of man. Anthropology becomes reduced to a mere comparative sociology, the concepts of society are left undefined. Someone should tell a liberal that it is never possible for society to be "value-free" no matter how politically correct you decry us to be. As long as there are those unable to reason for ourselves, society, father figures, EVERYTHING will always be implying some value to us. So please progessives, stop "breaking it all down for us" - it is not helping- and have faith in man. A reasonable man looks for truth- not contradictions. We are a capitalist, individualist nation for REASONS worth understanding..... there IS a nature of evil etc etc.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Shocking Review: I listen to this man's radio show daily, and daily I find myself shocked over and over again by his great hatred for everyone and anyone who believes differently than him, as well as his common fashion of lying about the views and intentions of others. The book is basically more of the same - lots of lies and innuendo but absolutely no substance other than "I'm right and you're wrong if you disagree," mentality. "All Liberals are liars," is a very familiar catchphase from this semi-talented talk show host. To Hannity, the "Liberal" is the new group that's okay to hate in an America where bashing ethnic minorities and gays is off-limits. Instead, you bash the whites who used to be known as "N-word lovers," or similar hateful names to describe those who would reach across ethnic, gender and religious boundaries in the name of equality. Throughout his book, Hannity seems to yearn for the old days when talk like his would fail to raise an eyebrow, but rather result in nods of agreeance. "Liberals are all liars," is only one of hundreds of spiteful statements made on a regular basis on his show, the list of similarly hateful stereotypes goes on and on. If you agree with everything he says on his radio show or on Hannity and Combs, you'll love this book. If you're a good person who cares about other people and are genuinely concerned about the future of the fine men and women who populate this country, you'll find yourself angry and frightened for the future of humanity.
Rating:  Summary: You morons didn't even read the book Review: Notices that the review section states "I have read this book and want to review it" considering that most of the One star reviews came BEFORE the book even came out, it shows that most of those individuals are more interested in bashing Hannity and regurgitating their own political ideology. Read the damn book or don't post a "review." You show yourselves for what you really are, ignorant and decidedly so. Shame on you all. I give this book five stars, in part to offset all the morons with the one star reviews. I do realize that will not really offset it, because those that are so willing to write a politically biased negative review are those that have the biggest mouths.