Rating:  Summary: Hannity Rocks Review: Hannity does it again with this correct and truthfull attack on the evils of our society. The libs should just be happy he put them third, and not higher up on the list. I loved this book, and I am so greatful that there are people out there like Sean Hannity to keep a fair and balanced view in this coutry dominated by the liberal media.
Rating:  Summary: more lies... Review: typical of hannity, this is just one more pro-bush propaganda fest. don't waste your time with it. and, incidentally, I am not a 'liberal'. I am a patriot who is tired of seeing this country taken over by deception. Wake up America. Learn the truth. Read 9-11 descent into tyranny by alex jones instead of this garbage.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst books I ever read; Hannity = Hillary Duff Review: Zipping through the AM dial yesterday, late in the afternoon, I heard Sean Hannity briefly complaining about all the "one-star" reviews on Amazon from liberals who haven't read the book. Well, I'm a staunch republican conservative who has read his book, and it may possibly be the worst book, political or otherwise, I've ever read. In fact, its only redeeming quality (and reason I finished it) is that it is so awful, it takes on a campy quality due to its unintentional humor. It reminded me of a book version of the grade Z movies they spoof on Mystery Science Theater 2000, if you're familiar. I don't know much about Sean Hannity. I don't care for his radio show, personally. I find it one-dimensional, not very informative, and Hannity more emotional than substantive. Sometimes he has some good guests though, so when I tune in, it's for that reason. The book was given to me as a gift from someone who knows I like to read political science - especially from conservative leaning authors, though she didn't know I avoid mass market titles. (It's the thought : ) Again, I don't know what Sean Hannity's background is, but he just doesn't seem very well-versed or knowledgeable about his topic, though he is passionate. As a result, it really comes off like an extended term paper written by an average student in their freshman year of high school. The best I can do, without going into an extended history lesson is reiterate the Publisher's Weekly's comments posted here that the "irrefutable evidence" cited by Hannity to support his assertion is *highly* refutable. His "extremely" selective use of history serves to do nothing but negate his perposterous thesis, rather than support it. I defy anyone who is knowlegable of world history in the last 100 years - or has a 101-level understanding of political science, not to find this book utterly laughable. The usually tepid Publisher's Weekly reviewer was being too kind. I would offer those who are fans of Hannity and ascribe to his laughable line of reasoning, the generality that the real world is far more complex than the one painted here by Hannity. Decisions of comitting a nation to war or seek peaceful diplomatic solutions require far more careful consideration than the simplistic "good" vs. "evil" litnus test prescribed by Mr. Hannity. Furthermore, conservatives and liberals alike are still rallying around the erradication of Al Quida, but there are disturbing questions - even for me, regarding the evidence and motivation to wage war with Iraq. Other descenting opinions concerning matters of war are born by individuals who weigh the negative consequences of military actions higher than the benefits; their voices should be considered, and an informed, collective decision rendered - even (especially) when despots in foreign countries are concerned, who pose no realistic threat to US interests but are committing internal human rights violations. There's just too many of them, and to follow Hannity proposals we would find ourselves militarily involved in at least 1/2 dozen nations, currently. It's unsastainable and just ludicrous. Thankfully, diplomatic resolutions to acheive the same ends in such cases are far more prudent, less costly, and effective. History has shown us, sometimes the circumstance calls for diplomacy, and at other times military action is the only recourse. Hannity's emotional generalization that individuals who seek diplomacy as an alternative to war in the cases he cites "lack moral clarity" is absurd on its face, and he completely ignores the countless instances where diplomacy, rather than war, has been an effective approach. In those instances hawkish contrarians, would have committed the nation to an unnecessary war, and all the cost in human lives and expenses that go along with it. His assymetrical propositions would alarm even the most hawkish of neoconservatives. I'm glad he's just a talk radio host, not setting policy. ...
Rating:  Summary: Liberal losers Review: Here's a word of advice for Sean haters; Only losers spend even one second writing a review about their enemy's book, good or bad. Don't you have a flag to burn? I have actually read Sean's book, and it was great! But you don't see me at Michael moore's or Al Franken's book review, because I only review books I have read, and I am not a loser. Cheers!
Rating:  Summary: It's about time! Review: Having read reviews of this book by folks who've not read it (and who admit to reviewing a book they haven't read), I want to step in and say that it's about damned time that America had a book that so effectively presented the ideas about the international and cultural war America faces, especially in the face of post-9/11 terrorism. Sean Hannity - for those who see him on Fox or listen to him on his radio show - is no mystery. He's an unabashed Reagan economic conservative, who is also a strong social conservative. He is no knee-jerk Republican - he regularly and publicly excoriates President Bush for his plan for amnesty for illegal aliens, for his Medicare give-away and for his excessive spending habits in the last year. But Sean also believes that Bush is the best man to lead America in the face of a concerted war on America by terrorists, and the lackidasical "support" of America by liberals, foreign and domestic. What's different about this book is that the text gives Sean a chance to go into greater detail (sourcing and explaining issues) than is possible on a broadcast. His opinions, which may sometimes seem easy or even superficial on the air, are shown in this book to be based on great depth of spirit, and a profound belief in America and our nation's potential. This is a well-written, well-presented book that deals with issues too often overlooked (or glossed over) by the mainstream media. Like him or hate him, Sean Hannity's book is worth reading - to understand his views (and the views of millions of Americans he represents and reflects). It's thought-provoking and remarkably intellectually stimulating.
Rating:  Summary: I will buy this book,maybe 100 copies Review: I have not read a book in 20 years but I'm sure going to read this one and I'll give away as many of these books as I can afford.You liberals(including amazon for the crappy review)are scared,thats ok,thats why conservetives are here to pertect you from yourselfs.I'm just amazed at how some people hear a sound bite from CNN on your way past the TV and since its from CNN it must be true.You libs know all to well if Al Gore was president,this war would be the greatest thing America ever did for a poor country like Iraq.Its to bad you liberals are the minority thats owns the majority of the media.2000 election?Haa go look at each state,then look at the counties,My President would have won every state if the counties decided which state went to which presidential hopefull,opps sorry I got side tracked,I'll send a review in a few weeks,...Dont care,I still love ya my liberals friends,maybe someday Iraq can have a place like this to openly talk about there concerns without being beheaded.....
Rating:  Summary: Like most previous reviewers, I haven't read it either! Review: This is supposed to be an honest book review area by people who have actually read the subject books. All that exists here, however, are bitter people who have no intention of reading this book, and simply hate Sean Hannity. I hope that Amazon will change their policy of allowing true reviews to be substituted by political vitriol.
Rating:  Summary: The evil isn't where Sean thinks it is.. Review: I listen to the Sean Hannity show daily and usually I can only stand it for five to ten minutes. This book will no doubt be a endless ream of "liberals" (its all their fault and we the righteous conservatives have all the answers) Now you might ask why I listen to the Sean Hannity show for five to ten minutes a day? Well it follows the Thom Hartmann show and it is breathtaking to compare the intelligence and depth of the two shows-mind boggling really!!! I will read this book and indeed I will try to keep from expelling my stomach contents but I will read it.(I won't buy it for goodness sakes) I don't hate Mr Hannity but eventually the pendulum will swing to the other side and Thom Hartman's show will be on seven hundred radio stations and Hannity's will be on the internet. Cheers
Rating:  Summary: I thunk this book are reely stuped Review: Shawn Hanety don't no wat hes talkin bout. He is a big fat lyar jest like dat funny guy said he wuz. Bush is a big lyar two. He don't no nuttin. I's gonna vote for Carry 04, he said he gonna git me a job and gib me money to buy beer and food and stuff. Carry 04 will make sur I kin get my girly magazines he says it's my constatushunal wight. I hop Carry taxes all da money shuwn makes with his new book and gib it to da poor people like me.
Rating:  Summary: Dont Waste Your Time Review: Shun Humanity is a right wing puppet that spews his right-wing opinions 4 hours a day on both a radio and tv show. This is a perfect case of judging a book by its cover, dont wast your time or money. I have been put on hold several times and even hung up on trying to get a chance to question his "facts" on his radio show and 10s of emails that go unanswered. If you attempt to debate him and he knows that your smart enough to give him a run, he'll do anything to ignore you. Sean should be taken for what he is, purely poor entertainment, like a bad small town circus....a new meaning to the phrase, send in the clowns.