Rating:  Summary: A Conservative Call to Arms Review: With all of the wit and erudition of a seasoned commentator, Sean Hannity portrays the modern battle for the very Soul and Direction of America in the context of its historical struggles. For the unseasoned reader of Conservative writing, this may seem a bit unsettling upon first glance. However, the book accurately portrays the modern struggle between good and evil as not an entirely new phenomenon, but rather a coming battle waiting to be joined. The book is premised in the notion that there have been and always will be evil actors in the world, but there may not be a breadth of people of conviction willing to unite and fight the most significant battle of our generation. The new 21st century conflict is one that was portended in the latter half of the twentieth century with the Holocaust and Soviet expansionism. The complicity of the modern appeasers, as embodied by the Clinton's and the American Left, are taken to task for their vacillation in the face or Terror and lack of vision in World Affairs. This well researched and written book are a must to anyone with a desire for clarity in the Battle we are fighting across this World, or to one who just wishes to gaze upon a well reasoned and thought out argument for a Conservative World Vision.
Rating:  Summary: Read first, criticize later Review: I am amazed at the number of people here who have nothing better to do then slam Mr. Hannity about his book (and more about his political beliefs) when they can't even take the time to read his book. So many of the posts contain phrases such as "[t]his book will no doubt be a endless ream..." or "while I haven't read this book..." Here's a novel little suggestion: read the book, formulate an opinion about it, then have a field day criticizing it. I notice that most of the "one-star" posts are nothing more than maniacal ramblings against republicans, Rush Limbaugh, and President Bush. Some even feel the need to campaign for John Kerry (e.g., "What is even more evil is this F-ing pompous idiot helping his moronic party keep this country in the same warmongering, mindless state. Vote Kerry '04." -- post from Patrick Edington from Dallas, TX). The collective ignorance of such posts is staggering. Now I haven't read Mr. Hannity's Book, but I intend to read it. If I don't like it, I'll say so. If I like it, I'll say so. Stop acting like a bunch of sophomoric infants who turn their noses up at something green sitting on their dinner plate without even trying it and save the insipid anti-Bush, republican, wealthy posts for the proper internet forums.
Rating:  Summary: No point in reading this book. Review: If you've ever listened to Hannity's radio show, you get this jist of his message. According to him, liberals are trying to dismantle the very fabric our nation is made of, and Hannity is the protagonist hero thats going to save us all. Yeah, right. I found HUNDREDS of inconsistancies in this book. from Clintons anti-terrorism policies, to quoted statements, Hannity lies. He's a propagandist, you're better off reading "Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them" or "Dude, Wheres my Country?"
Rating:  Summary: Truth, at long last! Review: Finally, after listening to the absolute nonsense rhetoric from ignorant individuals like Michael Moore and Al Franken, someone has written a book that points out all that is wrong in this society. Liberalism is a scourge on this planet and people like Hannity are helping to limit the damage that it does. This book shows the hypocrisy and digusting behavior rampant in the Democratic Party; it's about time they got a taste of their own medicine.
Rating:  Summary: Intellectually Bankrupt Review: I am glad I only read this book at the local Barnes and Noble, instead of wasting my hard earned money. The title of the book tells you all you need to know about the vacuousness of the entire book. Liberalism is evil? It is one thing to disagree about policy, but this book represents the worst form of unintelligent hate speech. A movement that has brought about equal rights for women and minorities is the equivalent of Hitler's Nazi's Germany? Hannity is an extremist and the book is dishonest. He distorts and blatantly misrepresents incidents and ignores history to support his very simplistic view on the world: Republicans are good, Democrats are bad. Save your money--if you really are interested, just listen to his radio show for free as this book is nothing more then a $30.00 transcript of any 30 minute monologuge you will hear from him.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to angry democrats...this is an excellent book! Review: Sean Hannity speaks his mind and 99.99% of the time it's the truth. The angry Democrats seethe and growl when they hear the truth. It's like driving a stake through the heart of a vampire; this is why they hate Sean Hannity and his book so much. The angry and viscous democrats have undermined the war in Iraq by constantly criticizing the commander in chief while we are in a time of war. The angry democrats have blood on their hands because of the support they have given to the terrorists by constantly attacking this country and its president. Why don't they attack the terrorists who are constantly plotting the destruction of this country and its efforts to secure peace in the world!???
Rating:  Summary: He's done it again Review: Better than Let Freedom Ring. Explains and backs up all of his views.
Rating:  Summary: Repent! Review: On a prior review, I mentioned some conservatives who turned on their own team; George Wallace (met with an African American), and Barry Goldwater (said the 80's CIA was out of control). I forgot Lee Atwater, on his death bed, saying he regretted running the Bush '88 campaign in such a nasty way. (Of course, no one stopped him, did they?). These folks are akin to old people who start going to church... just in case. And I forgot McCarthy, who turned inward, destroying himself with booze and drinking himself to death. (The Kennedys - those evil liberals -were about the only pols to visit him in the hospital after he fell from grace. True). How long will it take before Hannity (and Coulter, et al) repent. Repent,... or eventually be wholly discredited. (If you repent early, you take the discrediting issue away from the evil liberals!). Sampling the book after some preemptive asparin, tums, and 4 bottles of cough syrup, here's what I found (in Newtish terms): Hugely, *dramatically* illogical passages, with *revolutionary,* *unprecedented* omissions! The information is not even just one-sided. By its omissions, it is a *new paradigm* of deceptiveness. A *gross mischaracterization* of this great country's history (including FDR's reign as the century's best President - said Newtie himself), and current times. Why am I reviewing a book I don't like? Well, Hannity has his whipping boys. And we have ours. Compassionate Conservatives? Welcome to the age of Hard Ass Liberals! Bring it!
Rating:  Summary: absolute tripe Review: Sean Hannity is little more than an obnoxious mouthpiece for the RNC and the Bush administration. How he can look himself in the mirror every day is beyond me, as he has minimal intellectual honesty. His latest effort is another outpouring of right wing bile similar to what he offers up for three hours a day, everyday. Sean likes to selectively use facts in his writings. He loves to show how Bush is a great war president for bombing the heck out of a nearly defenseless Iraq that was virtually no threat to the US (and continue to lie about it). But he fails to mention that while the US was spending over 200$ Billion it does not have on bombing Iraq into the stone age, Pakistan was supplying nuclear technology to rogue states all over the world. The Bush administration still gives 1 Billion in aid to Pakistan a year, a military dictatorship whose intelligence services supported the Taliban and Al-Q after 9-11. Yup, george Bush is really chasing down the enemy. (actually it looks like he is chasing down crude oil!) The real enemy, Al-Quaeda and it's pakistani sponsors are proliferating nukes on our dime while Bush pretends to be defending us when he really defends right wing corporate interests. Sean loves to talk about Bush's tax cuts. Yes, every tax payer got a cut, mostly small ones but for millionaires they got a small fortune back. And Sean neglegts to inform the reader that the price of these tax cuts, military adventurism and increased spending will mean very, very high taxes in the future to pay back all the money Bush has borrowed (with high interest) to spend. And he neglects to inform us that Bush has taken 260 Billion dollars from Social security to pay for rich people's tax cuts, a redistribution of wealth from workers to wealthy. Reverse socialism. This and many other stories of corruption, lies, scandals, illegality are never mentioned by Hannity. And then he calls a democrat bad for the nation's defense. I suspect that any President could do what Bush has done, and probably do it better. What bush did after 9/11 was so unremarkable because any leader would have done the same thing, only said it more coherently.A president really concerned about defending us would not be subsidizing proliferation in Pakistan. In short, hannity's book is what you would expect---a brainless piece of sycophancy to Bush from the administrations #1 brownoser, Sean hannity.
Rating:  Summary: Same old, same old Review: I listen to Sean almost every day and I think he's pretty interesting. However, I was really disappointed by this book. I hate to say it, but I feel like he's ripping me off by having to pay for this book when it is nothing but a re-hash of everything he says on the radio. There's nothing new there at all. Again, I like Sean and agree with him, I was just hoping for something a bit deeper. I'll think twice about buying another book of his.