Rating:  Summary: SILENT MAJORITY? Review: I spent about 2 hours reading this book at my local Borders. (...)the silent majority in this country [is] rising up, (...)That term was used over and over again by the Nixon administration. Until now the most corrupt, deceptive, and lying presidency in our history. I say until now because they have recently fallen to number 2. The present administration far outstrips anything Nixon did. This book does not speak the truth, and since when are lies, hate, deception, and name calling (i.e. lumping liberals with terrorists and despots) Christian values? Sean Hannity may be a Christian but he certainly doesn't practice Christian principles in his work including this book! I would give this thoughtless, historically inaccurate tome of a book 0 stars if I could.
Rating:  Summary: RE:The Silent Moral American Majority are awakening Review: Just remember, it took President Bush less time to take Iraq than it did Janet Reno to take the Waco compound... -> That's flat out ridiculous. We've taken Iraq? Have you turned on the news in the last two weeks? There were childern in the Waco compound, Reno couldn't just blow it up! Completely irrelevant analogy. The Silent Moral American Majority are awakening -> Yes! And, as always, they want to impost their moral perspective on YOU.
Rating:  Summary: Best Book Ever Review: This beyond a doubt the best book I have read recently that places most of the modern critical issues facely America today in context. If we do not understand history, we are destined to repeat it. It is written clearly, concisely and the passion with which it was written it also communicated. Sean is at least as good a writter as he is a talk show host. MUST READING for all adult Americans!
Rating:  Summary: The Silent Moral American Majority are awakening Review: ... And saying We have had enough to thoughtless, deeds of immorality that constantly attack American Patriotism, values, and traditions. Liberals truly are clueless. They are naive anarchists that attack what they do not understand in posting a review of this book and this fine Christian man, Mr. Hannity. If those people would have the most open mind, take time to read the book, and RESEARCH any fact he states, you would begin to question your immoral and unfounded stand against what is right in the great nation. I admit I am prematurely posting this, I have only read half the book thus far, but I take my time and like to research what is written. Other than conjecture Sean makes (which more often than not reflects the same opinion as most moral conservatives), Sean states facts!, plain and simple, irrefutible facts! Liberals cannot stand history, and history shows that modern day liberal democrats do not have what it takes to be in power in this country (examine the presidency of Jimmy Carter and William Clinton). God is truly magnificent, and there is a reason Republicans have dominated the presidency for the last 36 years. (...)It has some interesting facts that are very scary. You would be appauled at what some liberals do. In one chapter, liberal school teachers had a class for 14 year olds on "How to be a better homosexual lover". I do not hate homosexuals, but this is absurd and intolerable to teach a growing child such things. Just remember, it took President Bush less time to take Iraq than it did Janet Reno to take the Waco compound...
Rating:  Summary: Read the Book, Homeland Security IS THE issue Review: Sean Details why cowardice in American poltics can be fatal for this country. I can only say that I read through this very quickly, a good read, and it details why America must not give in to appeasement to terrorists and dictators who would like nothing more than to destroy you, me our families, and our way of life.
Rating:  Summary: Liberals and logic... Review: Liberals using logic? That is an oxymoron. It is clear from the negative reviews -- emanating from people who have never even read the book! -- and the frequent misapplication of fallacies, that their authors are in dire need of a formal course in logic! People should rate this book based on its merit, and determine whether they should read it with sincerity and an open mind, not by listening to the knee-jerk dismissals from liberals who believe that confirming Hannity's opposition to liberalism constitutes a book review (For the logically inclined: This is called an "ad hominem" attack-- it is completely irrelevant to the book). The book itself is well-written, and does have some errors here or there, but it serves its function; it has convinced me, and many others, that anyone from the left, or from the appeasement parties, will ultimately fail to act in the best interest of this nation's security. Afterall, why be concerned with security, when that requires energy that should be focused on political gain? 9/11 shows that terrorism is not a game, people... Why do the liberals still act like it is?
Rating:  Summary: Here...you little mindless lemmings...have a rotten burrito. Review: Ha-Ha Hannity delivers a few interesting concepts and thoughts in this childishly written, blindly pro-Bush tale. This "political analyst" has wrapped several of his most intriguing ideas deep within the layers of this fact-free burrito filled with rotten cheese and burnt bean pot scrapings. His lack of education really shows through as he drones on and on with his circular and disjointed ramblings. Avoiding all facts has made it simple for him to connect dots that would otherwise never have been connected. Mr. Hannity has created what is basically a guide to the world ignorance in which he dwells. The writing here seems to mesh with his television persona albeit not nearly as polished. His style does not translate well from the controlled studio environment to the cold hard pages of the real world. I am not sure whom he was targeting with this book, but I must assume that he had the most ignorant lemmings of American society in mind when he put pen to paper.
Rating:  Summary: A very interesting book Review: Bought this book for a Political Science course and I have to admit it has made me challenge certain long held beliefs. I was especially intrigued by the chapter titled 'Playing Politics at the Water's Edge' in which this author makes the claim that the Democratic Party is playing politics with our national security. While I'm not ready to accept all the author's premises I do intend to research the subject more and I'm a little tempted to make this the subject of a term paper-much to the discomfit of one of my professors who is royally pissed-off that I would even consider Hannity as a credible source. Since reading the book I have caught a few of Sean Hannity's TV shows and I'm rather impressed with him.
Rating:  Summary: Not a dumb guy - just an ignorant one. Review: I'm sure there are alot of good points explained in this book and I'm sure he's genuinely concearned for the well-being of this country. Unfortunately, he's wrong. He can write a book pretty well and document things he likes to call "wrong" and "evil" and "liberal", but he's really not helping. Do you want to take advice from a guy that makes things so simplistic and one-sided? A guy that uses the word "evil" and "unpatriotic" on people that simply disagree with him enough to not be a Republican? It's like he will hold everything the Democratic Party has ever done wrong and use it against anyone that is not a Conservative Republican. Apparently, if someone did wrong before who was a Democrat, then Bush can do it today, because two wrongs make a right, and are justifiable in his opinion. I say bravo. Who cares? If you're going to make points that there are problems with the Democratic party, then go ahead! I could write several books on that topic! But guess how many I could write about the problems with the Republican party? Lots more. How can anyone agree completely with an entire Political Party and defend EVERYTHING they do? He likes to use the term "politicizing" which is exactly what he's doing in this instance. He says if you change your mind about the War in Iraq, then you are "politicizing" it for your own gain. Bad example, Hannity. We now know there were no WMDs in Iraq, so it's only logical that an opinion could be changed (and should be.) No one will step up to him because he will say they don't support our soldiers, but won't bother to mention that anti-war people simply want to end an unjust war where our men and women are dying every day. What's unpatriotic about that? Maybe I could suggest a book by Joseph McCarthy for you as well? You only need one Jessica Lynch to garner patriotic support, but if over 600 of our troops die, it doesn't matter or go reported with nearly as much importance. And it only takes 3,000 of our people dying on 9/11 to justify killing nearly 10,000 innocent Iraqi civilians so far. Pretty "fair and balanced" reporting, huh? He always gets the last word and the other side never gets defended because Holmes is just a moderate. Why align yourself with one of TWO political parties when there are SO MANY different issues? Why take the title of "Conserative" of "Traditional" when there are obviously huge problems in America that need progressive reform? What's so traditional about lack of equal rights or bad health care policy? . . . or even misleading news (which he would never admit blame for)? So what's the source of this seemingly logical man, making totally erroneous statements? He's afraid and in denial. He doesn't want to open his mind to the possibility that America could've prevented 9/11, or that maybe we aren't the greatest nation in the world and our claiming to be is only hurting us. Maybe he wants to believe in an America where things are so simple, you can always trust your President and support his mass killing of thousands of innocent Iraqis as "necessary collateral damage." I don't feel this way, so I don't like his book. If you do, however, then this is the book for you. 9/11 was a scary day and I can understand why someone would react this way, counting the seconds before we could return to our "normalcy" and "patriotic support" of shows like TRL and American Idol. We wanted to return to "normalcy" like the media encouraged us to because all the donations to Red Cross and coming together with other citizens was too hard (besides, people were buying and watching less TV). I won't call all Republicans bad, like he would to his opposition, but I will say Sean Hannity and anyone who agrees with him is about as "Fair and Balanced" as a seesaw with the rich and powerful on one end and the majority of the nation on the other end . . . just the way he likes it.
Rating:  Summary: Grade School Political Science Review: I never watch Hannity but I have heard of him so I read through the first few chapters. I begin to notice how simplistic his ideas are and how the book is written on what must be a 6th grade reading level. Now I'm intrigued, I must find out what Sean Hannity's educational background is and just as I suspected, he never went to college and it shows in his writing. If you dropped out of high school or struggled to graduate, this is the book for you. If you are going to be a political analyst the least you could do is be educated.