Rating: Summary: Beyond 5 Stars! Review: This book is truely the "bible" of personal relations. I have read this book at least 3 times and have taken the Dale Carnegie course as a student and graduate assistant. I have seen the power this book has in transforming people and it is AMAZING! This book is definitely not textbook on manipulation. Read it in that context and you are doomed to fail. I recommend this book a lot to people and have even given it as a gift to my employees. Interesting enough, though, less than 5% of the people I have recommended it to have actually read it cover to cover. Hands down this is one of the best human relations books ever written.
Rating: Summary: Dale Carnegie is one smart cookie Review: Dale Carnegie teaches the reader to be genuinely interested in other people. It's well written, informative, and powerful. I've read the book at least fifty times.Mr. Carnegie explains the most used word during telephone conversations is "I." He states that most people can't wait for the other person to finish a sentence before the other person either finish his sentence for him, or talk about himself. There's literally hundred of great habits to be learned about our fellow man/woman. Exceptional!
Rating: Summary: Necessary Review: The information on these CD's is necessary for just about everyone I meet. Conversational skills are lacking greatly in this me me me world. Sometimes you must learn to listen and use that to your benefit. It is rewarding once you put into action the techniques which Dale Carnegie spent a lifetime developing. Tried and True!!! Highly recommended even for young teens- adult
Rating: Summary: Read this to defend against salesmen, managers, sociopaths Review: It is too bad this book is largely read by sales and business types, and not the average joe. Since the fact is, that even now, whenever one is engaged in a sales or business situation, in a store or at work, one can be 95% confident that the salesman/manager is operating according to the principles in this book, and if one, as a consumer or employee, is ignorant of these principles, one is literally a puppet in their hands. No doubt Mr. Carnegie was a nice person, and sincerely meant well, and no doubt his book has actually helped millions. Yet, I feel that the principles in this book can just as easily serve the sociopathic predator/hustler, as much as the ordinary business person. There seems to be a subtle form of hypocrisy involved in acting according to these principles that may be quite natural for sociopaths. But if one is aware of these techniques of subtle manipulation, one can at least know when one is being manipulated. Since, of course, they DO work! Hyperbolically speaking, it wouldnt surprise me in the least if even Hitler hadnt borrowed a few tips from Mr. Carnegie as he polished his techniques of persuasion in the early 1940's. I wonder ... ?
Rating: Summary: The world would be a better place if these words were heeded Review: While reading this book, you inadvertently go through an intensive self examimation of your habits, patterns of thinking, wrong or ineffective ways of relating to others and general attitudes. Carnegie's writing style is comfortable and entertaining, using real-life examples and illustrations. His distilled wisdom is painfully simple, to-the-point and hard hitting. This book can positively impact anyone from any walk of life. It has a permanent place in my library on the reread shelf. My grandmother went to a girl's school where Carnegie came and taught them how to be successful and 'proper' ladies in society, she saw me reading this book and told me that Dale Carnegie changed everyone's life that he came in contact with, but that the book is sure to be outdated by now. Suprised, I told her that I have rarely read a book so relavant to today than this.
Rating: Summary: IT REALLY WORKS, YOU MUST READ IT Review: If there is one book you must read, it is this one.It is easy to understand,is simple and provides practical advice that really works on how to deal with humans .Without a doubt one of the biggest problems we face in life is trying to get the other person on your side.We try our best to understand,influence,persuade the other fellow.It is so difficult,we lose important business deals,friendships,relationships and we lose the confidence.We start feeling that it is just impossible to get another human being to be on the same wavelength as you,to be on your side,to be your friend.We all want to be popular,we all want everyone to like us,we all want respect,but rarely do we study the science behind making this possible.Finally,you have found the textbook(so to speak)that will guide you in achieving the ability to handle people and win success.This is a book that is as old as my grandmother but is as revolutionary and powerful as the internet.It has so many advantages,it will get you out of all sorts of situations,your popularity will increase,you will see yourself grow and so will your earning power.You will always be admired and everyone will have confidence in you,you will be super confident.All thanks to one man-Mr Dale Carnegie(a human scientist,a genius).Reading this book is almost as easy as talking to the man himself.So read it and see how psychology really works.
Rating: Summary: Eyes Wide Open Review: I just have to say if it wasn't for one of the reviews that i read i would have never read this book. Now that i have read this most simple, but very wise book by Dale Carnegie, I can see why the review was so enthusiastic. I have since applied the same enthusiasium to my friends with a great response. During and since reading this book i have been able to remember and see so many of the principles display by other people. It really had made me stop and think how true every word in the book rings true.Thank you so much Mr Aaron J Ruckman for your review which has since opened my eyes to a whole new world written by Dale Carnegie
Rating: Summary: The most important book you will ever read. Review: Yes, it's true: this really is the most important book you will ever read IF YOU PUT IT'S PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE! This simply cannot be emphasized enough. There are many great books out there, but reading a book and nodding your head at every turn of the page will accomplish absolutely nothing, one must then apply what one reads in a book such as this. Through conscious endeavor, day by day, try to internalize the lessons contained in this book and your life will be enriched. I have heard it said that many of the techniques in this book are merely superficial, manipulative, or phony, means of, well, winning friends and influencing people. It must be realized, however, that, in life, sometimes you've gotta "fake it 'till you make it." When you truly make the attempt to put these principles into practice, what you will be doing will benefit both yourself and those you come into contact with. If that's phony or manipulative, then so be it. I wish we had many more such people in this world.
Rating: Summary: Excelente! Review: Después de más de 60 años de escrito, el libro del señor Dale Carnegie continúa vigente. Cómo es esto posible? Pues muy fácil, las excelentes ideas allí expuestas, no han sido adoptadas por muchos, a pesar de haber vendido millones de copias. El hombre común y corriente es fácilmente impresionable cuando se le presentan conceptos que prometen un cambio radical en su vida, sin embargo luego del entusiasmo inicial, todas estas ideas son olvidadas, tales son los casos famosos de libros de autores como Og Mandino o Wayne Dryer. En su libro, el señor Carnegie insiste en la re-lectura una y otra vez, y en la aplicación constante de los conceptos allí expuestos, ya que sabe que de otra manera sus palabras no dejarán huella. Las ideas que el señor Carnegie presenta en su texto son demasiado obvias, tan obvias que nadie las nota en su propia vida; sólo cuando el autor las muestra de tal manera que no se pueden negar, es en ese momento cuando el lector se enfrenta con la realidad. Todos nos sorprendemos ya que el señor Carnegie, apoyado en testimonios e historias de personajes famosos, logra mostrarnos tantos y tan distintos errores que cometemos a diario. Pero sobre todo, nos sorprendemos con la solución que nos presenta para superar esos errores. De manera magistral el autor apela al mismo egoísmo de cada uno para trabajar de manera inversa, es decir, hacerle creer a los demás que siempre hacemos lo que ellos quieren. Y al parecer esta solución funciona, y funciona tan bien que, a fuerza de fingir este comportamiento y de re-leer el texto, el individuo termina apropiando la idea de hacer que la otra gente se sienta importante. Tal vez el mayor mérito lo logra el autor en el aspecto de la influencia sobre las personas, para ello propone unas reglas básicas de comportamiento, que de ser practicadas, conducen a un éxito en las relaciones interpersonales y de paso a conseguir cualquier cosa que uno se proponga. De todo esto, lo que causa mayor admiración al lector es darse cuenta que todas las personas sin distinción de raza, color, sexo, religión o condición social, tienen las mismas necesidades básicas, las mismas expectativas y por sobre todo, el interés de colocar el YO, el mí mismo por sobre todas las cosas y de cómo al lograr manipular este interés se puede "dominar" a los demás. Es interesante la lectura de este libro por todas las oportunidades que ofrece para el mejoramiento del trato con los demás, pero por sobre todo, porque el señor Carnegie en ningún momento intenta imponer sus ideas, simplemente sugiere, jugando de alguna manera con el mismo lector, a quién le aplica el mismo tratamiento de hacerlo sentir importante.
Rating: Summary: The Second Best Book of My Life Review: ...behind the Bible. I can't add anything of value that hasn't been said earlier, but I recommend it without reservation. It's too bad many people don't know of the advice offered or choose to follow it.