Rating:  Summary: Finally, the truth behind 9/11!! Review: For many Americans the shock of 9/11 was mind boggling! The first thing many of us wondered was how in the world something like this could happen to the U.S.?? Thanks to Richard Clarke's blockbuster expose, now we know!! Mr. Clarke takes us inside the Bush Whitehouse, revealing the appalling arrogance and ideological blindness that perverted their counterterrorism efforts before and after 9/11. Clarke allows us to see exactly how Al-Queda terrorists caught the highest levels of the U.S. government completely by surprise! This book is a must read, if you really want to understand the run up to the 9/11 attacks and why the invasion of Iraq undermines the war on terror. This book plainly reveals the awful truth, that September 11th could and should have been stopped!! (...) Thanks to the revelations of a very credible insider like Mr. Clarke. (...)
Rating:  Summary: A Gripping Tale Review: Clarke's book, crazy reviews aside, is not a screed against the Bush administration. He does think that they dropped the ball, especially with their focus on Iraq, but the book isn't vitriolic. Instead, Clarke begins by telling us the events of September 11th, then walks back in time to show how Al Qaeda amassed power during the 90's and into today. The book is historical, allowing Clarke to point out the failures of the government leading to the attacks by UBL & Al Qaeda. Although I don't agree with his policy prescriptions (He wasn't in favor of DHS and thinks we need a domestic intel agency akin to MI5) he makes a strong case for them. Clarke's title "Against All Enemies" neatly summarizes his thesis: that America is under attack by two different groups of people, from those who would seek to bring the world under a 14th century perverted Islamic theocracy, and from those at home who would seek to undermine our liberties (the very reason Al Qaeda hates us) without increasing our security. Clarke doesn't think we should always prefer liberty over security, but he belittles programs that have no real benefit over concrete steps to improve and strengthen America's defenses. Along these lines, he criticizes the invasion of Iraq as being not only a distraction from the fight against AQ, but also for providing UBL with a poster-perfect recruiting tool. Clarke doesn't spare criticism from the Clinton years, saying that useful reforms like going after the money of terrorism went nowhere, despite support from key figures. He also bemoans the CIA's DO for a lack of assets in key countries. But all of his criticism builds to a simple conclusion: before September 11th, there was no political momentum to go after terrorists on a large scale. It is this point he drives home through detail: after September 11th, all of the plans that were formulated, all of the steps he had in the works that would go into effect, needed to be approved. It is this failure of the Bush administration, more than any pre-9/11 intel, that he points out: we had the world at our side, ready to help, and we went into Afghanistan with a bold solution. Yet months later, the warlords were back in power, the Taliban was regrouping, UBL was on the loose, and the administration had turned its gaze to Iraq. The failure to use the most tragic moment in American history as a chance to destroy Al Qaeda is clearly the subtext that drove Clarke to resign and publish this work. Altogether, the book is a quick read and very spy-thriller-ish. The fact that it is true makes many of the poignant scenes tragic, leading me to wonder not only why our leaders needed September 11th as a political cover to make the tough decisions, but why they squandered those decisions with an ill-advised adventure in democracy, unrelated to fighting terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: very informative Review: I recommend this book to anyone of any political stripe who would like to know more about U.S. foreign policy as it pertains to the Middle East over the past 20 years. Richard Clarke had a front row seat to many of the most important decisions made under four different presidents and his forthright, opinionated manner makes for a provocative read. I think the way the Republicans are responding to this book is quite silly. Clearly, Richard Clarke is a man who has seen it all and has enormous credibility. Moreover, he doesn't exactly single Bush II out for criticism; he has critical things to say about all of the administrations that he worked for. It is refreshing to read a book by someone as honest, fortright, and nonpartisan as Richard Clarke.
Rating:  Summary: Nice and true book we can find inside information. Review: Read part of it and I respect the courage Richard A. Clarke showed us. He told this under oath. Any normal people would not believe those indecent people who attacks him without oath. see www.cppunit.org/mesg.jsp . Talk the issue. not character attck!
Rating:  Summary: A must read for independent voters Review: I read this book from cover to cover. This is an insider's view of the war on terrorism written by the person in the absolute best position to describe the government efforts in the war on terrorism before, during and for several months after Sept 11th. Obviously with the upcoming election this book and indeed Mr Clarke's himself have been highly politicized. This is unfortunate and has distracted attention from some serious issues raised in the book that deserve serious discussion. Is the invasion of Iraq the best way to fight terrorism? What should be done to build up homeland security and how should this be done? Mr Clarke makes a strong case that the efforts and money put into the war of Iraq would have been better spent on homeland security and more intensive effort in Afghanistan. This is a fascinating, well-written book that was worth every penny. I encourage everyone to by it. In addition, for those who criticize Mr. Clarke's profiteering at the expense of 9/11 victims, I would like to emphasize that he has pledged some of the proceeds from the book to families of the victims of 9/11. Though he could be criticized (and almost certainly will be) for not donating all of his royalties , I think a 30 year record of public service and his heroic actions on 9/11 have earned him the right to make profit from this book. Like it or not it is the American way!!
Rating:  Summary: Richard Clarke vowes to give money!!! What a Sham !!!! Review: Richard Clarke's book is suspect at best. To say Condi Rice knew nothing of al-Qaeda by the expression on her face, what a joke, Richard Clarke may be telling the truth as he thinks it happened, but he is flip flopping like a fish on hot tar. The book is pure grandstanding and taking advantage of his insider 30 yr plus government career. If Richard Clarke is such a polical force to be dealt with , why did he not have the influence to stop any of the attacks against US interest under the previous administrations. Bush 1, Clinton or Bush 2; because he was an employee and didn't do his job. He could have leaked the information like so many other un-named government officials do when they know it is the right thing to do. He covered his backside and followed the lead of his superiors. Now he wants to take credit and beat his chest that he knew and everyone else knew but they would not listen to him. What a sham, he does the interview circuit now, and tells Tim Russert that he will review the proceeds from the book and see what and IF ANY money can be donated to the childrens and family funds of 9/11 and those that lost their live in Afganastan and Iraq. He is an opportunist, he puts conditions on his donations, he says the attack dogs have threatened him and that he will never work in Washington again and might have to keep his money to survive. What's it going to be, donate the funds fine then do it don't say it then change your mind! Opportunity should be used when it arise but not at the cost of harming others, Richard Clarke exaggerates the truth to meet his needs. An ex employee who should have been a whistle blower in secret not in the limelight center stage like a rock star. If you want Read the Book at the Library like I did and then donate the 20 bucks to the 9/11 fund. But don't support this man and his motives. But remember there are 2 sides to the truth and this is just half of it!!! Remember to Vote as well!!!
Rating:  Summary: Enemies Within? Review: Unlike the other reviewers listed here (as of today) I have actually READ this book! I found it fascinating--the FIRST time I've seen that anyone in the government has really told the story of what exactly went on "behind the scenes" with our government after the 9/11 attacks, as well as what did and did not happen in the months and years leading up to that tragic day. Besides telling the story of his own involvement in the decisions that had to be made--immediately--that day, Clarke gives a credible history of the forces and movements outside the U.S. (though often involving U.S. policy) that led up to the events of 9/11. Clarke has also analyzed--based on 30 years of service in the federal government--many U.S. governmental shortcomings as far as protection from terrorism goes, BUT, he does not stop there! He also provides concrete ideas for solutions! (What a concept!) Sadly, they will not happen any time soon--as long as people who have not even read this book continue to avoid the real issues and hide behind the smokescreens and spins of the current administration and its misguided, narrow view of the dangerous world in which we now find our American/Western selves. Even if you agree with the current administration's direction (though this book is not all about Bush-bashing it does ask some very important, serious questions about the many lost opportunities for the U.S. after 9/11--militarily and ideologically, at home and abroad--which could understandably cause some squirming amongst supporters of this administration's policies), you will find valuable insight and information on the rest of the world's view of "us." Read the book and see for yourself! As Clarke so elegantly says "As Americans, it is up to all of us to be well informed and thoughtful, to help our country make the right decisions in this time of testing." This book goes a long way towards providing important information about exactly what our government is and is not doing for us. At least some of the decisions, based upon that information, are still up to us. (By the way, I paid the full retail price for this book, and NO one has PAID me to write this review!)
Rating:  Summary: Grateful for the truth Review: I read Paul O'Neill's book, The Price of Loyalty, and I bought Richard A. Clarke's book the first day it sold. I finished Against All Enemies and feel it important to write this review. This is a monumental work that every adult in this country should read, regardless of what political party they vote. It is clear, concise and provides the reader with the understanding of what has gone on with the security of this country in the last 25 years. Mr. Clarke has also included some of the mid-east foreign considerations that influence what is done in this country. I can't praise Mr. Clarke enough for his bravery, candor and sense of integrity. Anyone who criticizes the money he may make should realize at what price this man is and will pay for the backlash from the Bush Administration. He had only to look at what happened to Paul O'Neill to know the repercussions, but he felt enough conviction in the truth to make this contribution to the American people and his country. After reading this book I think everyone will be grateful for the work Mr. Clarke and George Tenet did to avoid 9/11. I also think people will be much more appreciative of how hard Bill Clinton & Al Gore worked with them. Thank God. The Bush Administration inherited the Clinton tactics and strategies in handling a terrorist attack such as 9/ll. One wonders what would have happened to this country if they had been left to their own plan, which, apparently, was still in the works. I have to say I have never seen such rampant fear as has been displayed by the Bush Administration and hatefulness by the neoconservatives in the media over someone telling the truth before. That alone should peak everyone's curiosity.
Rating:  Summary: Asking the right questions . . . Review: Unlike the surreal world of network television news, Richard Clarke's book provides a refreshing level of detail about how the US government does and does not work. This detail, this narrative allows an everyday, ordinary citizen like me to formulate questions about a subject as large and elusive as American foreign policy, especially the ever-more-amorphous war on terror. And by developing these questions and holding our nation's leaders accountable for the answers, then we are fulfilling our duty to be the "virtuous and vigilant" citizenry upon which the future of our democracy depends. Read the book, BUY the book for yourself and consider how you would respond if you were in Clarke's position. Then give the book to a friend or to your local library, so that others can consider Clarke's argument away from the obfuscating cynical attacks on Clarke's character that disgrace the office of the president and that turn television news into just another soap opera about who is sleeping with whom or who is out for a quick buck . . .
Rating:  Summary: Well known and documented that commercial airliners would be Review: Just read it for the skinny on Mary Jo White, one hell of a thorough and FORMIDABLE legal presence. Said of her, so ordered could indict "a ham sandwich." She gathered tons and tons of compelling evidence from SWORN TESTIMONY that the terorist operatives who Failed in the basement of the VULNERABLE TWIN TOWERS would use commercial jets to attempt to succeed above. "If I had known that the Trade Center would have been attacked, I WOULD HAVE DONE EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE." Lies, crimes, high, HOW HIGH IN THIS CASE, are sanctionble (punishable) by IMPEACHMENT once upon a time. Dubya has redined among most of the English language the trademark TEFLON.