Rating:  Summary: WHITE HOUSE DECLARES WAR ON THE TRUTH!!!!! Review: The Whitehouse is throwing everything at Clarke trying desperately to discredit him. Clarke has confirmed what many of us have suspected. Bush had a secret agenda in Iraq and didn't give a damn about Al Quaeda or Bin Laden. Because of Bush, Iraq is now infested with Al Quaeda killing both Iraqis and US Troops.The Whitehouse is slowly imploding and thier agenda is beginning to unravel. Good job Richard. Glad to see there are courageous Republicans out there.
Rating:  Summary: Let the truth be told Review: Richard Clarke speaks the truth. I`m hopeing the truth shall set this nation free. A must read book for our nation and the earth.
Rating:  Summary: Best Selling Fiction Review: Richard Clarke should keep better notes on what he has said previously in public. Either he has a poor memory or a total disdain for the truth. Either way, save your money and time by not being suckered into buying his "book"!
Rating:  Summary: One of the most important books of our time Review: Richard Clarke's experience of serving 4 presidents in the realm of counter-terrorism, renders him one of the utmost experts on the subject. There are many from the right now saying Clarke is an opportunist and did a terrible job of protecting our country. I challenge those who think that to research the many terrorist attacks he prevented during his career. As an example, during the Y2K threats, plans for 5 separate attacks on that day were thwarted and I'm sure Mr. Clarke played a major role in that success. The terrorist network planned to simultaneously attack the national airports in Washington DC and Los Angeles, the Amman Raddison Hotel in Jordan, a constellation of holy sites in Israel, and the USS The Sullivans at dock in Yemen. Each and every single one of these plots, which ranged from one side of the planet to the other, was foiled by the efforts of the Clinton administration. Clarke testified under oath to the gross negligence of the Bush administration and their lack of focus on Al Qaeda. Condi Rice is still refusing to testify under oath and is now calling for yet another "private" meeting with the 911 Commission to change her previous statement of having no knowledge that Al Qaeda would use planes as missiles. It's not too difficult to figure out who has more credibility here. This country is less safe today without Richard Clarke's vast experience working in counter-terrorism. Instead, we are left with Stephen Hadley at the helm, and he's on the verge of being indicted for outing Valerie Plame who also protected us by monitoring the proliferation of WMD's. We indeed live in very troubling times and this book gives us a peek at just how precarious a situation we're in.
Rating:  Summary: No Smear Campaign Can Refute This Powerhouse Of A Book! Review: Dubya better be packing his suitcases, because he obviously won't be spending too much more time in the White House. After years of being pampered by the conservative-controlled media, the truth about the outrageous incompetence of our complete buffoon of a president is finally being revealed to us. Richard Clarke's stunning AGAINST ALL ENEMIES exposes Bush as a supremely dull witted oaf who was completely disinterested in the idea of a potential terrorist attack on U.S. soil until it was far too late. In this powerhouse of a book, Clarke admits his own failures, as well as those of the Clinton White House, but he clearly and understandably holds the current administration at fault for ultimately doing almost nothing to keep the country safe from terrorism. Amazingly, even after 9/11, Bush still seemed to be living in a state of bemusement and stumbling confusion, which was absolutely the last thing this country needed from our nominal leader at such a terrible time. As Clarke notes, Bush's response to the attack was to immediately place blame on Saddam Hussein. Bush wanted to have Clarke engineer "proof" that Iraq was behind it all. When a comprehensive investigation revealed no such connection, Bush demanded that the report be done again. And then, without the necessary evidence and as the world watched in horror, Dubya marched us into a bloody and astronomically expensive war on a country that apparently had no hand at all in the attack. Despite the Bush Administration's appalling, contradictory and ultimately hilarious attempts to smear him with juvenile personal attacks, Clarke comes across as an indisputably credible witness, full of insight and wisdom about the state of the world and what our country should have done, and should still be doing, to help prevent any further attacks. AGAINST ALL ENEMIES is one of the most important political books ever published. If you have any interest whatsoever about the future of this country, you owe it yourself to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Another more logical perspective to 9/11 Review: This book offers another perspective to what happened in 9/11. The panic the White House is showing may indicate that this book is very valuable. The firm and shameful refusal of Dr. Rice to testify is a slap in the face of the american public and 3000 murdered innocent Americans. To Clayton Manning who seems to be more interested in showing off the ruthless Israeli tactics (who entices more terrorists by the way), I'd like to say that he represents stupidity at its best. This book is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: "Against All Enemies" Review: Come on. When folks are allowed to publish documented lies and tell it for truth, publishers should be fined for lack of judgement. What a shame that in this world of terror, publishing houses play the blame game. And it's all for the all mighty dollar. I'd give this book a negative score if it was offered. This book should be listed under fiction.
Rating:  Summary: A very brave work. Review: Richard Clarke's expose of the Bush Administration's opportunistic betrayal of the American people is an incredible read. Clarke explains how the administration exploited the deaths of the 9-11 victims to justify their invasion of Iraq. Shocking stuff. His story is being corroborated more every day by witnesses and newly released documents, putting the lie to the Bush Administration's shameless 'talk radio/Fox News' smear campaign. My hat's off to Mr. Clarke, for his bravery in writing this much needed book.
Rating:  Summary: If only Republicans would actually read this book... Review: Clearly the reviews for this book are quickly devolving into the usual rants from both sides. Here's a quick guide for folks who are actually wondering whether to lay down some cash for this book: If you're truly interested in learning how the US government first became aware of al Qaeda, and you want an inside look at how the government reacts to real threats, then by all means, buy this book, you'll enjoy it. Especially if you're a Republican who admires men like Chuck Hagel and John McCain, and can tolerate dissenting opinions. On the other hand, if you're among the 40% of Americans who will believe George W. Bush if he tells you the sun rises in the West, then don't bother, you'll hate it. But in that case, kindly spare us the mindless rants and one star reviews - no one takes those seriously anyway. (And by the way, don't hold your breath waiting for perjury charges, that's just another smokescreen from the Condi Rice Fan Club.) You might want to ask yourself, by the way, why Bush hasn't trotted out George Tenet to refute Clarke. Clearly, Tenet is not willing to perjure himself by disputing Clarke's record. And just for the record, I thought the first chapter, where he describes the reaction inside the White House on the morning of 9/11, is worth the price of the book all by itself. This guy writes as well as he testifies. This is a book that will change our history, I think.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST-READ FOR EVERY PATRIOT Review: Our country is facing the greatest danger in its history, and this book is an important document that everyone should read. The White House P.R. machine is working overtime, shrouding the truth of 9/11 behind personality propaganda and bald-faced attacks on critics, while obscuring plain facts surrounding the Bush Administration's fateful errors and mistakes. For 30 years, Richard Clarke was a nonpartisan expert in international security serving four Presidents of both parties. Now Clarke, clearly driven by a moral imperative, has revealed what many have long suspected: that during the first 8 months of 2001, the Bush team largely ignored loud alarms about Al Qaeda sounded by Clarke, CIA director Tenet, and others. One can only imagine the soul-searching Clarke has endured in the past 2½ years, but now that he has gone public, the Bush machine is attacking him with zeal. We have to pray that Truth can withstand the sophisticated media blitz Bush's $200 million war chest will fund, as they try to discredit not just John Kerry but also Richard Clarke and the anyone else who criticizes their policies. I read this book and absolutely recommend it, no matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican. This is a non-partisan clarion call about an issue that affects us all.