Rating:  Summary: Honesty Truth and Guts - Dick Clarke is a true Republican Review: This is a must read for everyone, especially the proud Republicans. I am so happy and relieved that ballsy Republicans like Dick Card still exist. He is true to the traditional values that made America strong. This book is already changing our world and making us safer by the minute. God bless Dick Clarke.A must read. This is the real deal.
Rating:  Summary: Words of a Traitor Review: This politicizing of an American tragedy is shameless. Not only is Clarke completely contradicting his earlier testimony in 2002 (was he lying then or now?), but his high-profile "book tour" before the 9/11 commission is getting in the way of us getting to real solutions about how to prevent further acts of terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: Clarke Needs Your Money and Your Forgiveness Review: This book is about two things: Clarke's need for money now that he is no longer employed at the White House and his need for forgiveness for the enormous guilt that he feels for having failed the presidents he served. If you want to change the world, don't read this book: it is a waste of time. Send twenty dollars to the Children's Peace Pavillion in Independence, Missouri instead. Listening to the innuendo come diatribe of an angry and remorseful adult will not change the world. Helping children to think about peace will.
Rating:  Summary: Don't judge it if you haven't read it Review: I found Mr. CLarke's book highly informative. Given the central role has played in counterterrorism efforts in three sucessive administrations it is essential reading. I am rather astonished that recent amazon.com reviwers are so readily able to conclude that Mr. Clarke is a self-serving liar. I was unaware that intimate knowledge of the workings of the National Security Council was so widespread. On "The Newshour with Jim Lehrer" last night, Colin Powell, who may know more about these matters than your reviewers, said that Mr. Clarke is "an expert in these matters" who has "served his country very, very well" and that one can "read the book and make your own judgment as to whether it's accurate". I advise interested persons to do just that.
Rating:  Summary: Finally the truth Review: I bought "Against All Enemies" as soon as I heard about it, and I'm just grateful that someone with Clarke's credibility is finally telling the truth. It was clear in the weeks before the war that Bush was itching to invade Iraq, and that there was nothing the UN weapons inspectors could tell him that would stop the war from happening. All the lies, that Iraq was an imminent threat, the implications that Saddam was in league with Al Qaida...none of them were effectively challenged, certainly not by the lapdog mainstream media, until well after the true impact of our occupation started being realized. Now the White House is engaged in its campaign of character assasination against Clarke. Clarke obviously knew this would happen, and yet he's had the courage to go out and tell the truth anyway. As far as I'm concerned, the man's a hero.
Rating:  Summary: FINALLY -- THE TRUTH Review: Finally someone is brave enough to tell the truth about 9/11 despite knowing that the Republican Right Wing Attack Machine would do everything possible to destroy his reputation. Clarke is a true American hero, and every citizen in this country should read this book and realize what really goes on in the White House. A masterful, compelling read and a terrifying tale.
Rating:  Summary: Grateful to Clarke. Review: Finally, after the evasion and dodging to explain what exactly happened before, after and during 9/11, we have someone willing to come clean. I live in NYC and was there during the horrible events and in NY there's the feeling that we never got any real answers from the government or from anyone who had the ability to do so. I watched month after frustrating month as the 9/11 commission was put off and stalled by this administration until the pressure from the families of 9/11 finally forced their hand. I think the #1 status on Amazon and other listings has basically set the tone about how the public feels about the void of answers.
Rating:  Summary: The truth hurts! Review: Clarke's book is well written and casts blame on numerous people, presidents and himself. A friend of our family died in Iraq - and that is horrible all by itself. But the likelihood that he died for no good reason is enough to get this president a one way ticket back to Texas. Also interesting to see all the one star reviews here - I'd love to find out how many of them actually read this book with an open mind (or read it at all). It's days like these that make me ashamed to have been a Republican. Thank you Richard Clarke for having the courage and patriotism to write this book!
Rating:  Summary: book review versus political debate Review: I did read Mr. Clarke's book, without having a specific political opinion - being a swiss citizen - on whether the democrats or the republicans should win the next presidential election. I did find his statements rather an interesting read. I do assume, that Mr. Clarke is quite an authorative Washington insider, based on his 10 years of serving american presidents of different political background. Else it would be rather unprofessional, that either presidents (democrat or republican) would have employed him in such an important position for such a long time. I do therefore assume, that Mr. Clarke's statements can be assumed to be rather credible. The many reviews on amazon.com's website - depicting Mr. Clarke as a blunt liar - show to me, that this review site has been transformed from an objective forum for reviews by readers, to a site for political debate and subjective political mud slinging. I find this rather shocking and unworthy. I can recommend anybody to read this book and draw their own conclusions.
Rating:  Summary: Angry but Honest. A surprisingly engaging read. Review: The highest recommendations I can give for this book are that it is unexpectedly engaging and that it is enraging those who only accept their information pre-digested by Fox News. I wonder if those who are attacking Clarke have even read the book or have just seen the hacked up quotes on Fox and Rush. Try reading it. Clarke is clear and direct and tells you in the first chapter one of the reasons he wrote the book. A close friend died in the 9/11 attack; a former FBI employee who would not have been in the World Trade Center if the FBI had paid attention to bin Laden. This is not a dry analysis of terrorism. It is a fresh and current action story with Clarke's very personal but honest insights into how this happened. If you are interested in a unique and penetrating perspective of the war on terror, read this book. If you are not interested in any perspective but your own, try reading it anyway. Doctors recommend elevating your heart rate at least 3 times weekly. I also recommend reading Clarke's 9/11 Commission testimony (March 24th). It is so nuanced that the mincemeat served even by the mainstream media is misleading.