Rating:  Summary: Bought Wrestlemania XX instead Review: Found it interesting that this book was on a display rack right next to Wrestlemania XX. Interesting. I decided to buy the rasslin book instead. More true to life. More factual. More real. SAME PUBLISHER.
Rating:  Summary: CNN: "Clarke..lied under oath." Review: I was just watching CNN and saw the banner run across the screen about Clarke lying under oath.This scoundrel is worst than Clinton!
Rating:  Summary: Finally, Someone We Can Be Proud Of Review: Richard Clarke is like a breath of fresh air. Who else here has gotten so tired of the Bush administration that your eyes immediately glaze over when you see them and your ears involuntarily shut off whenever Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld are giving a speech? Yeah, instead of their words, I actually here game show music from Jeopardy. Now that's social conditioning. Anyway, it's very nice to see at least one government official that Americans can be proud of. Republican puppet governments are only entertaining for so long. Their act has gotten stale. The Bush Administration has become a caricature of itself, a cheap little vaudeville that's overstayed its welcome and outlasted its usefulness, if ever it had any. It was funny for a while, but now's the time for competence. Your four year circus is over. Get the steppin white boy.
Rating:  Summary: Truth? What truth? Review: I find it amusing that so many reviews use the word Truth in their headlines to describe this book. Didn't O.J. Simpson write a book about his version of the truth? Perhaps O.J. Simpson can be included in that CBS Mini Series as well. And Robert Blake and Michael Jackson too. Perhaps pro wrestler Ric Flair can portray Howard Dean and do that wooooooo or yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah. This book is an obvious attempt to take away from the heroic and patriotic efforts of our leader Pres. George W. Bush. Democrats must be really scared. Perhaps it's time to recall a few more of their incompetent governors, senators or just flat out leeches. If they ever make a movie on John Kerry, Jim Nabors would be the ideal person to play that role. All Jim has to do is resurrect that ole Gomer Pyle character and he could play Kerry to a T. Skip this book. Buy a good dinner instead.
Rating:  Summary: An intelligent book with common sense Review: It was with great interest that I, an unashamed libertarian socialist, first viewed Clarke's Bush-damning interview on 60 Minutes and I was eager to buy the book the next day to find out more of what he had to say. While there are obviously a lot of reasons that I think that Bush has been dead wrong for the country, nothing to me has been as egregious as his spin on the Iraq issue, and Clarke's book does an excellent job of giving us an insider's view of Bush & Co.'s attitudes about Iraq (to the detriment of the "War on Terror"), bringing to life these characters whose off-the-record sides we rarely see. While some may quibble with how accurate Clarke is in his reading of body language of Rice, Bush, etc., there's basically nothing politically new to what's already been said by Woodward in "Bush at War" and by Paul O'Neill in "the Price of Loyalty." I was really amused to see Bill O'Reily tell his viewers last week that it's not important to pay attention to what the 9/11 commission is doing, since it's in the past. What O'Reilly really wants is for people to not think about the details (and details ARE important) of what really happened and how our president has been guiding our country into a hole. Only through thorough examination of how Clinton and Bush administrations handled the terrorist issues will we know how to act in the future. Anyone who remembers how U.S customs was able to thwart the millenium attack (and in it saving many American lives) will realize, by reading this book or following news reports, that Richard Clarke had an important role in catching the uneloquently labeled "evil-doer." Concurrently, since al Qaeda had already been attempting to disrupt within U.S. borders, common sense would say that the Bush administration should have been more vigilant about the possibility and danger within the country. Clarke gives more details in the book. While I might not agree with Clarke on some issues, e.g. over-arming Israel, the honesty and candor of the guy is obvious. Those who think that the spin he put out as a member of the Administration are pretty naive to think that what Clarke did was out of the ordinary. Most entertaining in the book is the first chapter, which as noted by others reads like a thriller about the White House reaction on 9/11. The middle part of the book talks over the terrorist issues starting from the Reagan years. Towards the end of the book is where we see more about the Bush administration leading up to, and reacting to 9/11. A very educational look at how our government operates. Clarke is a whistle-blowing hero.
Rating:  Summary: Work of fiction Review: Clarke has been heavily discredited this week as being untruthful. He has conflicts in his testimony and has given opposite accounts of what he has written in his book. He had worked for the Clinton Whitehouse for 8 years of inaction on terrorism. They did nothing in 1993 during the first WTC strike; did nothing when the USS cole was bombed; did nothing when after the US embassy bombing; refused to take Osama Bin Laden when he was offered up by Sudan; gutted the military and the CIA....and he has problems with Bush's first 8 months in office? This is the man who told reporters while he was working in the white house, before he was fired and before 9/11, that Bush's directive was to "stop swatting at flies" and go after the terrorists. Now Clarke changes his tune while alligned with the Kerry campaign. This book should be labeled as fiction. It is nothing more than partisan political propaganda.
Rating:  Summary: Boring and not factual Review: I bought this at Borders a couple of nites ago and returned it today. I know others who threw this book away after reading only the first two chapters. Nice try democrats, but it's not working. I wonder what the next anti-Bush book will be? Seems to be an easy way to make money. Smells of ponzi scheme to me and the gullible American public are funding this scam. Only in America!
Rating:  Summary: Clarke=a modern day Judas seeking gold Review: It seems appropiate that this book by a modern day Judas has come out right during the Holy Season just before the death of Christ who was betrayed by Judas for a few pieces of Gold. We all know that Judas later hung himself in disgrace. I believe that this time around, it will be the American people who will be hanging Clarke for selling his soul for a few pieces of Gold and get his name on a temporary best seller. Save your money on this book. Wait for the CBS mini series which will have feature John Kerry portrayed by Jim Nabors. Vince McMahon can play Clarke.
Rating:  Summary: CNN: "Clarke may have lied under oath." No kidding!!! Review: now isn't that the kind of person that the democrats lean on? Didn't Pres. Clinton lie under oath as well? So now we know that democrats and Bush bashers lie under oath or just lie! Nothing new here.
Rating:  Summary: Ridiculously Unbalanced and Politically Charged! Review: While it is clear to most Americans that our government failed us (and that we failed ourselves), it is equally clear that Clarke is angry about his demotion in the Bush Administration, and his failure to get the #2 spot in the Department of Homeland Security. Had they have stroked Clarke's ego a bit more, he'd still be a member of the administration. Perhaps much of the substance of his criticisms are valid. What stinks to high heaven is his peculiar praise of the Clinton Administration. The Clinton Administration which chose to pursue a mild campaign against al-qaida, and to treat terrorism as a regular law enforcement issue. The Clinton Administration that only resorted to token retaliation after the 1993 WTC Bombing, the African Embassy Bombings, and the USS Cole. How many terrorist acts were committed on Bush's watch? before 9-11? ZERO! Clarke's real disagreement with the Bush Administration is in the choice to pursue force against Iraq. This criticism is legitimate, but of course reasonable people can disagree. Rather than focus his expertise and knowledge to critique the Iraqi action, he prefers to distort the Bush Administration's record in the first eight months. To understand his unbelievable bias, contrast his statements that the Clinton Administration held terrorism as "the number one priority" with his questionable characterization of counter-terrorist activities under the first eight months of the Bush Administration. This simply doesn't pass the smell test. The record shows that the strategy against al-qaida was dramatically changed when the Bush Administration took office, though it was in the process of being formulated into an actionable and coordinated policy. In Clarke's own words (while he was still a member of the administration: "President Bush told us in March to stop swatting at flies and just solve this problem, then that was the strategic direction that changed the NSPD (National Security Presidential Directive) from one of rollback to one of elimination." Clarke admits that there was a fundmental reassessment on how to treat the al-qaida threat, and that the President directed his administration to form a policy of elimination, as opposed to "rollback." Yet Clarke would have you believe, now, after he was been demoted once, and rejected for the #2 position in the Department of Homeland Security, that the Bush Administration was inept in their handling of the terrorism pre 9-11. He'd still be a part of the Bush Administration if he had his way! If he was so disenchanted, then why the hell was he applying for the #2 position in the Department of Homeland? While it is undoubtedly true that our government could have done more, and that 9-11 was probably preventable, it is also true that Clarke is an imbittered, biased, totally dishonest and failed bureaucrat. It's a shame that after 30 years of service he lets his ego get in the way of the truth.