Rating:  Summary: Finally the King of Hardcore gives us an insight to his life Review: This is a great book. Any wrestling fan should take a look at this book. From when he was a teen dreaming of one day being the WWF Champion, to battling the biggest superstars in Federation history, Mick Foley, AKA Mankind, Dude Love and Cactus Jack, has done it all. It all starts when a wrestling show comes into his home town of Long Island. It's then that he developes an interest in wrestling. And the wrestling is history. There are 2 reasons why I would recommend this book to any wrestling fan. One, it was written by Mick Foley, no one else. Two, it is a very detailed story of his career(s) in ECW,WCW, and WWF. It even has a detailed, minute by minute account of his matches in the Japanese Death matches. But the best is yet to come. What is the best yet to come? It gives you a minute by minute account of the match that many consider to be the match that propelled his career to where it is today, the single match Undertaker vs. Mankind inside Hell in a Cell at King of the Ring 1998.
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful book! Review: Honestly, before reading this book, I didn't think much of Mick Foley. I thought he was a crazy, sadistic fool, but other than that, not much.Then I read "Have a Nice Day", and everything changed. Even though he recently retired from in-ring competition, Foley has now become one of my favorite wrestling personalities, and this book has everything to do with that. "Have a Nice Day" is a look inside Foley's life; how he got into wrestling to begin with, how he became known as Cactus Jack, and how he became one of the great wrestlers of our generation. The events he describes are so mind-boggling, that you'll have to read it to believe it. Foley, in addition to recounting his own life, also shows the reader a behind-the-scenes view of the Pro Wrestling business, and he does so with the utmost sincerity. You will know exactly how he feels about the industry and other wrestlers. Overall, this is just a wonderful book, and FUNNY! However, those unfamiliar with Pro Wrestling might not get some of his jokes. And another warning: this is by no means a watered-down version of Foley's life, meaning he goes through some of his more gory wrestling matches in vivid detail, and there are pictures that are very graphic (Except the one with his newborn son, which is just adorable). Not recommended for the squeamish. But this is not in any way recommended only for pro wrestling fans. Anyone who wants to read a story about someone beating countless odds to achieve his lifelong dream should get this book.
Rating:  Summary: The nicest man in Wrestling Review: Mick Foley takes you away from all the glitz and glamour of the wrestling programs you see on TV, and provides you with a touching story of his rise through the world of professional wrestling. Mick Foley's voice is recognizable on every page of the book, as he tells a gripping tale of heartache, struggles, and success. Includes tons of inside stories about many of todays professional wrestlers, from ECW, WCW, and the WWF. A great read for wrestling fans, and non-fans alike. The book leaves you with a new perspective on wrestling, and a new respect for Mick Foley.
Rating:  Summary: Very good Review: Being a huge Foley mark (fan), I told myself that I was going to read this book no matter how good or bad it was. Once I got into the book, not only did I like it, I loved it. This book shouldn't be looked as a wrestling book, this book offers a side of wrestlers that fans usually don't get to see. He not only talks about his injuries in great detail, but also about his life outside the ring.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Life Experiences from an Amazing Man. Must Read. Review: I read this book about a year ago and I am still impressed with Foley's life story to this day. The book had everything in it I could ask for: action, adventure, romance and of course, humor. It's a must-read for any fan of professional wrestling. Mick takes you on a complete tour of the industry from his time in the U.S. independents, to his time in WCW, ECW, Japan and of course, the WWF. He talks about many of the great wrestlers he's had an opportunity to work with over the past decade. He's encountered just about EVERYONE. Being a life long fan of wrestling it was a great read for me to hear about his encounters with many of my favorites that he worked with. Some highlights for me from the book in particular was: his student film he made in school of his backyard wrestling league, his skipping out of class to attend a WWF show, when he recounts a trip he took to Africa in the beginning of his career, his adventures in Japan and of course his story of how he lost a part of his ear in Europe. Even if you are not a wrestling fan, you will marvel and the many exploits that Mick Foley has encountered throughout his life. It's a great story about how a young man has had a chance to live out his dream and how one man "beat the odds to become one of the best at what he does." It was an awesome read. Great story about a great guy. It is unbelievable some of the things he's seen and done. Highest recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: Not just a wrestling book... Review: Mick Foley's captivating life story should not be dismissed by non-wrestling fans as a book that only fans can enjoy. While the majority of the story does revolve around his wrestling career, the book contains enough humor and emotion to keep anyone's eyes plastered to the pages. Having an unusual wrestling body forced Foley to create his own wrestling style which is sometimes brutal, often violent, and always entertaining. You will cringe hearing about his numerous injuries and laugh at his shameless "Al Snow" jokes. Mick's incredible journeys to Japan, Burkina Faso, and Germany make this a can't-miss read. If you are a non-wrestling fan who's curious about this great book, please read it. The critical acclaim and massive selling of this book were greatly deserved. There was a reason it became a #1 bestseller (it is a quality piece of contemporary literature). Have a nice day!
Rating:  Summary: Autobiography of a business man... Review: Let me preface this review by saying that I am not much of a wrestling fan (I last watched wrestling in the early 80's when Snuka, Muracco, Hogan and others reigned). Foley, at the end of the day, is an intelligent, poised businessman. Following his dream with a devotion that could be characterized as both maniacal and religous, he parlayed mediocre athletic ability (but a very high tolerance for pain and punishment) into a tremendous career as a "sports entertainer". One of the biggest surprises I had reading this book is the portrayal of Vince McMahon. Not that the portrayal was complimentary (considering it was published by the WWF). Instead, that McMahon is such a savvy manager. One of McMahon's traits is something of which Jack Welch would approve: push decision-making to the people best suited for doing so - don't centralize all of the business processes. Foley and his personas (Cactus Jack, Mankind, Dude Love) are able to suggest and create scenarios... craft their own public personalities... and, in general, provide a more interesting environment for the entertainment they provide. This speaks to the WWF management team's abilities. Another surprise is Foley's honesty. He really pulls no punches from a personal and professional standpoint. Other wrestlers are treated fairly but without varnish. One gets a better appreciation for the athletic abilities, the work ethic and the mental toughness that must accompany any pro wrestler into the ring, night after night. Although the entire book is interesting, I think that it is really useful from the perspective of learning about the wrestling business and business in general. Empowerment of employees appears to be the gist of the WWF approach. And it has certainly worked over the last few years. Highly recommended whether you are a wrestling fan or not. In fact, those who are not fans would probably benefit most from this book.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT BOOK Review: This book is one of the best i have ever read. Mankind talks about is old wrestling exprince and always says good things about the othe wrestlers if you like wrestling pick this book up
Rating:  Summary: Don't Let the Author Fool You! Review: Wrestler. After hearing this word, what comes to mind? Bodyslams, fake moves, swearing, etc. Please folks, don't let the author,Mick Foley, fool you. When you hear that a wrestler has just writtena book you automatically think "Big deal" unless you watchwrestling. But believe me, this book is written way better then whatyou thought. Though Foley is a professional wrestler, he wrote adarn good book. It's very long but very informational. It'sbasically an autobiography which humor throughout. The book goesthrough the life of Mick Foley and tells you all the pain and all thesuffering it took a man like Mick to make it to the WWF. The booktells you about the different organizations he had to go through, ittold you how he got his connections to the WWF, and it even told mewho his first girlfriend was! Honestly people, this wrestlerdeserves a big round of applause for writing such an awesome book.Sure, he swears pretty many times in it. But hey, he does this inreality so why not put it in their so you know more about his image.I loved this book and I will again be reading it shortly. This bookhas everything, everything a reader would want, of course. Mick haspacked his whole life into a page-turner that i could not seem to putdown and people I have talked to did the same. Once you start, youcan't stop reading. I will say it for the last time. This book, byMick Foley, is a definite must read for wrestling fans ornon-wrestling fans. It really doesn't matter what your stature isbecause you will definitely love this book and will want to read more.Please pick it up and read it, I guarantee you will like it. Thankyou very much for reading my review.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: Upon completion of this book for the 4th time, I concluded this book is excellent. It's funny, but more importantly (for me)it gives me a look at his matches and the world of wrestling in general. Mick Foley rules!!!