Rating:  Summary: Greatest Book in the History of Mankind Review: Well, I considered posting a fake review (literary entertainment?) from a pro-wrestler - thinking that more people would read it. However, rather than amuse "smart" fans, I thought it more prudent to reach out to the unitiated reader who might be legitimately interested in seeing what the buzz is all about.To me, the most meaningful parts of the book were the sections dealing with the horrible punishment that wrestlers who "exposed the business" were to subjected to in "the old days." Anyone who allowed fans a peek behind the curtain were...well...beaten to a pulp or worse. Make no mistake, Mick Foley "exposes the business" in this book. And even though the current era of pro-wrestling seems to be thriving off of this kind of attitude, I for one think it's still a brave thing for Mick to do. Now, there IS a sense of tact and diplomacy in this book that feels a little out of place for such a hardcore guy. It's as if the tone is, well, a little too kind. There is minimal backstabbing for what is a notoriously tough business - but who knows? Maybe Mick is that nice of a guy. And it's always smart not to burn bridges. I liked his story so much, I found myself getting interested in learning some of the more personal things about the guy - is he a Democrat or Republican? Is he religious? (He seems to be...) I guess I'll have to wait for all of that stuff in his next book - after all, Mick is in the prime of his career, and there are many more tales to be written. Lastly - Mick, if you read these reviews, do NOT take any more bumps that could kill you on my account! I'm perfectly happy with your personality, professionalism, and promos. As well as your keen talent for alliteration! LZ
Rating:  Summary: its as though Mick was sitting there telling me the story. Review: Great book for any fan of a good read,right from the start i found myself laughing out loud,or gritting my teeth,he paint's a very vivid picture..love it....
Rating:  Summary: mick foley is god Review: mick foley is the greatest wrestler ever! But more than that he is a great author. Keep up the good work mick
Rating:  Summary: Very Enjoyable for both Wrestling Fans and Non-Fans Review: Mick Foley's one of the smartest and most articulate people in wrestling, but that rarely translates very well outside of wrestling's limited (squared) circle. That's why it's a pleasant surprise to discover just how *good* HAVE A NICE DAY is. By contrast (and closer to what I expected), Lou Albano's THE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO PRO WRESTLING doesn't tell you any more than you could pick up from a Jerry Springer show on the subject--and takes a lot longer to do it. Mick Foley brings his all to writing, just as he does in-ring. He's amazingly honest about his experiences and the inside politics of the industry, while at the same time never descending into the whininess of, say, Brett Hart (am I the only person who thought WRESTLING WITH SHADOWS was extremely disingenuous?). While it's clear Foley overall admires his current employer, Vince McMahon, he's not afraid to point out when he thinks McMahon has failed people (i.e., the Brett Hart scandal). More importantly, Foley's honest about his reactions to these occasions--how he originally considered quitting WWF over the Brett Hart incident, and why he ultimately didn't (breach of contract, etc.). His description of working for WCW is unfavorable, but in the tone of constructive criticism instead of a flame. (Again, contrast that to WRESTLING WITH SHADOWS.) If Foley's assessment is accurate (and I see no reason based on a casual fan's evidence to doubt it), WCW's troubles are far from over, even with Bischoff out. He's also surprisingly frank about the insecurities that drive him, but that's less of a surprise since it so strongly informs his "Mankind" in-ring persona. He also talks a lot about not only how he's been injured so often, but why he continues to do it despite knowing better and the concern of his family. I especially liked reading about his personal and home life, and wish he'd written more about that. Again, he's very honest--while he obviously adores his wife and children, he also admits he's hardly the perfect father (like when he was in a rotten temper one Christmas, or tried to tell his son Dewey what Halloween costume to wear with disasterous results) and they're hardly the perfect family. That's he's secure enough to admit it, more than anything else, convinced me just how stable and loving his home life is. The book could have used better editing--the end, in particular, turns into a recitation of recent matches with little analysis. A good editor would have made him add analysis there, since his earlier matches are so well-analyzed. And, well, a few less japes at Al Snow would have been nice--it's obviously a buddy-buddy ribbing thing, but you can see why it quickly wears on their colleagues. Overall, this is an incredibly honest book about a man who genuinely loves professional wrestling, even though he's not blind to its flaws. For a reader who doesn't "Get It", Mick Foley goes a long way towards making clear why other people do--and why he has risen to the status of cult icon in pro wrestling, even while being rejected by many of the mainstream fans. I doubt anybody else writing in this series (The Rock, Stone Cold) will do nearly as good a job--but if we're lucky, Mick's raised the bar high enough that they'll at least *try*.
Rating:  Summary: What I Got From Foley Review: Whether you like Mick Foley or not he is one of the greatest wrestlers in the business. How many people do you know that could write a 500+ page book on their life. Having not nearly as many injuries as he has. He is a true icon in society today, he fought through the good and the bad to rise to the top. Foley wrote one of the greatest books on wrestling and his life when he wrote this one.
Rating:  Summary: Mick is the greastest wirter and wrestler ever! Review: This book was a classic...no doubt about it. Mick told it like it was. Through all his love sweat and tears, he is the greatest writer and wrestler of all time. Congratulations Mick
Rating:  Summary: This book is a classic Review: Thsi book was so good i couldn't put it down for 7hours stright. The best part was about the Japaness Death Matches. This is a must Read!
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING! Review: This has got to be the best book I've ever read (although I haven't read all that many)! It's got everything! Humor, suspense, sadness and heart. Mick Foley is not only the greatest wrestler who has ever lived but he is now the best author who has ever lived. I can't say any more than, the guy's my hero and I hope I can be just like him! SOCKO!SOCKO!
Rating:  Summary: This book made me believe i could be a superheavyweight! Review: I tell you, that Mankind is one ugly cat but he sure can write. This book inspired me to believe in myself and look now i can carry a scale and get beat up by the best in the business. Highy recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest book ever made Review: I going to get the book soon but i know this book is great , a most read for anyone who loves to read.