Rating:  Summary: Truman H.S. student Review: This book emphazises racism and segregation throughtout. There are some whites that live among blacks, but their lives are very different in Stamps and there is not a mutual respect between them. Although Maya was raised in a strict household, she is from a different generation that could not help but be bothered by this. Her telling the readers of her learning process is what makes "I Know Why the Changed Bird Sings" a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Looking deep within the meaning Review: I know why the caged bird sings is a remarkable peice of a literary work. It displays many themes and meanings behind the title. Some themes are displacement, Identification, and Abandonment. This book shows the struggles of segregation and the reactions of the people of many generations and how they differ in their thoughts and actions. Maya's silence is the key theme that puts the book's true purpose and the Title together. I recommend this book because it was really heartwarming and gave the most interest to me.
Rating:  Summary: The caged birds sing of freedom... Review: I had always been somewhat resistant when faced with the prospect of reading Maya Angelou's 'I know why the caged birds sing'. Perhaps it is the fact that it graces so many high school reading lists, and I remember the sense of dread of having to cram in a somewhat dull-ish book in a hour or two before an exam.But within a week and a half of reading this, I devoured the rest of her autobiographies with a mixture of such fascination and revulsion. Revulsion at the inhumanity, but taken by the beauty of Angelou's own humanity when dealing with those who oppress. The shear force of her womanhood is startling. In some little way, I would go as far to say that this book has altered me, as I imagine it has altered many who have spent an evening curled up, turning page after perfect page. Perhaps I feel more, I empathise a little more, perhaps I understand the process of self-acceptance a little better. Writing in itself is such a introverted period of self examination, and yet oddly, this book has the subtle power to suggest that the reader examine themselves. It really is that brilliant, and certainly one i could have devoured at least a day before the exam.
Rating:  Summary: much to be learned: Review: This book offers much to be learned from the words written inside. Ms. Angelou tells the truth, does so eloquently and courageously. The book is a gift from her hands to ours. I am a child of abuse, and this book has helped me in so many ways...I could not help but to cry. I will read it over and over again, just in case I missed a thread of what she is telling me. I rank this book as a 5+ it rates right up there with books such as Nightmares Echo and Beauty For Ashes. Beautiful!
Rating:  Summary: Poetry from the heart Review: I've read three books recently that I found absolutely fascinating: The Secret Life of Bees, Bark of the Dogwood, and I know why the Caged Bird Sings. As far as the best, it was a toss up between "I Know" and "Dogwood." Both are well written pieces of literature with wonderful characters and an entertaining story to tell. Make no mistake, "Caged Bird" is not easy reading--it's not some pulp fiction piece. This is a real book, full of poetry, ideas, and great writing. You do have to put some work into it to get something out. But in the end you will be rewarded. Also recommended: Bark of the Dogwood, Secret Life of Bees
Rating:  Summary: I know why the caged bird sings Review: "I know why the caged bird sings" I know why the caged bird sings by Maya Angelou was a great book. This book told us about her life and how tough it was as a young African American girl growing up in the 50's and 60's. She was molested and raped, and put in other situations that she didn't want to be in, this book is just informing us that we will sooner or later be put in a position like she was. She lived in a world that ostracized her because she was black, everyday African Americans are put in that position, all she's telling you is how to handle it. I believe that every child, adult, and elderly person should read this book and I'm telling you, you will like it. I know why the caged bird sings was one of the most touching novels that I have ever read. I had to read I this book for my first year of high school but if I knew it was this excellent I would've read it much earlier. I know why the caged bird sings is an intellectual and very magnificence novel, I would read it again and again until I know it by heart. If you didn't read this book you should, I would again. I admire Maya Angelou as a speaker and a poet; she's an artist not just to me but many others. I read all of Maya Angelou's poetry and I have read most of her novels and have loved all of them.
Rating:  Summary: people have different veiws Review: To tell you the truth, i feel that this book has shown the deep, and dark feelings that many people go through day by day. People have no idea what actually goes on in the world today. Maya Angelou wrote about her life, living with being raped at such an early age. I feel as if this book truly shows how the world is. More and more people are raped everyday, and there is nothing that can hide this. If you feel like you get upset over things like this, or that you can't handle it as a mature adult, then don't read it. If you have opinions that differ from the author, then read another book. I feel like this book shows that times are tough, and that no matter what happens, there is ALWAYS a light out of the tunnle, and where there is someone that has persistance, and a dream, you will accomplish it no matter what. I recomend this book to anyone, and everyone. Especially people who don't understand what people like like Maya had to go through, living with the thought that they were raped.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: This book was THE hardest book for me to read simply because it is a terrible book. I would never recommend this book to ANYONE. It would be a cruel torture that I wouldn't wish on even my worst enemy. Her life was so screwed up and she doesn't have good views on things such as white people, sex, or family. And even with the views she has and the things that have happened to her, she goes to the whole world to hear her sick, sad story. keep those things to yourself where they belong and not spread it like a disease to the public.
Rating:  Summary: I know why the caged birds sing Review: I would like to say that this book is excellent. It really shows what maya went through as a kid through an adult. This bibliography really stands out of all the books I've read. I don't recommend this books to people who don't know what there reading
Rating:  Summary: This is a great book Review: I first read this when i was 11 and i didnt understand anything. but i recently read it again and LOVE it. this is the autobiography of marguerite, called maya by her brother Bailey and called Ritie by her other relatives. the first part of the book is about when she lives with her grandmother in the segragated Stamps, Arkanas. the second part is when she goes to California to live with her mom. maya angelou is a great author. After you read this book, you have to read the sequel, (i forgot the name) about how she raises the son she has at the end of this book. if u like books about racism and segregation, you should read this. but even if you just like reading books about teenage life, u should read this. ~~THIS IS A GREAT BOOK~~