Rating:  Summary: The giant peach story Review: Did you ever think a giant peach could land straight in the middle of the sea? Well in the story James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl it does! James Henry Trotter winds up in a giant peach when his Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker put him there. You can read about his life, adventures and friendship in this book.I really liked this book because I thought it was amazing! It had lots of things that can't really happen so I used my imagination On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give this a 9. I think Roald Dahl's purpose for writing this story is he wanted people to have fun, laugh and read a good book.
Rating:  Summary: james and the giant peach Review: The begining of this book was about a boy that had mean aunts that treat him meanly. They live in a old house on a hill and have a old car. James had parents that died from a rino eating them, ever since he had to live with his aunts, which were very mean and had no respect for enyone. One day james found a peach on his peach tree. After they loked at the peach it began to grow, it grew until it was bigger than about 4 houses. James and his aunts did not know what to do with this peach so they had a show of the peach, people were alowed to look at it but not take pictures of it or touch it. They would not let him go out to see it when the people were there, the only thing they would let him do was pick up the garbage after every one was gone. As James picked up the garbage he took a bite of the peack and a hole began to form right in frount of his face, it got so big, big enough for him to fit inside. So he went into the whole, inside he found himself changing, he became a cartoon. Then he found a bunch of insects that were cartoons also. At first he was frightened, but he became friends with them after a minute or two. There they all wanted to go on a adventure, sop they did. They rolled the peach off the stem and begun to fall they fell on to a fence that was stuck into the peach. At the end of the day they ended up in the ocean floating. Then they found a shark that tryed to kill them, but this was not any ordinary shark it was a robot. The only way to get awy was to tie about 300 seagulls to the stem. So they did, and flew away.Eventually they had to land so they did. They landed on the Empire State Building. And they had to get a crane to get them down. After they did that the people that lived in New Yourk ate all the peach untill it became the core, and james and his friends lived in it. I liked this book because it was a caroon book, and it had a lot of fantacy in it. On a scale from 1-10 i would give it a 8. This book relates to me because i would want to have an adventure just like James.
Rating:  Summary: Paul's Review Review: "We need another seagull. Earthworm you have to!" said James. That's one of my favorite parts in James and The Giant Peach. Do you know who has written that book? It was written by Roald Dahl. I have three favorite parts. When they are in the water, on top of the Empire State Building, and when James first meets the creatures. James, Centipede, Spider, Silkworm, Earthworm, Ladybug, Glowworm, and Grasshopper are in the water trapped by sharks. Luckily, James sees at least 500 seagulls in the air. He has Spider and Silkworm spin silk to catch them. After every seagull was caught, they floated in the air and out of danger. Near the end, James and all the creatures are on the Empire State Building. The fire department and the police department are all there waiting and thinking that James and the other creatures are aliens from another planet. The best part was when James met all the creatures. He found the hole, the tunnel and then the door into the giant peach. He opened it and found the creatures sitting on the couch and chairs. He was shocked to see such things in his life. I really enjoyed this book. Maybe you will to read James and The Giant Peach to find what else happens.
Rating:  Summary: *~!James and the Giant Peach, a good book to read!~* Review: ~*~James and the Giant Peach is a very good book for people from the ages 9-12 to read. I choose this book because I saw the movie and I thought that is would be very good. The book was about a little boy named James Henry Trotter, who lived with his aunts and they treated him every badly. He grew a giant peach and he went inside it. He landed into a "Magical World." My favorite part of the book was when James went inside of the peach, he found some new and very good friends. He was afraid of his new friends and they were afriad of him. While they were inside of the peach, they were tryig to get to New York City. I am not going to tell you if he makes it or not you are just going to have to read it to find out. I think that the best character in the book was James because he went away for his aunts, and was attempting to go to New York. I think that he is a very brave person!~ *~By:Ashley *!~*
Rating:  Summary: Arye's Reveiw Review: I chose this book because it had a kind of Fairy-tale adventure mixture. This book is about a young boy who drops magic beans and it grows a tree with a peach on it,after a while it gets real big and he finds an opening in it he goes inside and meets alot of bugs and they go on the biggest adventure of there lives. My favorite part in the book is when are floating threw the ocean. Also my favorite charecter is the centipede because he is so so so funny.
Rating:  Summary: 4 1/2* Old-Fashioned Dickensian Fun Review: (I am reviewing the 1988 Windrush large print version of the original 1961 book by Dahl. Illustrations are by Michel Simeon.) This fanciful book's old-fashioned style and content almost feels as if it were written at the turn of the 19th Century, and the James' initial misery recalls Dickens. The writing's rough edges make it seem more like a personal story, rather than the product of some anonymous conglomerate. Unfortunately, the beginning of the book (where James magically escapes from his aunts) seems contrived, the aunts are unbelievably cruel, and the writing is somehow flat. However, the book picks up after James and his newfound insect friends escape via a magic peach. The bantering and arguing insect personalities are reminiscent of those in "Winnie the Pooh" and "The Wizard of Oz." (The feuding Centipede and Worm are a bit like emotionally labile Tigger and pessimistic Eeyore; the "LadyBird" plays a role similar to the Scarecrow.) The insects' squabbling and fear is balanced by James' good-hearted and well-reasoned actions that save them from sharks, the angry "Cloud People" (who throw hail, water, and rainbow-making paint at them), and the fearful citizens of New York City. Dahl has lots of word play ("Oh, just look at the vermicious gruesome face!"), and songs done in a kind of "Alice of Wonderland" meets Broadway style: "I've eaten many strange and scrumptious dishes in my time, Like jellied gnats and dandyprats and earwigs cooked in slime, And mice with rice-they're really nice/When roasted in their prime. (But don't forget to sprinkle them with just a pinch of grime.)" As you can see, the humor (and some of Michel Simeon's illustrations for the 1988 edition) is sometimes fun-gothic, and the demise of the aunts is not like that pictured in the movie based on the book (They get run over by the peach.) Overall, however, and despite its slow beginning, the book is stylish and lots of fun.
Rating:  Summary: Ally's Review Review: Accidently, James Henry Trotter drops a bag of magic beans by the peach tree. Suddenly the crystals form into a gigantic peach! Odd things start to happen. James sees an entranceway through the peach and all these wierd critters that can talk! James is in shock. As you go through the book you come along some characters named Centipede, Ladybug, Spider, Grasshopper, Glow Worm, Silk Worm,Aunt Sponge, Aunt Spiker and James. Aunt Sponge, the tremendously fat one, and Aunt Spiker, the most skinniest person in the world, treat James so deadly. They beat him and treat him horribly. My favorite part is when James meets all of the characters. I liked it because they are a big part of the book. So I wanted to know a lot about them. I think some kids can relate to James' personality because he's a smart kid who's friendly and likes to go on long journeys. I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. I think readers 8-12 should read it. Will James go far, far away with the peach and the critters or will the adventure start to begin? Read this book and find out!
Rating:  Summary: Not for young children! Review: The adventures of James require the gruesome deaths of his beloved parents and two awful aunts, and the acceptance of a frightening gift from a scary-looking stranger who pops out of nowhere. While the aunts are indeed terrible, their insults to James are unnecessarily cruel and prolonged. There are also an infinite number of literary ways to extract James from his predicament without killing his aunts. At one point the characters are actually gleeful about their deaths. Although the rest of the plot is imaginative, it is choppy and doesn't hang together or flow well. The ending, while happy for the characters, falls flat and carries no grand positive message. This is not a book for young children, and I don't think it is a particularly good book for any age.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: I think that this book is very interesting becouse the author made me realize that my parents are very important to me and I think that i would give this to another person to read
Rating:  Summary: I like this book Review: James met a man the man gave him magic beans. James droped the beans near a peach tree. Then a big peach grow. He went on an adventure with little bugs. I liked the book because of the big peach. Daysean age 13