Rating:  Summary: highlights the inequity of living in a totalitarian regime Review: This is an inspirational stor
Rating:  Summary: "I" Loved this book! Review: The story is right out of George Orwell's 1984, but from a literary standpoint, I was impressed by Ayn Rand's wonderful use of personal pronouns to tell the story. Never seen this anywhere else. The personal pronoun, "I", was not used until the main character "found" himself free of the burdens of the collective society. Imagine writing a book in the first person perspective and not use the word "I"! This book is easy reading and generates an appreciation of personal freedom and what it is to earn that feeling of freedom. I definitely recommend this book--doesn't take long to read and you may find yourself reading it several times, enjoying it more each time. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: My mind kept picturing Jonas from _The Giver_ by Lois Lowry Review: As a children's librarian I kept picturing Jonas the main character from Lois Lowry's Newbery Award winning book _The Giver_. (highly rec'd) I was a bit confused as I started the book, but finally everthing clicked and fell into place. Certainly I don't want to give away the story-line, but certainly worth the 75-90 minutes it will take you to read, and like the review below states, a good introduction to Ayn Rand.
Rating:  Summary: Very interesting Review: Although I couldn't disagree with Ayn Rand's philosophy more her novels are always complex,but worth it.In Anthem the idea of an almost "Big Brother"ish world is very well portrayed.This is one of her shorter novels and is a good way to enter the world of Ayn Rand.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting idea, but not interestingly written Review: I had heard wonderful things about Ayn Rand, but was disappointed with the book. I understand how her philosophy has the ability to touch some people, but I found her quality of writing to be lacking, and the story line blurred and slightly corny.
Rating:  Summary: very deep-intellectually and in a quiet, emotional manner Review: Anthem really touches our basic freedoms and their need in our everyday lives. It opens up self-worth and determination, along with survival and decision making. I recommend this book to young and old
Rating:  Summary: Relies too heavily on the moral. Review: Anthem seemed to be, a book purely made for preaching a message; If that's what Ayn Rand hoped to achieve, she did it very well. I felt there were two huge flaws to this book. One, I didn't understand the "warning" Ayn Rand was trying to tell us, if there was one at all. The other flaw was that I felt all of the characters existed for the pure purpose of guiding the main character (Equality/Prometheus) through his journey. If you would like to read a book that contains a similar message, but does not contain these two structure flaws, I suggest Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse, or better yet, 1984 by George Orwell.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting look at altruism Review: This book really confronts altruism. When my grandfather was in the hospital and my father and I had to go and watch him for a few hours, we stopped at the library so I could get some books to read and wouldn't be bored. I was actually looking fo THE FOUNTAINHEAD, but it was checked out. So I got ANTHEM instead. I started it at the hospital, finshed it, and looked up to see two hours had passed. It is very captivating and I only stopped to get out of chair and change positions because my leg was getting numb. To the people who say they put other people before them, this book shows exactly what kind of society they treasure. I'm not ashamed to asy if it came between my life and someone else's, I choose for me to live. I'm not saying I would do this without pain, but if you people want others to live better than you, why don't you kill yourself and feed them your meat? This book shows the power of egoism (not EGOTISM, that one 't' makes all the difference) you should love to be yourself, life is the best gift you can have, and I would elongate my life every chance I got. I do think we should have charity and help people, but not live for the sake of their life. I'm not gonna be anyone's personal slave, and to people who say that putting other people first and becoming their personal slave is TOTALLY different, its not. I'm telling you how to live, but I'm telling you why I think that egoism and selfishness can be virtuous. Why is it so wrong to what something? Even the late Mother Theresa and the Pope wanted something. Whether what you want is material or spiritual, or like me, a lot of both, it is still OK. I mean, according to The Bible even Jesus and God had wants. If you are a Christian, or Hindu, or Buddhist, or anything with a god or gods, why did God create the world? Because he WANTED to. He wanted to create a plaec with people. And if you ask me, creating a whole universe with billions of people and plants and animals is a very material task. So if you model yourself after God, like you say you do, Why not want? I just realized how I got off on a huge tangent. Hee hee. I do that sometimes. Oh well, Just read Anthem and learn the value of YOUR life.
Rating:  Summary: I agree, a must read! Review: Until I read this book, I was foundering between ideals and value systems. It defines what I was battling all my life. This book, which I have read four times, is one of the all time best! "I" recommend this book to "you". It's story is applicable if you're an objectivist or not. I also recommend Atlas Shrugged by this author.
Rating:  Summary: MUST READ! Review: I have been reading Ayn's books since high school. And it was during my sophomore year I was introduced to Ayn Rand's book, "Anthem." It has truly been a significant book in my life's philosophy. I think anyone who picks it up will enjoy it. Even if you don't agree with "Objectivism," you can still enjoy Rand's books such as this one.