Rating:  Summary: This book teaches you a lot of things! Review: Tuck Everlasting captures the reader making him or her want to know what happens to Winnie, Jesse, Mae, Miles, and Tuck (well Tuck is their last name but everyone calls Angus, Tuck). Winnie runs away from home and runs into her forest, there she meets Jesse Tuck drinking out of a fountain that makes you stay young forever. Jesse, Miles and Mae "kidnap" her to make her promise not to tell anyone about the spring. The adventure goes on and holds you within it pages. This book teaches you a lot of things without you realizing that it does. All children ages 7 and up should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting The Magic Fountain Review: Tuck Everlasting by Natile BabbittTuck Everlasting is about some kids named Winnie, Mae, Tuck, and Jesse. Tuck found a fountain and wanted Winnie to drink out of it. If you do you will never die. There also was a guy named the man in the yellow suit. He was trying to steal Mae's horse. Did he ever steel it? Would you drink out of it? I think Natalie Babbitt, the author, is trying to tell her readers that you should never want to rush your life away. Or maybe she's trying to tell us that it doesn't matter how old you are you shouldn't want to change the way you look. I really enjoyd reading this book because it seemed like everybody was alive in this book. I also liked it because the author made me want to keep going and never stop! So the question is does Winnie drink out of the fountain? Read and find out! By Natosha
Rating:  Summary: A home schooler Review: I thought the book was really good. She put alot of descrptions and explanations. It was a fast paced book that had some really good action. I never got bored with the book and never wanted to put it down. After i read the book i cant waint to see the movie!
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt is really a great piece of young adult literature. It has everything that makes a book for adolescents exciting: theft, kidnapping, romance, mystery, magic, even eternal life. One of the main characters, Winnie desperately wants to escape the confines of her family's front yard. The day she finally does, she stumbles upon an enchanting secret. She learns to love the Tucks, and cares about them like they were family. She is willing to do anything for them, even commit a crime. There are two sides to this story, though. At first, everlasting life sounds great. But, Tuck explains it in a way that makes you think, and appreciate the wheel of life. Furthermore, Winnie is faced with a life changing decision: to drink or not to drink. To find out which road she takes, you have to read the book!
Rating:  Summary: The Great Book Review: I bet you've never had to stay in your house every minute of the day, like Winnie did in the book Tuck- Everlasting. I'm going to tell you a little about an amazing girl, who had an amazing life. Winnie Foster, an eleven year old girl, had parents who didn't let her leave the yard, so Winnie ran away into a nearby forest that belonged to her family. There, she found a boy drinking from an spring. But before she could get a drink the boy's mom came, and they kidnapped her because Winnie had found out their secret. Later, a man in a yellow suit came by and took her home. If you want to find out some more information about Tuck Everlasting you'll have to read this book. The parts I just told you about are my favorite parts. I liked this book because it was funny, sad, adventurous and was just a great book. BUT, READ THIS BOOK BEFORE YOU ARGEE WITH ME OR NOT!
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: I thought this book was a good book.This book is about a girl who finds this boy drinking out of at spring first she wants to drink out of the spring to but they hold her back and take her t their house there she learned tht they were evelasting, Thats were the adventure begins there is a man in a yellow suit following them and they finnaly meet I wont tell you the rest all I can say is read it.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting Review: Tuck Everlasting is a great book. It is good because it doesn't have tons of bloody murder but its not all happy either. The story takes place in Treegap woods. The main characters are the Tuck family and a small girl Winnie Foster. A character called "The man in the yellow suit" pops up every once in a while. The problem is in the woods there's a magic spring in the woods that one drop of the water will make you live forever and "The man in the yellow suit" wants to sell it for a fortune. I don't think that's a good idea. If you read this book, I think you would love it.
Rating:  Summary: Tuck Everlasting by: Natalie Babbit Review: The story Tuck Everlasting is a great. My favorite character is Jesse Tuck. There is a spring that they have to keep a secret. If you drink water from the spring you will never die. Winnie Foster meets up with the Tucks and they all go back to the Tuck's house. There's a really mean man following them. Mae goes to jail for killing him. Winnie and the Tucks went to help Mae escape from jail. I would recommend this book to a friend because its great.
Rating:  Summary: A quick read Review: Winnie Foster is an over-protected, 10-year-old Victorian girl who is tired of being the center of her mother's and grandmother's attention. The oppressive heat of August, along with the oppressiveness of her home, inspires her to run away in search of the "elf music" her grandmother has heard from the woods next to the family home since she was a child. Lost in the woods, she runs into a teenage boy drinking from a hidden spring. Jesse Tuck does not let Winnie drink from the spring, but he and his family kidnap her to prevent her from telling anyone about it. Scared and far from home for the first time, Winnie does not understand why the family is so afraid of her drinking from the spring. The family is so unlike her own-warm, relaxed, and loving-that she warms to them even before they tell the family's tale of drinking from the spring and becoming immortal. She becomes attached to the family and risks her own safety to break the mother out of jail. The author does an excellent job of introducing the fantasy element. Before sharing the mystery of the Tuck family, Babbitt writes, "It was the strangest story Winnie had ever heard" (37). The reader and Winnie both find the story unbelievable, but the supporting details-Jesse falling from a tree and breaking his neck, the horse being shot, Miles's wife and children aging, leaving and dying while he stayed 19-make Winnie believe their story. Miles's experience tempers Jesse's excitement about living forever. There are other ramifications to immortality besides adventure. The setting is well drawn and provides the perfect atmosphere for the novel. The juxtaposition of the ordered Foster home in the oppressive August heat with the "homely little house" nestled in a cool glade by a pond opens up a world of possibilities to Winnie (50). Not only is the Tuck story fantastic, the disorder of their home-"the gentle eddies of dust, the silver cobwebs, the mouse who lived-and welcome to him!-in a table drawer"-are so foreign but welcome to her. Babbitt writes, "Into it all came Winnie, eyes wide, and very much amazed. It was a whole new idea to her that people could live in such disarray, but at the same time she was charmed" (52). The Tuck's tale opens her eyes to fantastic possibilities-their home makes her realize that there are other ways to live. She realizes that she can escape the confines of her own home and family to be comfortable. Winnie is dissatisfied with her strict, oppressive life. She learns that there are other ways to live, to be happy, and to be safe. Many teens find their own lives oppressive-too many demands from school, society and parents. They often think about running away, fleeing the oppressiveness. However, after her immediate adventures with the Tucks are through, Winnie does decide against the uncertainty of adventure and immortality. Winnie's experience of "running away"-actually getting lost and falling into an adventure-changes her life by exposing her to a very different lifestyle. She begins making her own decisions and separating from her parents. All adolescents need to separate from their families.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful!!!!! Review: I loved this book. The plot was wonderful & the characters so lovable. You cannot read this book without being in deep thought about the major themes of this book. Those themes are important, and the author displays them eloquently. Everything in this book is so well described, beautifully.I would really recommend this book, you will enjoy it & really think!!!