Rating:  Summary: Pictures Amplify the Impact of Great Writing Review: While the huge publicity surrounding the 1996 Everest expeditions may have brought the events into the news, minds, and bookshelves of the world, Krakauer's writing propels this book into the first rank of mountaineering literature. His words paint a rich picture of the world of high altitude climbing. The good, the profane, the ugly, the trimuphant, the tragic -- it's all here.This new edition includes all the best elements of the book: Krakauer's writing, the powerful evocative woodcuts that separate the sections, the stark story. It also expands on the previous book by including photographs of the climb. While Krakauer's words paint the picture, the photographs let the reader see the raw subject. They bring an immediacy and focus to the story that complements the words. The pictures let you judge just how well the author captured the experience, how well he brought the reader into this world. The book itself contains few surprises and little new information. Afterall, it's been more than a year since the first editions were published. However, the pictures give the story new dimensions and richness. The cliche says, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Not true in this case: Krakauer's words are what makes the book, but the pictures bring the reader that much closer to the experience that inspired the words. If you haven't read "Into Thin Air," then this is the definantive edition -- get it. If you've read the book and find that the story still tugs at you, still pulls you in, get this book. It will bring you closer to the experience of being there.
Rating:  Summary: An incredible tale of survival and human endurance Review: This is truly an incredible tale of challenge, human endurance and survival -- and, ultimately, failure. The author, on assignment from Outside magazine, took part in a guided ascent of Everest. Shortly after reaching the summit, a storm with 100 mph winds and drifting snow blew in, stranding half a dozen of his comrades on the mountain, along with several others from a rival tour. Many did not return, including the leaders of the two tours. This compelling book chronicles the challenges of high-altitude mountaineering, the human frailties of guides, clients and Sherpa support members, and the string of miscalculations and misfortunes that lead to the deaths -- and one amazing survival -- of those on the mountain. With each turn of the page, you will gasp in wonder at the obstacles confronting climbers during one disastrous spring. Buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Thrilling Adventure! Great! Review: This book was really exciting. I really was held in suspense at every perilous moment. John Krakaur does an excellent job in explaining what exactly went wrong on Everest and what he and the rest of his team went through. The book gave me a realistic and interesting view of how dangerous Everest can be.
Rating:  Summary: Chilling and compelling, read this book! Review: I had recently finished "Into The Wild" by Jon Krakauer and was looking for my next book to take on my vacation to Orlando. I purchased "Into Thin Air" with some trepidation. Could it even be half as compelling and riveting as "Into The Wild?". No... not half... it's all that and more. A gripping story, superbly crafted with searing honesty and raw emotion. Nightlife in Orlando? I would have no idea, I was glued to my seat while this book grabbed me by the hair and pulled me through it's pages. If this book doesn't set your pulse racing tell the coroner it's time to zip up your bag.
Rating:  Summary: Into Thin Air : Thick With Triumphs and Trauma Review: Krakauer's skill at mountaineering is surpassed by his skill at writing. During my early-morning 30-minute reading sessions I found myself progressing as eagerly through each page as the members of his expedition trudged up the great "E". The author describes the incidents and scenery with such detail and vividness that I often found myself hypoxic, chilled, thrilled, frightened and exhausted - almost as if I were with them - struggling to achieve what so few on our planet have...what so many have paid with their lives to attempt. I never really understood why people sought to summit Everest - or why anyone would want to endure the rigors of a great climb. Krakauer's inside-the-mountaineer's-mind and inside-the-frozen-oxygen-mask account lets the reader nearly experience the danger,delirium and desperation that he and his fellow climbers endured. For those looking for metaphors to rationalize why great spirits take on great challenges - this book will provide many. Krakauer is honest to the core - maybe too honest at times - but - his account strips away any hint of the glamour associated with an assault on Everest and too - humbles those of us who have never tried such a feat. It's rich in history - and filled with a wealth of insight about how the best laid plans and the most determined and skilled people can fall victim to their grand ambitions and forces greater than their desires. Into Thin Air is thick stuff...but you'd better be thick skinned to survive it.
Rating:  Summary: A harrowing account that works on so many levels. Review: What hasn't been said about JK's ITA? An incredible story told by a first rate writer -- what else could anyone be looking for? Mr. Krakauer writes in a manner that keeps readers of all backgrounds spellbound and informed. Whether you've climbed an 8K meter peak yourself, or have only gazed at your nearby hills, this book will speak to you. Highly recommend reading this one first, then picking up Anatoli Boukreev's *The Climb* for a few looks from another perspective. The one complaint frequently heard for ITA, compounded by the IMAX movie and AB's piece, was the inadequacy of the photo documentation of the expedition. This volume makes up for that one hundred fold. The pictures are chillingly up close and personal, depicting the climbers and the mountain at their best and at their worst. A fitting tribute to those who died on the mountain that terrible day, yet a chilling reminder of the penalty that Nature can hand out to those who try to best Her.
Rating:  Summary: A good adventure book Review: Like with most books of this subject, it starts off slow. However, when one has reaced the point where the start of the climbing begins, the book picks up. One is drawn into the book, and does not want to put it down. The want to find out what happens to each of the characters, which are beautifully portrayed, is immense. One wants to know who surrvives, and who doesn't.
Rating:  Summary: Haunting Images Review: Just when you think a it cannot get better.... The Illustrated version of ITA casts a different light on the Everest 96 story. The black and white photos are strangely disturbing and really bring to light what the participants of the May 10, 1996 climb must have been experiencing. Anyone who reads the book and sees the images and still wants to climb Everest without the requisite experience should question his or her sanity. If you liked the unillustrated version, you will love this one! Plus all royalties go to a fund in memory of those who died on Everest in 96.
Rating:  Summary: A real cliff-hanger filled with suspense! Review: I really enjoyed the book because at times it was really exciting and it was a personal account. The fact that it was real made it so much scarier than it would have been if it was fictional. It was interesting to read about someone's near death experience and what he was feeling at that time. I didn't like the book because it kept reverting back to previous climbs and it was hard to follow and stay interested. It listed names and at times I got so bored that I just skipped over all of them. I feel that Krakauer wrote just the plain facts without telling the story because he didn't want to offend anyone. This tragic story could have been told in a much more creative way and would have been much more exciting. I recommend this book to people that are interested in mountaineering. It gives you insight on what really happens up there and definately conveys that it's not all just fun and games. Other than that I feel this book was kind of slow and wouldn't recommend it to someone who isn't interested in climbing mountains.
Rating:  Summary: Unforgettable Review: I absolutely could not put this book down. I finished it in 2 days and I am still haunted by it. It made me painfully aware of my own mortality. It made me appreciate the things I take for granted...a warm bed , a roof over my head and the air I breathe . A story of courage and cowardice. It makes you wonder what you would do in this situation. Would you save yourself and leave others to die ? Hopefully none of us will ever have to find out. If you like this book then I suggest that you see the IMAX movie " Everest ". It was filmed at the same time that all of this happened. If you have ever considered climbing Mt. Everest this book will definitely make you think twice !