Rating:  Summary: A true patriot remembered Review: David McCullough does a fine job of restoring the reputation of one of America's "Founding Fathers" in this wonderful biography. Relegated to a history trivia question, (Ex: Who was the first Vice-President of the U.S.?) John Adams is presented here as he should be, as a true patriot, an impressive intellect, and a virtuous man, without whom the chances that America would exist as it is today are nil. McCullough's Adams is far from perfect, with a vanity that blinded him, and a stubborn streak that prevented him from making the best decisions in regards to his own political future. Despite or in spite of these flaws, you can't help but admire all the things he accomplished for America. McCullough also makes the reader aware of those who were Adams' confidantes and foes. Chief among the former was his wife Abigail, who is truly a remarkable woman whose influence on her husband cannot be discounted. Among the latter, Thomas Jefferson appears front and center, seen here, as a master manipulator, who starts and ends his life as Adams friend, but is his main foe during America's formative years. With a wonderful clarity and sense of purpose, McCullough's biography of John Adams should be required reading for anyone who wanted to gain a better understanding of America's early years as a nation and Adams importance to its development.
Rating:  Summary: Adams given his due credit Review: Upon reading and writing a substantial critique paper (8 pages for my 490 Independent Study in History designed to close any gaps in my U.S. History knowledge before graduate school), I now can say "I know John Adams". This was a much needed boost for the historical fiqure and reputation of Adams. McCullough, who's accuracy and reputation speaks for itself, laid elequently the foundations for future historians, and others to see John Adams. McCullough writes in a more descriptive fashion, rather than analytical, and in doing so his piece is an absolute pleasure to read. Do your education, and intellect a favor and read this.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent - a thoughtful and provocative biography Review: I'm an American who has lived in England for nearly 25 years. As a devoted and frequent reader of biography and straight history, my readings over that time have focused on British history. So, in some ways, reading this book was a bit of a homecoming for me.It was satisfying to revisit the exciting, turbulent and seminal times of the American Revolution (or Revolt of the Colonies!) after so long for, in some ways, perhaps I must admit to having lost sight of my own roots. Careful reading of this book confirmed to me that many issues in the fields of politics, economics and social devlopment have changed very little since the times of John Adams. Some particular current issues in the UK and Europe (eg the single currency, some of the increasing federalism of the EU, etc) were the very meat of the debates in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. The author brings those debates to life in such a way that you can almost see and hear the participants arguing and struggling to carry off perhaps the most important event in modern world history. John Adams himself and his astounding contribution to the birth of the United States has always been somewhat overlooked in US history with characters like Jefferson and Washington dominating our view of events. However, Adams's fundamental philosopy of "be good and do good" is wholly admirable and something more of us ought to emulate. The poignant and enduring romance between John and his loyal Abigail was also well portrayed in this book and, again, their marriage is something we would all (and most particularly politicians) do well to study. This was a wonderfully evocative book, well researched and well written. Despite its length, the pages seemed to turn themselves. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Moving and inspiring portrait Review: David McCullough's John Adams is one of the most wonderful books I have ever read. Like Truman and others by McCullough, John Adams is amazing for its breadth, depth, and beauty. John Adams was a towering force in the creation of our nation and a good, kind, loving family man and husband. His wife Abigail was an extraordinary woman and indispensable partner in Adams's journey. The extensive collection of original letters and diaries enabled McCullough to bring this incredible period in our history alive as few writers can. I lived through all Adams's trials and triumphs, both personal and political. Not only do we get to know Adams and his family, but we learn a great deal about many of the other players in this most crucial era in the American story, especially Thomas Jefferson, Adams's one-time political foe but lifelong friend. Adams lived to be nearly 91 and on reading of his death I felt as if I had lost a cherished companion.
Rating:  Summary: A Deeply Moving Human Portrait Review: The striking effect of this superb work is its humanizing of John Adams, long a victim of vicious stereotypes: 'obnoxious and disliked', stubborn, vain, foolish, overwrought. None of these properly describe this great patriot. Proper stereotypes should include his brilliance, sturdy dedication to independence, raw courage, common man touch, championship of the most hated (British soldiers of the Boston Massacre, e.g.), and his indispensably effective diplomacy. The oft-overlooked founding father is finally revealed in all his very human dimensions: from political street fighter to devoted lover of his 'dearest friend' Abigail. Unlike so many sunshine patriots, he was a civilian warrior -- almost dying in his foreign travels, riding horseback in dead of winter to Philadelphia, traversing treacherous Atlantic waters while happily insisting on putting the ship into ship-shape. By virtue of his letters, diaries and McCullough's fascinating rendering, the times are brought to life with a reporter's eye; the formalities of George III's court (the squat Adams uncomfortably bowing with each step toward the king); his embarrassment at French double entendres and Franklin's cavortings; Jefferson's penchant for buying precious items in Paris; European indifference to America's plight; the Continental Congress fiddling while he tapped his cane at each point supporting independence; his (and others') nightmares of an eventual slavery Armageddon. Adams' skills and innate decency are so compelling and touching that even his worst mistakes only serve to endear. Wonderful scholarship and writing by McCullough.
Rating:  Summary: Thoroughly enjoyable Review: John Adams seems to have slipped into a crevasse in history for most of us, remembered more for having died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence than anything else. David McCullough has given us a very engaging portrait of a man for whom being a US president was only a brief chapter in what was a very interesting life. McCullough clearly likes Adams as an individual, much in the same way that he liked Harry S Truman. Is it any accident that he has picked, as subjects for biographies, two of the more pugnacious individuals to occupy the White House? Much to my satisfaction, both John and Abigail Adams are quoted frequently, through their letters. It is refreshing to read the man's disarming candor in these letters, as he moves from a young untested school teacher to a revered living monument to the Revolutionary Age. It is also touching to see how devoted the two Adams' were to each other, and how much each regarded the other as a partner on equal footing. It is hard for McCullough to do justice to Abigail without giving her a biography in her own right. If McCullough is to be faulted on any count, it is for cutting Adams a little too much slack. The discussion of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which mark Adams' administration as distinctly as anything, is rather cursory. McCullough concedes that Adams did little to oppose the legislation, but that is about the extent of his treatment. He does a good job putting the Alien legislation in its proper context (the fear of impending war with France), but McCullough does not discuss the consequences of this legislation, and why it has come down through through history as one of the more odious assaults on civil liberties. He also tends to gloss over Adams' tendency, late in life, to be rather jealous of the recognition of others' roles in the Revolution. McCullough touches briefly on a 3-year series of diatribes Adams wrote to the one of the Boston newspapers, and then moves on. Some of these letters show Adams' vanity, pettiness, and overall prickly nature at their worst. McCullough would have done well to quote from this series. On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton could have been scorched much more severely than they were. After reading Joseph Ellis (who seems to be more contemptuous of Jefferson with every passing day), one comes to expect rather vicious treatment of Jefferson by any Adams partisan, but McCullough manages to keep an even keel when discussing the Sage of Monticello. Not being a big Jefferson fan, I don't mind it when someone savages his reputation, but a historian does that at the risk of losing perspective and becoming too partisan. McCullough manages the balancing act well; it is clear that he is none too fond of Jefferson, but manages to keep a relatively open mind. Hamilton, too, could have been villainized, as he helped undercut Adams' administration at every turn, but McCullough manages to avoid going overboard. Overall, this is a well-written, entertaining book. McCullough certainly does have a good command of narrative, and his powers of description are masterful. I especially enjoyed his description of Adams' and Jefferson's vacation in the English countryside as much as anything I have read recently. Praise be to David McCullough for giving this long-neglected historical figure a well-deserved biographical treatment.
Rating:  Summary: Some things never change Review: I was mesmorized by this account of the political situations during the formation of this country. Politicians I guess like human nature never change. It is almost like they started to clone them in 1775. It was a terrific book and one that is easy reading. I was transported back to a time of people that I was aware of only in the shadows of history. I think that John Adams was the right person at the right time. I really never thought about John Adams, it was always Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton etc. Now my perspective on our whole process of revolution has been altered. A great read and very important. For once they ought to make this manditory reading in our high schools. Don't miss it.
Rating:  Summary: I'm not a history buff, but loved this book! Review: Please pick up this book. Yes, it's over 700 pages. Yes, it may take you a few weeks to read it. But it's worth it. David McCullough really brought out the wonderful and contagious personalities of John Adams and his wife Abigail. You feel like you they were your relatives. (The relatives you like.) It was hard for me to realize that the book was over. It definitely wasn't the history that intrigued me. It was the characters and how you could get to know them a few hundred years later. I rarely write reviews on here, but thought that those in doubt should read this.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Review: About the best biography of any American. The author does such a wonderful job of bringing John Adams to life, and exploring all aspects of a long, eventful life, that most readers will find themselves wishing they could have been "along for the ride." Adams is shown in such detail, and he is such a fascinating character when developed by McCullough, it is difficult to put the book down; that concept is a common one, but it certainly applies to this book. And the author knows so much detail because of the very large number of letters written by Adams, his capable wife-partner, Abigail, and other figures of that era who worked with Adams, as well as Adams' diary and journal entries. So we know all those interesting stories and fascinating details are all true! Until one reads this fabulous book, it is impossible to believe John Adams was such an important and interesting historically- significant person, and that he was involved in so many worthwhile enterprises. An absolute "must read" for anyone who has an interest in American history or a curiousity about the founding of our Republic. Adams was a man of vision, and much of that vision is still relevant and interesting. If one has any interest in American history whatsover, the greatest favor you can do yourself is to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: "The colossus of American independence" Review: David McCullough has done it again! McCullough, the Pulitzer Prize winning author of several previous superb works of history and biography (most notably, "Mornings on Horseback," "The Path Between the Seas," and "Truman"), has written a wonderfully well rounded picture of a man to whom every American owes a tremendous debt of gratitude. John Adams' many contributions to establishing this great Nation of ours, and the freedoms we cherish, are incalculable. He was indeed, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, the "colossus of American independence." "John Adams" is literate, elegant in tone, entertaining, and, above all, highly informative. It's not, however, your typical Presidential biography. In this masterful book, there's much less emphasis on the political career of its subject, and more weight given to Adams' personal life. And it was indeed an extraordinary life! In 1735 John Adams is born into a middle class family in Quincy, Massachusetts. During his childhood and youth, his father decides upon a career in the ministry for his son; but John has other plans. He wants to become a lawyer. After attending Harvard, he practices law intermittently until the outbreak of the American Revolution. During the years before the war, he meets and marries the great love of his life, Abigail Smith Adams. Throughout their long lives together, this extraordinary woman remains a tremendously positive influence on him. Adams is one of the earliest to realize the inevitability of American independence from Britain. His arguments in favor of independence are always lucid, logical, easy to understand, and have broad popular appeal. Adams' service to America continues throughout the Revolutionary War years and beyond. He serves as an American delegate to the Paris Peace conference, and, after the war, as an American minister in Europe. In 1788, Adams is recalled to the United States, after faithfully serving his country in the courts of Europe for nearly eight years, three of them separated from his beloved Abigail and their children. Later in 1788, he is elected Vice President of the United States, an office he holds for the next eight years. Finally, in 1796, he is elected President of the United States. It is the first contested election in American history. Adams' Presidency is marked by two notable achievements, one of them positive and the other negative. In what Adams considered his greatest accomplishment, he prevents a war with France over the issue of French privateers attacking American ships. His most negative achievement is the signing of the Alien and Sedition Acts, a set of laws that gave the President the legal right to expel any foreigner he considered dangerous, and made "writing against the government, Congress, or President... crimes punishable by fines and imprisonment." Adams' four years as Chief Executive are also marked by political wrangling unknown in America up to that time. Throughout his term, he is hounded by his political enemies. Foremost among them is Thomas Jefferson, a former friend and the leader of the newly created "Republican" party. Jefferson accuses the Federalist Adams of having "monarchical" tendencies; of advocating a pro-British foreign policy; and of attempting to destroy the republic by concentrating power in a strong central government. Adams is unable to fight back effectively against these charges. In 1800, he loses his bid for re-election to Jefferson. The last quarter-century of Adams' life is spent in relative obscurity in Quincy. During this period, he experiences tremendous sadness and joy. His son Thomas dies prematurely from alcoholism, and daughter Nabby dies from cancer at age 49. His beloved Abigail follows their children to the grave a few years later, leaving Adams alone after over 50 years of marriage. Adams is consoled by a renewed friendship with his old nemesis, Thomas Jefferson. They will carry on a decade-long correspondence that heals old wounds. In 1824, John Adams experiences perhaps the moment of pride in his nearly nine decades-long life: he sees his son, John Quincy Adams, become President of the United States. In one of the great historical ironies of all time, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson - the last surviving signers of the Declaration of Independence - will die on the same day: July 4, 1826. It is the 50th anniversary of the adoption of that immortal document that both labored so hard to help create. When I picked up "John Adams" for the first time, I hadn't really paid much attention to the historical figure who became the second President of the United States. After all, the career of this short, stocky, seemingly colorless man, whose one term as President was marked by controversy, political wrangling, and an apparent lack of great accomplishment, was nowhere as interesting as the careers of our more famous and charismatic Founding Fathers. "John Adams" filled in many gaps in my knowledge of this great man. From this magnificent and highly informative book, I learned not only many facts about Adams' life that I didn't know before, but I also learned about the kind of man Adams was. McCullough goes to great lengths to give readers a glimpse of the true character of this extraordinary man. As with all books authored by David McCullough, "John Adams" is brilliantly written with McCullough's trademark mellifluous, elegant prose. The book reads more like a well crafted historical novel than a straight biography. Readers will find it lively and entertaining on every page. "John Adams" is the finest biography of America's second President available to general readers. Scholarly yet not stuffy, well researched, brilliantly organized, and eloquently written, it brings to life the man who rightfully belongs in the pantheon of the greatest Americans of all time. Read and enjoy!