Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Left-Behind Books Review: I am with those who agree that some of the Left-Behind books seemed to lag in the action--that is expected of a 12-book series on the end-times. However, Jenkins and Lahaye have delivered an absolutely thrilling spiritual masterpiece with Armageddon. For those who take the Bible literally and look forward to the events of Revelation, this book brings chills to the spine. Christian readers will especially enjoy the courage of Chloe as she faces execution. It really puts all of our faith in perspective. Often, we can get lost in the everday shuffle of things and lose sight of what it is we live and perhaps, die for. Another reason Armageddon is one of the most thrilling in the Left-Behind series is because it show the agony of a husband losing his wife, a child losing his mother, and a father losing his daughter. It shows the soft, human side of believers who are not too spiritual to mourn and yet it shows the hope of seeing our loved ones again on the other side. I was also intrigued by the incident with Albie. I thought it showed a oft-forgotten element of the post-rapture world: people who defy the antichrist and yet reject the real Christ. Armageddon shows that these people are the real mission field of the Rapture saints. Jenkins subtle plot twists and LaHaye's theology provide a powerful double-play combination, making this book one of the most potent of the Left-Behind series. It is my prayer that these books reach many for the Kingdom of Christ.
Rating:  Summary: Worst book ever (in this series) Review: Lamest plot line so far. Don't read further if you don't want to know what happens at the beginning of the book. How can the authors possibly have Chloe go outside without a phone or radio? The set up was incredibly lame. What are editors for? Couldn't they have come up with a better way to have another exciting situation? The first two books were fantastic; the rest have just milked it. The crass commercialization of the series has served to offset much of the good message.
Rating:  Summary: Sooooooooo Sloooooooooow Review: Come on guys, just END IT ALL. I was enthralled with the early books in the series . . . now; it's like sitting around and watching the grass grow. I never realized that a "battle" could be so boring. The story line is nothing less than trite. The characters are completely shallow and the constant bouncing around, from one scene to another, gives the book a feeling of a cheaply produced rap video - yeeech - if the story line flickered any faster, the authors could evoke an epidemic of epileptic seizures in those that don't even suffer from that horrible illness! Rayford on an ATV? Give us a break! At least he could have been on a moped! While the series initially captured a lot of dedicated readers who have been willing to suffer through the last several books just to finish what we started, there is no way that this series will continue to attract readers in the future - why would anyone want to spend the time and money in such a tortuously long series of books that reads like a comic book. Should a second edition of this series ever come out (let's hope not), one suggestion would be to change the epilogue in each book to - "Same bat time, same bat channel," same bat characters, same bat plot. . . etc., etc., etc.
Rating:  Summary: Not better with age Review: It appears the series is drying up. The chapters and verse do not flow very well. The authors seem to skip between to many characters and the story line is not very intriging. The series is evolving, but the characters are stale and sometimes quite ridiculous. Hope it ends soon or I may not continue purchasing the series.
Rating:  Summary: #11 is poignant, crisp & brings reader to edge of Armaggedon Review: Armaggedon pulled this series out of a rut. Some of the complaints that the series has gone too long, and that the authors are just dragging this out to make money, by coming up with continuing little adventures--well they are the very complaints I was feeling during #9 & #10. However, this edition has won back my enthusiasm. Chloe's Tribulation journey gains depth and comes across with such reality and clarity, that yes, I imagined myself in the same setting. Frustration, anticipation, continuing tragedy, and yet swelling hope make this one of the best in the series. One aspect of the writing that came out strongly is that even at the edge of the ultimate of all wars, family, young love, and even the struggle of raising a pre-school aged child in the midst of tremendous upheaval are so believably presented. This is drama itself coupled with how daycare gets managed in the midst of MIAs, POWs, wars and rumors of war. Bottom-line: Armaggedon moves quickly, realistically, and with strong tension. The groundwork has been laid for a most powerful ending!
Rating:  Summary: So Bad, It's Almost Funny Review: I have read all 11 books so far, but, I'm proud to say, have not spent a penny on any of them. All borrowed from friends or the library. It started out well enough, but as the series began to make money for the authors, the books began to get thinner and thinner and thinner. Now we have book 11. This book is so full of misogynist (that's anti-woman) propaganda that it's a JOKE! Chloe, the only female original member of the Trib Force, is "supposed" to be at home with her baby. Instead, she stupidly leaves the house to go be part of the action. Bad, bad girl -- leaving the home! What happens then? She almost gets EVERYONE killed! See what happens when the women don't stay in their place?? Then she gets captured and is so weak that after not eating for about 24 hours --- ONE FREAKING DAY -- she takes food from the Carpathianites, despite knowing it was tainted -- because the lil' woman just can't be expected to be strong enough not to eat for a whole long day, can she???/ Jenkins and LaHaye are sad, sad, sad, pitiful excuses for writers, Christians, and men. I pity their wives and daughters -- what sexist [material] they must have to put up with!!
Rating:  Summary: Captivating Review: Armageddon, eleventh book in the LEFT BEHIND SERIES has the Tribulation Force scattered through out the world, many hiding in safe houses that are no longer safe. As the antichrist escalates his efforts to ferret out TRUE BELIEVERES, he is hampered by the total darkness that has descended on his staff and closest followers. As with each book in the series the action in ARMAGADDON is riveting. It is the last year of the GREAT TRIBULATION and God's army of believers knows that the great battle between GOD and the antichrist is at hand. LeHaye and Jenkins have once again penned a captivating narrative of a best seller, sure to have you eager for book twelve. Beverly J Scott author of "Righteous Revenge" and "Ruth Fever."...
Rating:  Summary: What I think people do not realize Review: Is that the basic premise of these books is not Biblical according to II Thes. I had to go to my Pastor after reading the first one, and he re-assured me I was right. The Bible tells us that if we have had a chance to become saved before the rapture and did not take that opportunity, there will not be another (except for the number of Jews mentioned in the Bible). So, the main guy, and his daughter would not have been saved, neither would the pastor of their church or so many others. I have stayed far away from this series so as not to confuse myself with what the books teach vs. what the Word of God actually says!
Rating:  Summary: A twelve book series with 5 books content Review: The last three books in this series, have massive volumes of scripture, with very little character development. I guess I am like the marathon runner. After spending so much time with the ten other books, I felt forced to continue with the current edition. This book's ending was very poorly conceived. It felt like the bell rang in an exam and everyone had to put down their pencils. I almost started to root for Nicholas to end the torture of waiting for the final installment. Lahaye should do everyone a favor and write the final book in a more concise fashion. Yes, I am a junkie, I will force myself through the final book. This is my punishment on earth.
Rating:  Summary: The Final Battle of the Ages Is About to Begin Review: 'Armageddon,' book #11 of the 'Left Behind series' is coming to a close. It's coming to less than a year until the greatest final cosmic battle of the ages begins. Armageddon is the final stand between good versus evil. Led by AntiChrist Nicolae Carpathia the evil forces have mobilized an enormous army in the Middle East and the faithful of God seem to be outnumbered. The Tribulation Force (Rayford, Buck, Bruce and Chloe) struggle to stay alive until the Glorious Appearance (Second Coming) of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through their ordeal they push onto their mission to minister the gospel to as many souls as possible. Enduring this time is difficult when three friends are murdered [Revelation 17: 6]. A plague of Darkness falls on Carpathia's city of New Babylon, but nothing will stop him. Only now the Hope that is to come will keep the Tribulation Force through the trial of their lives. The same Hope that kept them alive throughout the Tribulation, their redemption is close at hand [Revelation 18: 5-24].
(PERSONAL NOTE: Even though I've enjoyed the 'Left Behind series' I feel that somehow it could have been shorter. Maybe it could have been told in just half the time in six (6) books instead of the soon to be twelve (12) books. But then I could be just bias.)