Rating:  Summary: holy cowosky Review: This book was the best book i have ever read. it contains a mystical creature and a boy of 13 fighting against an evil king and all of his evil villians trying to kill him. Not only is this boy fighting for his life but also he is fighting for the good of the kindom. You see tons of mystical creatures, funny scenes, sad scenes, and war scenes. Christopher Paolini is the most complex and elaborate writers i have ever seen. his book was incredible and i would have to rate, better than any harry potter books so if your a fan of bloody wars or mystical fun read this incredible book.
Rating:  Summary: Was Truly Amazed Review: Being a sci fi fan and read Lord of the Rings when I was teen, I was amazed that this young author could hold my interest for so long. I'm disappointed that I have to wait until 08/05 to get book 2. Eragon is well written especially when it was written by someone so young. People who critize this book should think first, I would like you to sit down and write out a well rehearsed book with chapters that intrigue and make you read on and on. I couldn't put the book down. Yes there are elfs and dwarves as in Lord of the Rings, but it is a truly different book, and they way he writes about Shapira, does make me wish to read more. I truly truly loved it, and I'm no teenager, being 40'sh myself, who has read thousands of books over the years, I give it 2 thumbs up. Keep up the good work, and I recommend anyone to buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Original 'Fanfiction'! Review: I read Eragon after stumbling upon amazon.com and finding out, at some point, that the author is roughly the same age as I am. I just had to see what the hype was all about, after all. What I discovered is that Eragon reads exactly like fanfiction, a good one, but fanfiction nonetheless, in the sense that it is hauntingly similar to many online fiction I've read in the past. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that I've read a few of those that were even better than this. It has a clichéd storyline, but it wasn't that bad. The problem is that his writing is too difficult to focus on. It becomes tedious to plod through his neverending descriptions of everything around and beyond the current character being focused on. This is similar to: A person is walking. Behind him, the trees are green, branched, speckled, with lots of blue dots all around. The ground beneath him is a bright purple and has a strange marshmallow texture........you get the gist. I pity the author, though, as it must have been difficult filling up each and every crevice in his work with all these unecessary details. The thing is, they distract from whatever flow the story has... ...which brings me to my next point. There's not an actual 'flow' in the story, as there is a flow with my cat's smelly, cracked teeth. The basic premise is that Eragon travels from one place to another, with some stuff that aren't really important enough happening in the middle. The story jerks up and down, giving me the impression that there is no ending to look forward to (well there was, but it's more of a, "It's over!" kinda feeling rather than a, "I want more..." thing). It took me two or three weeks to finish this book, simply because I felt no desire to read any more than half a chapter each time (and I'm a fast reader who can swallow up a book in a day, given my busy life). Then there's the characters. Oh yes, you've heard; flat, one-dimensional, clichéd like peanut butter on toast. When Eragon ponders on his existance, I do not feel his sorrow, only an overwhelming sense of grief over the fact that it could have been way, way better. Same with Saphira's basic existance, overall. In six months, she grew to be this wise, majestic creature...? I would have loved to see her 'grow', instead of be TOLD that she grew. I would have enjoyed seeing her feelings towards Eragon develop, and not just BE there. Which is probably my third (or fourth, I can't remember) gripe about this book. Everything is 'told', rather than done. There is no storytelling, only explanations (there seemed to be 80% more explanation than dialogue in this thing). A good fiction, but I have seen better. Being a teenager, he is praised dearly, but if you look around, you will see better work out there, even by people younger than he is. And the good thing about that is, you don't even have to pay for them...
Rating:  Summary: Very good Review: The Book Eragon was a really great fantasy book. It was just what I needed since I couldn't find a book my type to read. When I started reading it I couldn't put down the book. Although it did have some similarities to Lord of the Rings, but it wasn't all the same and it had a differnt twist. Just the characters seemed the same in LOTR. When you read you kind of feel really sorry for Eragon. In the book, there seems to be a lot of hints and questions that you are wondering that will hint toward the next book. Well if you are looking for a book to read just pull this one out, it's really good. Trust me!
Rating:  Summary: Eragon Review: Tis is the greatest book I've ever read. It's on par with if not better than Harry Potter. I'm only thirteen but i've read a lot of books, and Eragon by far is the best.
Rating:  Summary: Good,but not great Review: Well this was a good book,I won't deny that, and I will read the other ones in the series when they come out, but in my opinion this book had ameturish writing and borrowed too many obvious things from other books. This book is good for young teenagers(which is what I am being at 13, but I myself prefer more serious and mature writing from fantasy novels). (...)
Rating:  Summary: An exciting story Review: This book is the best book i have ever head. I couldn't put it down and I was sad when I finished but happy the second book of the Inheritaqnce Trilogy, Eldest, will be out soon. Eragon, is the main character of this story. He has a big heart and always thinks of others before himself. He becomes a dragon rider after he finds Saphira's egg. Saphira is the other main character of the story she is a dragon that was hatched after Eragon found her egg. She has a strong sense of humor. Eragon wanted to avenge his uncles death. While hunting down the killers he gets in a mess withh the empire too. I would highly recomend this book to any fantasy/adventure fan twelve and older. This ais a great book for anyone who injoyed The Lord Of The Ring Trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: 5 STARS 100%!!!!! Review: Eragon is by far perhaps one of the best and most riveting and interesting books i have ever read. My friend urged me to read it, and finally i took her advice and i am thrilled that i did.The characters and events are linked together in such a way that lulls the reader into the story, with such accurate descriptionws you feel as if you are actually in the story. The second i picked up this book, i was hooked and spent the entire day doing nothing, but sitting on the couch reading until i finished it. Some people have been complaining about Eragon being too closely related to lord of the rings, but i think these people are sorely mistaken. Yes, Eragon does have elves being tall and majestic and wise/powerful, and dwarfs being short and stout adn digging holes just like Lord Of the Rings, btu do you really think tolkein made up all of those things himself? No, im sure that Tolkein got influences for his book from other books written before him, so why are people assuming that eragon just copies from lord of the rings. Here's a few examples of remarks made that i want to set straight 1. Eragon has nothing to do with Aragon, so forget that. If you replace the "E" in Eragon with a "D" you will spell Dragon. Very smart and creative. 2. Just because Arya and Arwen are elves and have dark colored hair does not make Arya a copy-cat of Arwen. It's like writing a book where the heroine's a blong girl who's smart, and having people say that you must be copying from Legally Blond. One word- REDICULOUS!!!!!! 3. za-rac and Urgals have nothing to do with the uruk-hai and black riders, they're very original and i don't see why people are comparing them. 4. I also don't understand why people are saying that Paolini copied from Mccaphrey. The animal connection theme has been done in hundreds/thousands of books since the beginning of time, and just because he chose a dragon to connect with the person doesn't mean he's copying. Also he's not copying when he says that dragons were identified by color. OMG how dare they be identified by color like everything else in life, red phone or blue phone, black cat or white cat, e.t.c. ( duh people). 5. My last comment is that just because the names of places are similar doesn't mean he's copying, he simply used names that were similar. There are so many names in the world that similarities dohappen, i don't see how we can penalize him for this. Chris Paolini did an amzing thing when he wrote this book, by introducing the world to a new series of fantasy. I am sorry that other people seem to be afraid of his potential as a writer and must degrade him by saying that he copied his whole book from other well-known works of writing. Why is it that when someone with amazing potential comes forth, people are always so determined to put them down? I don't know but i do know that this is one of the best books that i have ever read, and i would recommend it to anyone who loves fantasy and adventure. FANTASTIC JOB CHRIS PAOLINI.....I look forward to your next book.
Rating:  Summary: A good read Review: What can I say about this book other than the fact it was utterly intresting? Other people might tell you that this book is nothing more than a hodgepodge of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and star wars, which is true. But Eragon is a classic, mixing the world of science-fiction and fantasy. Yes, things are borrowed and repeated (e.g Brom is to Gandalf, as Eragon is to Aragon). Yes, there is more telling than showing in description. However, I was engrossed for weeks on end, my mind consumed with Paolini's fantastic world. This, I believe, would appeal more to pre-teens and younger adolescents than any other age group. Saphira, his dragon, was the most amusing out of all of them. Despite the fact that I truly enjoyed it, I wish Paolini would show his characters carry out his actions, instead of telling them. I think that if you appreciated Lord of the Rings, and you don't mind fragments of it in Eragon, it'll captivate you.
Rating:  Summary: Good story Review: I think this is a good book with a good story. I find myself interested in the characters and want to read the next in the series. The reason it gets 3 stars is because as lots have said before me, some ideas are taken a little too closely from already established fantasy novels, the emotional lives of the characters could be a little deeper and some of the action is anti-climactic. But it is a good refreshing, light read. It's also good to think of this book as a young person's story. in that light it's fantastic and good for any young person to read... (...)