Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter And the Chamber of Secrets Review: I loved this book. It was very intresting how their has a lot of mystries in the book when i thought it was just adventures. Also i thought that Draco was for sure the one who was letting the snake .... I also liked this book because it was scary because the basalick could kill people just by the stare and i though Harry was going to die in the chamber
Rating:  Summary: Reminded me of my youth Review: I loved this book. J.K. Rowling has not only created a very magical world but, it crosses over into the real world enough to make the fantasy seem more plausible. I remember reading the Wizard of Oz books as a child and and being able to vividly see Frank L. Baum's creations in my mind's eye. J. K. Rowling has done the same for me with the Harry Potter series and I found myself reading voraciously. I kept returning to this book all day until I had completed it. To parents: fear not, the book is no threat to your children's religious beliefs. Those of us who delighted at Peter Pan or the Wizard of Oz or Star Wars as children remember what it was like to fantasize about things magical and wondrous. This book is not more of a threat than these stories were to us.
Rating:  Summary: PLEASE READ THIS! (ESPESICALLY ADULTS) Review: i loved this book. personally, it is my favorite of the series. my own copy will need the cover superglued back on pretty soon from so much rereading.i like the whole series a lot (Prisoner of Azkaban is also a fave) but i will not adress the book itself much here. i am 13 year old girl and i own the whole Harry series. i have a few things to say to the people who think harry is evil, teaches witchcraft and yada-yada-yada. for one, WHAT are you people so afraid of??!!!! magic isn't real, so how can a book teach magic(i hate when people put a 'k' on the word magic.....)?? for two, fantasy books are COOL. they are fun to imagine. i hate reading reality things because they are too ORDINARY. people read to ESCAPE from the ordinary and J.K Rowling's books allow you to do that, to be absorbed in the world she has created. on a totally side point, why give J. K. Rowling all the greif? i mean, if you wanted to stop kids from reading about magic, you'd have to wipe out more than half the books in the world. J. R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings also is a very magic oreiented series(i also read that series) and i don't see anyone complaining about that series. on a more personal level, i first heard Harry Potter in 5th grade. my english teacher read it aloud. everyone loved it. but, she had hardly got past the second chapter, when disaster struck. some girl with an overprotective mother told her mom she wanted this book for her birthday. her mother read it and the whole thing blew up. Harry Potter was banned from being read aloud in school the next day. face it people, kids are rebelious. the next week the effects were showing. when the classes were told to bring in books to read in class, at least five kids in every 4th grade and up class had a Harry book. including teachers. my 5th grade teacher BORROWED the fourth book from a student(her favorite char in the series was Professor Lupin)! so, you magic-hating-witchcraft-is-evil people out there...GET USED TO IT!!!!!!HARRY IS HERE AND WILL BE FOR AWHILE!!!!!!!!!who knows? the Lord of the RIngs series is over 20 years old and people still read it. maybe harry will be here for that long (hehehe...).to Harry fans out there: keep reading and never poke a sleeping dragon in the eye. To LOTR(lord of the rings) fans: keep reading and beware of the Enemy and of Mordor
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! Review: I loved this book. The plot is great, the characters are great, heck, even the theme is great!!
Rating:  Summary: This book is Awsome Review: I loved this book. The plot was amazing--this was possibly, along with the first book, the best book I have ever read in my whole ten years of living. I would reccommend this book to anyone over the age of 7 or 8. Younger kids will enjoy it, but the plot may be hard to follow,the words may be hard for a young person to read, and they might lose their spot. I loved this book!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: TOTALY AWSOM BOOK! Review: I loved this book. When I was in the books store looked at it and said oh a kids book NM, but I Later read some stuff on it and went and got it. The book was great! For all ages. I cant wait for the next one to come out!
Rating:  Summary: a really great book Review: I loved this book.It made me relize how much I liked reading about magic and witchcraft.I reccomend this book to anyone and everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent!!! Review: I loved this book.There were so many different mysteries,none of which seemed to relate to each other at first.Then,more connections were made,and finally,at the climax,everything came together.There's not much I can put into words.Want to know anthing more?If so,read it yourself.
Rating:  Summary: I loved the first book and this one is even better!!!!! Review: I loved this story, it was as captivating as the first one. I just recived the book from amonzon yesterday and I am already finished! This book is not going to be avalible in the states until August and I just could not wait! Looking forward to many, many more. Your biggest American Fan, Joanna Miller
Rating:  Summary: Rowling has a fabulous unique stlye! Review: I luved it