Rating:  Summary: J.K. Rowling is awesome!! Review: I guess I can't tell you how good this book is, really no one can yet, but I can suggest that you get Harry Potter and the Sorceror's stone. I give it 10 stars! I just finished that book today and I have signed online and found these books that I will probably buy, too. I suggest J.K. Rowling.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the first Review: I had been assigned to read the first HP book for an English class. I read it and enjoyed. When, I saw the second one I decide to give it a try. So, I bought it. I didn't think it was going to be good. Generally, most squels, are worse than the first ones and in my opinion the first was ok. Nothing great but not horrible. Just an ok read. This book shocked me. This book is good for many reasons. One, the characters grow. They don't change drasticly, they just grow up a bit as we all do every year. It's cute how Hermione has a crush. The new professor is a real trip. I also like how we get to meet the Weasely family. They're a cute little family. I love all of the members. Another character that comes is Dobby. He's funny. Dobby causes a lot of trouble for Harry, but tries to help. House elves seem annoying. The only problem with Dobby is when you find out who sent him, you're not shocked. It's a let down because he was sent to Harry by the person who I thought sent him. Which if you don't mind a *spoiler* is Malfoy. Another thing I enjoyed about this book is the adventure is more detailed and exciting. You get caught up in it, even if you're not a little kid. Teens like myself enjoy it, too. All throughtout the story, you wonder what's in the chamber of secrets, who opened it, and who is the heir of Slytherin. Unlike, Dobby, you'll be surprised when you do find out the answers to those questions. The last thing I like about this book is all through out the story, Harry is questioning himself. Harry feels like he may have been sorted into the wrong house, because he thinks he may be the heir of Slytherin. He also wonders what it's like to be evil and can he be evil. Everyone thinks about that at one time or another. I really enjoyed this book. Much more than the the first one. I only gave it four stars, though. It wasn't perfect. I rarely feel any book is perfect.
Rating:  Summary: top work Review: i had been avoiding the Harry Potter books, both on the grounds that over-hyped fiction usually falls short of expectations, and because i didn't think a children's fantasy author could meet the standards set by Diana Wynne Jones. so it was a pleasant surprise to discover that The Chamber of Secrets is actually a very good book indeed: well plotted, amusing, slightly dark, and full of imaginative detail, with the history of the chamber and its opening 50 years ago being particularly brilliantly realised. there are also some useful moral observations, including the thought that a person is not so much the talents they possess as the choices they make. and the satire of ineffective bureaucracies (Ministry for Magic), Daily Mail readers (Harry's uncle), and convention-bound adults in general is perceptively handled. i thought the description of magic use was the weakest element of the fantasy - years of study at school to acquire spell knowledge that amounts to little more than pronouncing a single Latin word per spell. and there was a bit too much of the Blytonesque, 'Christmas dinners were always marvellous at Hogwarts' stuff for my liking. but overall, i have to say i was impressed, and, having read the first and third books as well now, i think that Rowling, if she can cut down on the repetition (which reaches Homeric proportions), and the feel-good padding, has the potential to be not just a very entertaining writer, but also a very serious one.
Rating:  Summary: This is truly an altogether great book! Review: I had read "Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone" and absolutley loved it, so when I saw this book at are local library, I atomaticly Picked it up. It was so Good, I read it 5 whole times in 1 week and I could still read it over and over without getting board once!
Rating:  Summary: One step up, two steps back Review: I hate to give this book three stars, but I simply don't feel that this book was quite as good as the original, to which I gave four; and there not being a three-and-a-half star option, I've got to go with three stars. Not to give the impression that this book is bad; not by any means. For the most part, I feel the book was a wonderful follow-up. However, I felt the end was cheating a bit, particularly in regards to the sword and the Sorting Hat (and if you've already read the book, you'll know to what I'm referring). It seemed to come out of nowhere. I felt that it could have been set up much better. Still, if you liked the first book, I see no reason why you shouldn't enjoy this one as well. Even though I thought it was a bit of a step backwards from the first book, it's only a temporary step back, as the next book in the series, "Prisoner of Azkaban", would be the best one yet, and well worth working towards.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Books are the best books I have read! Review: I have already finished the first book and I am half way through the second and I am barely ever put it down! Some people in my school won't read them because they think they are stupid and have no point or plot! But I am sure that if they read the first chapter of any book (because I have) they would read this awesome series! If you are just looking at the Harry Potter Series and thinking about reading them, I encourage you to read! Like I said before these are the best books I have ever read! And I can't wait to read the 3&4 one's!
Rating:  Summary: J.K.Rowling - A hero of B6. Review: I have been teaching full time for two years and on the whole I am enjoying the experience and the challenges. This year I have been teaching a group of seven, eight and nine year olds, who are great kids, full of enthisam and energy, and I wanted a book to read to the class that would spark their imaginations. Six months ago a friend recommended a book that had gone down very well in her school - Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. I bought the book and then began to read the book in preparation. After six chapters I had to stop myself, I was enjoying myself too much, I felt I needed to share the excitement as I read it for the first time with the children - A first for me. As I predicted the children were thrilled with the story, many quality peices of work were written using the book as a stimulus and the word soon spread to the rest of the school. Soon children from all different classes were comming up to tell me about when Ron lost scabbers or how they actually secretly liked Hermoine. Out of all the children in my class, one particular child became enchanted by the book. He was one of the youngest in the class. He had always been very young in the year and had found reading a particular struggle. His parents were very supportive but were worried because he didn't seem to have any interest in fiction - the main bulk of our reading material. The child decided to read Harry Potter by himself even though it was an almost impossible task. For the next four weeks it was rare to see him without his copy. His parents had to pry it away from him so that he could go to sleep and every play time he would sit quitely by himself or with other children and read and read. The first major change I noticed was when he decided that he wanted to read aloud to the rest of the class. This was an idea that I don't think he would have entertained previously. He read with some difficulty but with increased accuracy, the look in his eyes after he had finnished stunned hyself and the rest of the children. A look of pure achievement and pride shone out from his face. Since then his reading has improved amazingly, it has also filtered its way into different areas, spelling, concentration and his overall confidence. At a reacent Perental consultation his Parents were visably and verbally extatic about the progress their son had made. He has now read all three books and many more at the same standard. On a recent Birthday list at the top, higher even that a playstation was the third Harry Potter book. So a huge thank you to J.K.Rowling, who has not only given me and twenty seven small children hours of excitement and nail biting anticipation. But more importantly thank you for making a significant difference to the life of a now flourishing eight year old boy.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Review: I have been very pleased with each of the Harry Potter books that I have read and let my 12 year-old son read. I find nothing wrong with these books. They are fantacy and are written as such. They are exciting, entertaining and hard to put down. There are some books out that a parent should be concerned about their children reading but Harry Potter books are not among them.
Rating:  Summary: With Harry Potter the Adventure Never Ends Review: I have it admit this book is must read! However, I liked the first book more because it was all so new to me. When Dobby kept warning Harry not to return to Hogwarts I couldn't stop reading until I finished it. My reading teacher liked the Harry Potter books so much that she bought two copies of the first book and had to order the second one because everyone wanted to read it. The Harry Potter series is bound to become a classic. I can't wait to read the up-coming book; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban!
Rating:  Summary: A Scrumptious Helping of Fantasy even better than the first! Review: I have just finished reading a wonderful book titled, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets". After reading the first book ("Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone) I automatically became hooked on the delightful series by J.K. Rowling. Before reading the Harry Potter books, I was uninterested in reading and thought it was rather boring. However, when I picked up the first Harry Potter book, I couldn't put it down. It was simply amazing, and yet at the same time an exciting and intriging mystery. The second book, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is even more exciting than the first book. It is Harry's second year he will be attending Hogwarts (the school of magic and wizardy), but a mysterious visitor named Dobby visits Harry and tells him if he attends Hogwarts that something terrible will happen to him. Harry ignores the visitor and goes to Hogwarts anyways and runs into a whole new year of trouble, magic, and a serious yet complicated mystery that he has to solve. You learn more about Ron Weasley and in general the whole Weasley family. Quite Suprisingly, Harry has a secret admirer, Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister who is attending Hogwarts for the first time. While Harry is trying to solve an odd mystery with Ron, they run into many obstacles, never giving up. This book is a definete must read, in the Harry Potter series and I strongly reccomend it to anyone who wants to be touched by the magic of a strong, kind, heartwarming boy named Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling keeps you reading, and turning the pages, and don't be surprised if you don't watch TV for a week, its very addictive! This book maybe harder to finish for little kids, because of the number of pages(342),but I recommend that parents should read this story to their young children because it is simply something you can enjoy together and remember forever. I have enjoyed the magic and fantasy in reading this book, and I never wanted it to end. I also reccomend that you read the first Harry Potter book first, since this is a series and goes in chronological order, so you can understand things better. I also want to add that this book is for all age levels from 5-90 yrs old. I hope that you choose to read "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" because it is a wonderfully written book and an enchanting fantasy that has been and will be enjoyed by all for a long time.