Rating:  Summary: Have a Kid? Get this book! Review: This book and the other two Harry Potter books kept my 9 year old daughter mesmerized for days. I bought them as my first Amazon purchase at a great savings over any mall bookstore. We are now all Harry Potter and Amazon fans!
Rating:  Summary: The Secret is Out; Harry Potter is an Awsome Book! Review: This book blew me away. For anyone who reads this I would highly suggest that you read all of the Harry Potter books berfore seeing the movie, especially this one. The movie and book have several differences. I must applaud J.K. Rowling on another amazing book. This tale of magic, mystery, adventure, and a group of fears will have you guessing on what happens next.This really was an awsome book. This book definatly was an adventurous book, and one that I could not wait to find out what would happen next. In this book Harry is rescued by Ron from his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house during the summer. He then stays at Ron's house until school at Hogwart's school of wichcraft and wisordry resumes in sessions. While at Ron's house he goes to Diagon Alley using flew powder to get there. He doesn't end up there at first but does in the end. Then him and Ron miss the train to Hogwarts so they take Ron's dad's flying car and smash it into a whomping willow where there almost killed. There is also a new teacher of the defenses against the dark arts, Gildery Locheart, who is really arogeant and annoying. When Harry breaks his arm in a quiddich match Locheart dissolves the bone instead of fixing it and causes more trouble throughout the book. The big thing is that the heir of Slytherin has opened the Chamber of Secrets and is petrifing students. The last time the Chamber was open a student was killed, a mixed blood(half muggle, half wizord). Now Harry believes Hermoine is the target of this death. Now its a race against time to find out how to close it, who's the heir, and how to keep Hermoine from being killed and all the petrifings of students to end. To find out how it ends you will have to read the book. This was an awsome book and I really loved reading this. This is a really exciting, adventurous, and mischivious book. I really liked reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: This is a scary but fantastic book!!! Review: This book called Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets is about this young,famous boy who is a wizard. His best friends, Ron, Hagred and Hermione are always their to help him. This book filled me with joy, laughter and sadness and will touch my heart forever. J.K Rowling is a fantastic author and i love her books. I recommend this book for all ages and the people who like adventures. I recommend the Harry Potter series to any person from 0-1000.
Rating:  Summary: What a fantastic novel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This book exceeds 5 stars!! If you like magical and fantasy books, i suggest that you "fly" down to the nearest book store and pick up all the Harry Potter books this second! And a word to J. K. Rowling: Keep those Harry Potter books coming!!
Rating:  Summary: Great sequel Review: This book follows gracefully after "Sorcerer's Stone." After finishing the first book in two days I settled myself down for the second book with great expectations, J.K. Rowling did a wonderful job in exceeding them. It also links you up with my other favorite characters Hermoine (Hermoninny as we fondly call her after the 4th book) Granger, and Ron Weasly. If you liked the first book, I sincerely recommend you read the second in this delightful series.
Rating:  Summary: This one is the best in the series! Review: This book gives a lot of detail and provides a lot of adventure. The story is about Harry Potter who has to find the Chamber of Secrets. Also, someone is changing people into stone. The book makes you keep reading, because it is such a good book. Personally, I would say the book is the best of all the Harry Potter books.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review: This book had alot of adventure and suspence.There where so many clif hangers.Once I picked it up I never wanted to put it back down.With the flying cars and spell casting I can't wait to see the movie. This book is full of emotion. Sometimes it is sad ,or serious, but most of the time very funny. What I like to do is as I read, I play a movie in my head of the words I have read and some things were so imaginative I couldn't picture them. Harry is always suspecting Malfoy of everthing, is it Malfoy this time or not?
Rating:  Summary: Very imaginative, really kept me interested. BEST BOOK! Review: This book has a really amamzing story. The characters are very different, and you'd never think that it could/would actually all come together. It's very surprising to realize that the story was totally made up. This book is perfect for anyone. It's a mystery but one that keeps you on the edge. It's a great book and everyone should know and love Harry Potter. It's the kind of book that you could read 6 million times and it still wouldn't be boring! (exaggeration :))
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: This book has captured the imaginated of millions, including me. I am 46 years old. I love this book. Even though I am hard of hearing when my maid reads me this book , I am wide awake. Please vote my review was helpful. Iwant to be a top reviewer. I work in space for NASA. I read this book in the space sector 88, USA, RUS, GBR.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review: This book has lots of magical surprise, twisting and turning endings, and it even gets scary! This is better then the first book! Read it.