Rating:  Summary: While clearly a sequel, a good read Review: It's pretty difficult with any medium to create colorful characters with a crusading plotline. From Stephen King to Luke Skywalker, from old-time westerns to modern-day tv, it's tough to create characters that continually stand up book after movie after magazine with entertaining stories. Our man Harry has perservered through this challenge -- leaving us with a very engaging first novel, The Sorcerer's Stone, and a only mildly less-so sequel. Mild as it may be, the only thing that I found troubling in Chamber of Secrets was its close echo in form, in flavor, to the first book. While hiking a different path, J.K. Rowling climbs the same mountain -- the climax, for instance, is too similar in both books. Considering the audience, though, is not 22 year old readers like myself, this seems like a wholly insufficient reason for anyone younger not to buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: A captivating novel with magic and wonder in every stitch Review: It's quite clear that author J.K Rowling can create so many lifelike situations and interactions among human beings, adding to that a fresh and compelling world of wizards, you will have quite an accomplishment. This is true in every single page, every single word of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K Rowling's follow-up to her first installment. After a rousing first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, twelve-year-old Harry Potter is back to live with his horrible aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, for the summer until returning to wizard school. But an impish creature called Dobby appears and warns him that if he returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike. And strike it does. After flying a magical car to Hogwarts, Harry, with Ron and Hermione, find out that someone is writing messages in blood on the walls. Even sooner, students are turning into stone. Who is the culprit? Could it possibly be Draco Malfoy, Harry's arch-rival? Could it possibly be Hagrid, with a mysterious past finally told? Or could it be the person many believe.....Harry Potter himself! Once again, J.K Rowling creates a stunning adventure novel filled with delightful inventions, magical powers, mystic worlds and creepy creatures. Harry, Ron and Hermione have grown to become more responsible characters and more satisfying and realistic. Supporting characters also are revealed with more depth, and that there is more to them than meets the eye. All of these fascinating things are the reasons I love J.K Rowling's books. I guess a more common flaw in this book is that it's pretty straight forward. Mrs. Rowling has hinted that many important things occur, but right now, it must stand on it's own right. The book is a bit more focused on plot and magical activity, than the sense of discovery, which sometimes makes it a little flat. However, it's just as compelling as the other Potter books. One fantastic addition to this is it's humor. Like Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets doses us with a great sense of humor. One that stands out in my mind is Gilderoy Lockhart, the self-promoting new professor. With quotes like "Fame is a fickle friend" and "Celebrity is as celebrity does", Professor Lockhart reigns supreme at giving in the laughs. Filled with charming characters and whimsical magic, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is full of charisma, charm, magic, humor, drama and fantasy all put in one. J.K Rowling possesses something fairly great.
Rating:  Summary: harry potter and the chamber of secrets Review: it's really very interesting to red this book.It's for kids but i like it. It brings back my childood days.it reminds of the good old childhood days.it really interst me a lot.
Rating:  Summary: It's fun to follow Harry Potter on all of his adventures!!! Review: It's scary, exciting, and fun all at the same time! I love the first book too!
Rating:  Summary: A Magical Adventure Review: It's that time again! He's back and so is trouble. Someone has opened up the chamber of secrets and something is turning Mudbloods (people with one unmagical parent and one magical parent) to stone! Great story and unpredictable ending . Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is one of the best books I've ever read! reviewed by David Price.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets Review: It's the coolest book ever! I wish I had a owl! Ecspessaly a Great Horned Owl. Harry Potter is sooooooooo lucky! I also would love to ride a broom stick. Come and get me, mom or dad! A great book.
Rating:  Summary: emotionaly stimulating great reading. Review: its nice too know that i am not adnormal. harry potter, j.k. rawling puts everyday living situations into imaginitive and emotionaly stimulatig read.a story that a 10 year old can not stop reading even in the car.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome!Should be rated 5 stars. Review: It`s really great.I like to think about things like that.It`s fun and exiting.J.K. Row;ings brings out things thet are so fasinating and you won`t get board.
Rating:  Summary: About Harry Potter. Review: I`m sure anyone would like this book. It`s like you`re in the story as you`re reading it. I would suggest this book to anyone. Harry couldn`t stand living with the Dursleys. (I`m sure it would be a pain for you too). You'll have to read it to find out what the Weasley's are driving around town these days. Strange things are happening at Hogwart's and not a soul knows who did it. Someone is stopping Harry`s birthday letters and Harry thinks his friends don`t care about him. If I would say, It`s a great sequal to Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone. When you`re done with this review go ask your mom or dad or gaurdian to go to the book store and get this book.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful piece of escapism Review: J K Rowling's "Harry Potter" series deserves to be on best-seller lists all around the world. I particularly enjoyed "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" which is dark and compelling. Not since "Alice In Wonderland" and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" has a children's book enabled its reader to escape so completely to another world, that is Harry's eccentric school for wizards, and the name Voldemort, Harry's nemesis, instils a palpable sense of fear. Adults will enjoy reading this at bedtimes at least as much as their kids!