Rating:  Summary: entertainer Review: I absolutely loved this book. Your children will definately love it. It talks of far off places and magical wizards and powers of a littel boy. You have to get this book and the other two after this one. It is absolutely amazing and entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book: I wish they had this when I was 12! Review: I absolutly love this book. Whe I babysit for some kids who have this, I read this when they're in bed instead of watching TV. It's great! Read it!
Rating:  Summary: The best! Review: I absolutly loved this book along with all the others afterwards but this one I guess you could say was my favorite. I recomend this book to any one who wants some thing funny, gripping and full of adventure! Its all about a young boy who finds out who he really is then has to go in to this really neat place that he never knew existed( the non-realality world) well I'll say it again I DEFINATELY recomend this book!
Rating:  Summary: A read the likes of which you will never forget! Review: I acquired R.K. Rowlings' first work as a skeptical parent. When I finished reading, I was a mesmermized fan. In the past year, I've gotten my millenium-approaching fill of 20th Century classics by reading Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird", Mario Puzo's "The Godfather", F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" and Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms" & "The Old Man & The Sea". None of which were as well crafted nor captivated my soul quite like Harry Potter's first yarn. Comparing Rowling's style to these authors may seem preposterous. But the fact remains that I was thoroughly entranced in her world of muggles, Vol - I mean what's-his-name and Albus Dumbeldore - none of which should make sense to most Amazon.com critic readers, but will evoke fond memories of those who have read her tales. If you have children, BUY THIS BOOK AND SHARE IT WITH THEM. We are now reading every night to our fixated 7-year old. If you don't have kids, still buy this book, and treat yourself to the first of seven epic adventures which you will never forget.
Rating:  Summary: Shall I say Freudian? Review: I actually enjoyed this book, the story was interesting, and I didn't see anything wrong with the actual plot of the book itself. I do agree with other reviewers that the messages being spouted, however subliminally, by the author are not the most wholesome; to wit, characters having no compunction about lying, cheating, and generally disobeying authority to get what they want. I have read each book (a friend continues to buy them for me even after I expressed a dislike for them), so as you can see, I didn't pick this up on my own; I do not read things simply because they are popular, I have never read Goose-bumps, for instance. But, out of all the Harry Potter books, this is the best, and that's sad. As the series continues, each book is progressively worse, less interesting, and downright dull. As for the title of this review, I was taking a psychology course at the same time as I read this, and after finishing it, what popped into my head was: 1. This is so utterly, obviously Freudian! (from the cupboard under the stairs, to the broomsticks, dueling wands, etc. every page and sceen is full of Freudian symbolism.) I was also reading Cristina Rosetti's "Goblin Market" at the time, so the other thing that I thought was: 2. this is a subversive attempt to tell children about a homosexually dominated world, but I won't deliniate my reasons for that here, since I don't even remember them, this was over two and a half years ago. All in all, though, this book is no revelation or eye-opener, this all has been done countless times, and Rowling's celebrity, I think, has to do more with the circumstances she was in while writing than with the caliber of the writing itself.
Rating:  Summary: The Imagination is Extraordinary Review: I actually first read this book months before anyone even knew what it was. I had seen my sister reading it at the kitchen table, when I asked, "What's that about?" She said simply it's about a kid becoming a wizard. Then, a couple weeks later, she picked up the newly released second edition, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. That's when I picked up the first one and started reading, and I didn't stop. It was like reading candy. It was the most magnificent thing I had ever read. I loved these books. I read them the summer preceding my seventh grade year, and I'm now a freshman in high school, and I still love to pick up and read one of the Quidditch matches for a bit of nighttime reading. J.K. Rowling's imagination is even bigger than mine. You can obviously tell she loves writing these things, because she makes them so fun. These books are great, for little kids, for teenagers, and for adults too. Oh yes, and I'm not some loser kid with no life who likes little kiddy books because I have no friends. I am just as normal and have just as many friends as any average teenager. And I'm telling you, this is fine fiction.
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT!!!! Review: I admit I was rather shocked to see over a thousand reviews: never, ever, have I seen so many for just one book. At first I thought that this book went largely on its reputation, but I couldn't have been more wrong! I love fantasy/fiction books, and this is one of the few that combines the modern world (most fantasy books are set in the days of jousts and arranged marriages) with high-powered adventure in a skillfully created world with everything from magic wands (kind of cliched, but hey, it worked) to flying broomsticks (also cliched - how many times have we heard tales of green-faced witches riding them in a full moon? Nevertheless, J.K. Rowling presents these well-worn ideas and presents them in a fresher way.) Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", and reccomend it to anyone with a taste for originality and a love of fantasy (for instance, Rowling's invented game of "Quidditch" makes you want to grab a broomstick and go after the Snitch!).
Rating:  Summary: a delightful, rare book that lives up to the hype Review: I admit it: I was prepared to strongly dislike Harry Potter--what with all the hype, the droves of fans, the bestseller-dom and the geeky genre of fantasy (yes, I'm a bit of a crumudgeon). But this book absloultely delighted me, kept me glued to the pages, laughing and snorting aloud at times. Rowling does a marvellously economical job of creating engrossing characters and an alternate world that makes perfect sense on its own terms. If Harry Potter can enchant me, (a 39-year old single male with intellectual pretentions and an aversion to the over-hyped and the mainstream) I can't imagine who would be immune. I immediately picked up the second book (which held my attention, but didn't seem quite as good) and am now halfway through "Prisoner" (which so far seems every bit as good as "Chamber"). And now I'm off to Scotland to see if J. K. Rowling will marry me...
Rating:  Summary: This book will make you a Quidditch fan.... Review: I admit, I had never read any of these books until recently. I've been reading fantasy all my life, and I have always loved Lord of the Rings, the Shannara series, the Thomas Covenant books, and many others. But, I had somehow managed to avoid the HP phenomenon. With the upcoming release of the movie and the accomapnying hoopla, plus all the tirades against this book from the Far Right (I'm a Christian, by the way), my curiosity was aroused enough to finally pick up this book. I read through it in two days. It was an excellent book, though obviously written for kids. But, this 32 year-old, college-educated reader enjoyed it thoroughly. It is, to me, very reminiscent of children's fantasy of the past, especially the Oz series and the Chronicles of Narnia. The plot of the book is already, I'm sure, familiar to most of you out there: Harry Potter goes to live with his cold, unloving relatives after the sudden and mysterious death of his parents when he is but an infant. On Harry's 11th birthday, he finds out the truth about his parents - they were wizards, and he is too. Plus, he has been accepted into the prestigious Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft for a seven-year training period to become a full-fledged wizard. My favorite part of the book deals with the game Quidditch - a kind of polo-like game, but with a few twists, such as the presence of the Snitch and the fact that the game is played on broomsticks. Another highlight of the book is Harry's trip to the Diagon Alley shopping mall - I'd love to do some Christmas shopping there! Some have criticized this book as "a tool of the devil", but this is COMPLETELY untrue. This book is nothing more or less than a harmless work of fiction. There is nothing in here that's even remotely anti-Christian. They even celebrate Christmas, for goodness' sake! It's a great childrens' book that is enjoyable for adults, too. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: It's brilliant! Review: I adore the book.I got my family to read it and some of my friends. They all love it! The story is about a boy named Harry who has a lightning scar on his head. He is raised by his aunt and uncle after his parents were killed by the dark lord Voldemort. His whole life is misory. Then on his 11th birthday a giant called Hagrid comes and Harry finds out who he is and why he has that scar. Then hes off to diagon alley to buy his books, cauldron, wand and owl for Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. There he gets sorted by a hold wizard hat, becomes the seeker for his houses quidditch team, gets a nimbus 2000, fights a mountian troll,gets a invisibalty cloak, meets a dragon and much more.It is the greatest book and it isn't to be missed!