Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter is the greatest wizard! Review: Harry Potter is a very adventureous boy. He doesn't even know that he is famous. I think it is very cool how he has magical powers. My favorite character besides Harry Potter is Dumbledore. He puts lots of interest in the story. P.S I can't wait till the next book!
Rating:  Summary: This is the best book I ever read. Review: Harry Potter is a very funny book. It has a lot of cool magic in it. I especially like the quidich matches they play. Harry's position is "The Seeker". He tries to catch the golden snitch. My favorite character is Professor Dumbledor.
Rating:  Summary: I'm Mezmerized! Review: Harry Potter is a very lovable character who leads the reader through many magical adventures. Listening by audio allowed me to close my eyes and let my imagination soare through the corridors of HogWarts. After finishing the story I absoluetely can not wait to see what adventures are ahead in Part II.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter is a very good book. Review: Harry Potter is a very wonderful book which is just the begging of other terrific books that follow and are equally good.{I know I've read 'em all!}
Rating:  Summary: I'm just wild about Harry! Review: Harry Potter is a warlock. He attends Hogwart's School of Wizardry. He learns to cast spells, fly on a broomstick, and play Quidditch. Harry also makes friends, has a pet, hates his homework, and loves jellybeans (well, maybe not the vomit flavored ones). It is through these recognizable traits that J.K. Rowling makes the story believable. We, as readers, may not know any wizards, but we know little boys--little boys just like Harry. Except for the witchcraft, (okay, and the dragons, and the unicorns, and the ghosts, and the trolls, and the, well, you get the idea.) Harry and his friends are normal, average kids. They go to school, get into trouble, get out of it, play games, have fights, make up, and have fun. The author is consistent in the abilities of her characters as she has created them. And she has created a story that, while not unique, is the best of it's type. If Harry has ancestors, they are much less realistic. Comic books from the 60's and 70's gave us Wendy the Good Witch and Casper the Friendly Ghost. Television brought us Samantha Stevens and her daughter Tabitha. And, more recently, Sabrina the Teenaged Witch. All witches or other "immortals" trying to fit into an American society. Harry, on the other hand, is a fully formed, fully functional, pre-adolescent wizard-in-training. And he is being taught that it is okay to be different. He is the most fully realized fantasy character of this type that I know of. It is this aspect of Harry that espresses the universal truth underlying the metaphor of the fantasy. Harry may be a wizard, but he has real kid problems. He is an orphan who does not like his foster family. He has a spoiled cousin who makes his life miserable. He has friends with whom he likes to play ball. He has teachers he likes and ones he does not. He is the boy next door--only with a wand and a pet owl. For these reasons, the Harry Potter series is one of a kind. It combines the best of many genres of children's fiction, and does any and all of them well.
Rating:  Summary: It was the best book I've ever read and I recommend it. Review: Harry Potter is a wizard. He is only a boy but he is famous because he could not be killed by You-know-who (Voldemort). He makes friends with Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom, who help him get the Philospher's Stone away from You-know-who.The way the book is written I had to keep reading till the end without stopping !
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Review: Harry Potter is a wonderful book that is getting people of all ages to read. It is about a boy named Harry who was basically an orphan who is unhapilly living with his Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin. On his eleventh birthday, he recieves the astounding information, "Harry- yer a wizard!" I was told about the books by my friend when I first entered sixth grade and the book fair came to my middle school. She didn't explain it too well, and i looked at the cover and said to myself, "Nah, that's not for me..." Well, my friends started reading them. They had already been out for a bit and most of my friends had read them all. I got curious, so one day at lunch i read the first chapter. I was instantly hooked, especially after it got into how horrible the Dursley's were. Over the time of about a week and a half, i had borrowed all three books from my friend and couldn't get enough Harry. I was all over the web and the library and the bookstore, nothing could appease my hunger for the wonderful world of magic i had been sucked into. I went onto Amazon with my mom and ordered the three books, meanwhile pre-ordering the fourth. I was restless for the few days until i got a big cardboard package with my books inside. I read them again and again, maily focusing on the first one, and picturing myself getting a yellow parchment envelope, with my name on the front in green ink. I imagined myself opening it and seeing the list, flying down to Diagon alley to collect my equipment and then stepping onto the scarlet train to meet my fate. I can say only this: Harry Potter is a MUST HAVE. If you haven't read them, DO, I beg of you. There is no way any books can compare to the wonder i feel every time i read these books. I've read them up to six times now, and when i did get the fourth one i holed myself up in my room and read it in a day. Everytime i read them i get sucked deeper into the eternal hold the wizards and witches have captured me in. It's the best thing that has ever happened.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: Harry Potter is a wonderful book. Its a book about a boy who receives the privledge of going the best wizard and witches school in the country, Hogworts. In this book you meet interesting caractors. They're extremely unrealistic, but that's part of the storyline. You end up meeting giants, three headed dogs, two faced men and much more. My favorite part of the book is when Harry Potter goes shopping with Hagrid, the gatekeeper of Hogworts. You see all these little wizards and witches with their noses pressed against the store window, looking at flying broomsticks. I recommend it to everyone, not just children. The author uses great suspence and imagery in the book. She also really appeals to the readers' sences. If you like the types of books that take you off into mysterious lands then this book is perfect for you. This fiction tale really lets your imagination soar. If you really injoyed this book then you are in luck, because there is a whole series of these books. So go out and get this book.
Rating:  Summary: The First Harry Potter Review: Harry Potter is a young boy taken to live with his aunt and uncle who hate him because his parents were wizards. Harry's parents got murdered when he was just a baby, but somehow Harry survived. For years Harry grew up with his aunt, uncle, and cousin. Then one day Harry gets this letter telling him he gets to go to this witchcraft school. And little by little he puts together the pieces about him and his parent's death. While he is doing that, he finds out who killed his parents and Harry has to find a way to stop that person from coming back at all costs. This book is exciting because the author uses a lot of creativity telling about each of the characters. She used a lot of dragons and mythical creatures. Dudley, Harry's cousin, was one of the most well-developed characters in the book. He is shown to be a spoiled, evil-hearted bully. He gets almost everything he wants and gets away with everything. This book has a lot of imagination also. You could almost picture Harry there with you and you being a part of the whole thing.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter is a great book. I think you'd like it! Review: Harry Potter is about a boy whose parents die and he is sent to live with his aunt and uncle.While he is there they treat him poorly .Then a letter is sent and he is accepted to Hogwart's School of Wichcraft and Wizardry. There he meets new friends like Ron & Hermione. He already has a friend named Hagrid. He learns a lot about the Sorccer's Stone and he gets it from the bad guy. I guess you'll have to read the book to find outwho the bad guy is!