Rating:  Summary: Loved it! Review: One thing I love I about the "Left Behind" series is that it is Bible based fiction. I have read all 12 books in this series. I have checked scripture in the novel against scripture in the Bible and it is accurate. this novel helps us better understand the prophecies (not just the ones in the book of Revelation, but also Daniel, Isaiah, and more) Reminds you what you already know...who wins this battle against good & evil.I agree with the previous review to check it against Scripture"God has breathed life into all scripture". 2 Timothy 3:16 you will find this is true. If you're interested, another book I also recommend to better understand the prophecies found in the Bible is Tim LaHaye's "Are we living in the End times"
Rating:  Summary: now read a good book... Review: As Neil Pollack says "OK, folks. We've had our fun with these wacky, lurid, Christian thriller novels that one review called "unbelievably vomitous badness." But let's keep in mind that "Left Behind" novels have sold more than 60 million copies in this country and that Tim LaHaye is one of the most influential leaders of the Christian right. The Council For National Policy, an organization that he founded, was an important driving force behind the first candidacy of George W. Bush. There's more scary information about LaHaye and the CNP than I can relay here, but this excellent Rolling Stone article by Robert Dreyfuss can fill in the details of his frightening apocalyptic worldview and of his connections to Bush and his attorney general John Ashcroft. You may not have heard it here first, but you're hearing it now. These are not people of faith, or true Christians. These are lunatics bent on the destruction of civil society by using us as pawns in their Armageddon passion play. And our President is one of them". It's frightening that there are so many Americans are hooked on these awful books. Read The Good Book and when you get to the Book Of Revelations, try to understand it in historical perspective, that was it was written by oppressed Christians who were dreaming of being in a better place and damning their oppressors to a time of tribulation. The Bible is heavy on symbolism, not to be taken literally, like the evangelicals "interpret" it today.
Rating:  Summary: What will I do! Review: An excellent conclusion to this series. I have truly enjoyed reading this series! I have loved sitting around in my office reading these books during the day. I am sorry to see them end. I suppose I will have to find another series, or spend more time surfing the internet! Get this book!
Rating:  Summary: Obviously predictable, but too drawn out Review: This series had to end the way it did, with the glorious appearing, but as usual, the autors failed to get us there in a quick fashion. The story had very little action, except for the decimaion of the enemy which was anything but action packed. What was left of the main characters (maybe two of the main 12 in the series)had ver little to say except, "Rayford was happy" then "Mac was happy", then "Chang was happy" I found myself skipping pages full of Bible text which was far too overwhelming for a non-christian who loved the series for action, and good story telling (see books 1-6, not 7-12). I also noticed that in the last few books, Carpathia, who was an interesting character, became a shadow of his former self, and not a superhuman as he was in earlier books. On the whole, I am glad that I read this series,but it easily could have been done in 6 or 7 books. Now I see there is a sequel and prequel? I doubt that I can sit through two more of these novels.
Rating:  Summary: This Book was Good!! Review: I liked this book - any book that reaffirms my belief in Jesus and God's power is a winner in my eyes!! I read the first Left Behind book in 2001, and it got me back into religion after I'd been away from the church for almost 20 years!! I've read the whole series, and as a graphic artist, have to compliment the cover design... dark, black, covers for all the Tribulation books about dark times, and the cover of this last book where Jesus finally comes back is white. It works!! I've never said this before I read this book, but I really hope Jesus comes soon - I'm so sick of the horrible #*%& going on in this world!! I gave the first Left Behind book to my Dad last weekend - I hope God opens his eyes and ears to hear what's being said!!! God bless Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins for writing this series!!
Rating:  Summary: Glorious Appearing Review: This definitely wasn't the best of the series but I'd say it went beyond my expectations. Reading through the whole series once, then twice, then a third... made me wonder how they would end it. The event of the Glorious Appearing would be so aweing that I doubted they would even come even a little bit close to how the event would transpire. As for some of the reviewers who thought Jesus was portrayed as bloodthirsty, I completely disagree. All the people who died had continuously rejected God again and again & willingly took the mark of the beast. First of all, in Matthew 10:34, it states that Jesus did not just come down out of heaven to just nicely put those who took the mark of the beast in their place. He came to seperate the wicked from the righteous. There are a few things that turned me off especially about the prophecies they mentioned because several of them I had never ever heard of in all my life. Like the parts of only those who survived the tribulation being able to have children and if the kids hadn't become christians by age 100 they would die. Though, their writing may be based on other historical manuscripts beside the bible. All in all, I absolutely loved this book. I loved the detail and how they took their time and didn't rush through the battle and Jesus' return making it more believable. I would definitely reccomend this book to any that have been reading the series from the BEGINNING... Also, was I the only one who seemed to notice at the front where their books are listed that under "Glorious Appearing" was "Coming soon: Prequel & Sequel"....?
Rating:  Summary: So many possibilities...instead, so much plagairism Review: The Left Behind Series and the final installment, "Glorious Appearing", had huge possibilities, a golden opportunity for a gifted writer. The possibilities are still there because, tragically, Jerry and Tim did nothing to explore them. (...) Secondly, as a reader, I had been anticipating the reunion of Ray and his family. That's where this whole thing started, and it did end there, but after all these years, you'd think the writers could dedicate more than one page to this event. One page only, this is no exaggeration. Lastly, believability has become an issue over the past few books. Left Behind (book 1) started very well, but the series got progressively more bogged down by fundamentalist dogma, no matter how silly. Much as the Pharisees 2000 years ago, Jenkins and LaHaye like to hold God to a certain performance standard and/or timetable. It's just not realistic...or advisable. There are good points. The jacket design is lovely. And, no matter how weakly written, the very notion of Christ's return is always uplifting. The book is worth the read for this reason alone, but with this disclaimer: The return of Christ is not a grocery list or a bus schedule, but rather a calling to faith. Read it for the entertainment value and even the inspirational value, but the rest is cum salis granis.
Rating:  Summary: An Ending Review: This series started out really fantastic - interesting characters, fast paced action, suspense - all a reader could ask for. It started going downhill about book 4, and slowly declined after that, but I kept reading because I had liked the characters so much in the beginning. This book is about 7/8 pages and pages of scripture out of the mouth of Jesus and the angels to 1/8 of characters thinking to themselves how wonderful they feel. From a fiction perspective, this book is interesting only to (1) keep score - see who actually makes it all 7 years and (2) discover that, if you didn't survive, you are not going to get to help repopulate the Earth for the next 1000 years. From a religious point of view, well, I'm not a biblical scholar, so I don't really have any insight as to their predictions of what might occur. Neither do I expect to need this information in my lifetime. So I'm happy for those for whom this book was a moving experience, but it really wasn't one for me. What moved me about the earlier books in the series was the reactions of the realistic characters imagined by the authors. Since the second coming is, by definition, so awesome that human minds cannot possibly encompass it, the ending here felt forced and unnatural to me, rather than uplifting, because it was impossible for the characters with which I identified to react to it with any degree of understanding.
Rating:  Summary: Read with caution Review: Given Mr. LaHaye's association with Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church, it is difficult to accept his peculiar interpretations of Biblical prophecy as credible.
Rating:  Summary: dissapointed Review: I have all of the other books and was looking forward to this one. I have a few problems with the event order. Although Revelations is not in chrono order, I never read where Jesus returned judged ALLLLLLLL and THEN reign for 1000 years (NO ONE IS LEFT) I know this is just your way to write another book but it degraded the great job you had done in the past. You should have made this the last book and not make room for more. Your series just lost its appeal to me with this book. Just my opinion!! But I guess after The Passion of Christ all books and movies pale in comparison.---