Rating:  Summary: Stunning! Review: I read this book in one sitting - about 7 hours straight! I was not disappointed AT ALL! And folks, there is not only going to be a sequel, but a prequel, too. So while the basic story has been written, the full story is not yet finished. First of all, the separation of Lucifer and Nicolae gave me chills - haven't felt like that since reading "The Indwelling" at four in the morning. It was a stark reminder of the evil that actually was the Antichrist - something that was sometimes hard to remember in the seemingly goof-ball antics of Leon/Nicolae. Second, the Second Coming was a masterpiece simply because it was written so simply! By sticking to Jesus stating scripture (the Word quoting the Word!) and then personalizing it to each individual....well, the effect is majestic. Third, I nearly lost it when Kenny is waving to Jesus and calling his name...... Yes, there were some things, ie, the first aid given to Ray and the lack of appropriate trauma interventions that one could pick at, but the overall book is something that LaHaye and Jenkins should be proud of. I look forward to the prequel/sequel.
Rating:  Summary: ok use of scripture in a mediocre book Review: A review of a book should be just that. Ratings should not reflect one's agreement or disagreement with the authors' brand of religion, but rather if the book was worth the money spent on it. What was good about this book: 1. A reasonable presentation of the end times within the context of a christian "pre-tribulation rapture" interpretation of the end of the world. This is why I have kept with the series, i.e. seeing how the authors would present a post-rapture tribulation in a work of fiction. 2. I thought the presentation of Christ's post-2nd-coming personal communications with those who are saved and the effect that Christ's presence had on people was quite well done. 3. The appearance of Lucifer distinct from Carpathia was also nicely done. 4. The series is over (I hope). What was not so good about this book: A. "Cartoon Physics" Once again, the authors' have demonstrated their profound ignorance of modern-day medicine, engineering and science. This is my single largest complaint regarding this series, including the 12th volume being reviewed here. In this book, I stopped counting at 4 mistakes - and no, I'm not counting stuff that can be attributed to miracles and other acts of God. What I find irksome is that many of their mistakes would be easily avoided if they had only invested a small amount of time in any high school physics book plus some good first aid/first responder materials and maybe some copies of Jane's - or better yet, found a good engineer and/or scientist and/or high school or college science instructor to look their text over before going to press. Some examples: The GC uses WWII searchlight technology to spot Trib Force jets but radar is never mentioned. Leah makes ok decisions on her triage, but anyone who would sit Ray up and then transport Ray without a hard-C collar and a minimum of a half board would likely loose their certs. Gurneys and stretchers for extrication and transport??? A real nurse or other EMS profession would know better - and it is possible to do a whole backboard extrication with a big ATV in a pinch. Mac's got a chopper but the thought of a standard full-backboard helicopter-winch extrication once Ray is out of the canyon/crevice never crosses anyone's mind. I could list more examples but will stop while I'm ahead. Granted, most of the mistakes are seldom as bad as the radio mistake made in the first book of the series _Left Behind_, but their prevalence in every book including this one was a major detraction from my enjoyment of the series. Mistakes so easily avoided too with just a little more care B. The lead-up to the appearance of Christ was too drawn out for my taste. I would have used the space to leap ahead and do the white throne judgement instead. C. I was looking forward to seeing the real end of time and had every expectation that the authors would get there in this "final" volume. But here, with hopes of something like the Narnia presentation of heaven dancing through my head, I got the one sentence "epilogue" that screamed "sequel" at me instead. What a let down. D. The presentation of the timing and order of judgements wasn't as good as the material between the coming of Christ and the binding of Satan. Too much declaritive "conversation" to present the material, not enough flow and action. E. I can't help comparing this second coming to that in the Christ Clone trilogy. The end of the Christ Clone trilogy sees the main character enter into the millenial realm with an emotionally satisfying, well-constructed and focused denoument. The end of the Glorius Appearing bounced too briefly through too many of the series' characters when focusing on Ray and his family would have sufficed nicely and wrapped things up better. F. The death of the GC army from hearing the "words of the Word" (that was a nice phrase, by the way) left me thinking of a bad retake of the death scene from _Raiders of the Lost Ark_. Too "Stephen King" for my taste. G. The Leon and Niccolae Keystone cop show really falls flat. Again to compare, the false prophet from the Christ Clone series is a serious and intellectual new age occultist and the antichrist is really clever, cunning, sharp and totally evil. H. I just can't buy smart aviators (who have to be up on geography to be good pilots)like Ray and Mac being as geographically crippled as the Abdullah Smith Bible-lands geography lesson implies. Come on here, I'm a bit of a scriptural lazy person but even I know where the Negev dessert and Edom are... H. The book lacks the flow and pacing one finds in the earlier (and better written) parts of the series. In paticular, some of the scripture presentation really reminded me of John Galt's interminable lectures on deterministic capitalism in _Atlas Shrugged_. The the text has to be smooth so the reader isn't distracted by it when the end of the story is likely already known to the reader - and this book is not smooth, having at least three differently written parts, pre-2nd coming, post-2nd coming and post-Satan binding. My recommendation: buy this book if you're really interested in the series and really like the pre-trib rapture version of the end of time, but don't expect great literature. Personally, I'd wait until the local public library got a copy or I could find a friend who would loan it to me. In the mean time, go find the Christ Clone trilogy and experience an end times tale with very well-done science.
Rating:  Summary: A Grand Finale! Review: Glorious Appearing is the long-awaited climax of the end of the seven-year tribulation as well as the reign of terror by satan and his minions. After eleven novels and several years, Jesus Christ arrives just in time to save the faithful and offer mercy, yet again, to remaining unbelievers. LaHaye and Jenkins handle the second coming in a very scriptural way. They stay true to the ultimate story line as written in the book of Revelation. The words of grace and mercy that Jesus speaks come straight from the scriptures. I have read the previous eleven books of the series and find this conclusion satisfying, exciting, and inspiring. The loose ends are tied up, the enemy defeated, and the Lord triumphant. As a believer in the Lord, the only words that remain to be said are "Come quickly, Lord Jesus."
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't put it down! Review: From the beginning of this book I could not put it down. I was wondering how the authors were going to pull off writing Jesus, but I think they did a stellar job, as almost all they did was have Him quoting scripture. And despite what I have seen unbelievers write about this book, the death of any unbeliever was met in Jesus' eyes with sadness, including that of satan and antichrist. While I am not quite sure that they end of days will turn out to be anything like these books portray, I enjoyed them all and especially felt the love of Jesus emanating from this last one.
Rating:  Summary: It doesn't get better than this! Review: The final installment in Left Behind has indeed saved the best for last. The attention to detail in the story is such that it could be used as a bible study on the end-times. Worship permeates the pages from chapter 11 onwards & this worship intensifies from chapter 16 onwards. A new sense of the presence of Christ was manifested after reading this book. It is worth picking up & reading - in the end, we win!
Rating:  Summary: What bothers me Review: about so many of these books is that so many people actually believe this stuff. That it WILL come true, because Tom LeHay or somebody else told them. Because it's in the Bible, a book written by MEN thousands of years ago for their own political purposes. It is NOT the word of GOD! The Rapture will NEVER happen. It's time for people to please wake up and realize that religions do nothing but DIVIDE people, cause WARS, enslave free minds, etc., etc. That many of the troubles we face as humans today are because of literal interpretations of a biblical phrase that should be rejected by our evolution of knowlege, including anti-semintism, slavery, brutality; these were primitive people describing their times . . . we as humanity need to read the bible and move BEYOND it and IMPROVE upon it with a greater understanding of humanity than they had back then. To actually believe this stuff as an adult is to be an adult believing in fairy tales. Do you still believe in Santa Claus? Or the tooth fairy? Please HUMANITY, wake up, understand that GOD is loving and caring and not into murdering anybody and maybe someday you won't want all those who don't agree with you to be murdered too.
Rating:  Summary: Even collectively, not as good as Christ Clone trilogy Review: Now that all 12 of the Left Behind books are out, I can say that even the 12 books together are not as good as even a single book of the Christ Clone trilogy. It's probably too late to tell you not to waste your time with this series, but once you've finished this, try Christ Clone and see if you don't agree.
Rating:  Summary: This is how Christians think of non-Christians Review: If there's one thing this series shows is how Christians tend to view nonbelievers. We are the enemy to be killed, conned or whatever they desire to get the job done. This series has always betrayed nonbelievers as crule, evil and utterly without any moral character. Anything departing from stric Judo-Christianity is potrayed as evil out to get the innocent Christians. After all even if they lie, murder, cheat and steal there forgiven by Christ so it matters not... Often you see reviews for the glorious return in this travesty. The end, all nonbelievers are sent to burn forever and ever and the believers are grateful it's not them and happy to see it happening. This is there religion live in fear of hell and do as the Bible says to avoid it, and rejoice in the suffering of those that choose not to be afraid. Remember this next time some Bible thumper says they love you. Hail Lord Ingui a God worth worshiping! A God of life! (Okay so I'm a Pagan at least my Gods wont go sending people to Eternal Torment for not believeing in them.)
Rating:  Summary: Glorious Appearing Review: I couldn't put this book down, especially at the physical appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Reading how these characters each react to his coming is a humbling and inspiring to me. Reading this series has helped me with understanding the Book of Revelation and has encouraged me to walk in the Spirit. I would recommend this book to anyone and encourage everyone to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Robert Review: First of all, whoever said you aren't supposed to voice your opinion about the Authors is three hoses short of an oxygen tank, and I'm going to anyway. These guys are awesome. Tim did a great job by providing all the facts about the book. The scollarly stuff. Jerry is a fantastic writer. He made all the characters come to life, and he did an excelent job by making the reader emotionally attached to these characters. The book was awesome. Fantastic conclusion to a fantastic series. The action was intense. And who cares if the novel was twelve books long. I'll bet if Anne Rice(who cares how you spell her name) wrote about a thirteen book series, some of you guys and gals wouldn't say squat about it. A few of you(thankfully not all of you) are just dissing these two because they put stuff in here that's a bit hard to swallow. You fear what you don't understand. If this series was so terrible, how come five or six of these beauties made it to the New York Times Best Selling Book List? If this series was so stomach churning, then how come thousands of people have said that its changed their lives? So until you turn this democracy we live in into a dictatorship, Mr. or Mrs. "You're not supposed to voice you opinion about the author", get used to it.