Rating:  Summary: Completely unorginal Review: Looking at 5 star reviews at Amazon, i wonder if we read the same books, although when i recall how much i loathed the book, i decide not really. This book was horrible, even from the beginning of chapter, i felt that there was something lacking in the book. The size didn't daunt me, after all, long time ago i read a 1200 page book, but the quality of the 5th book is very poor. Unlike the other four books, something wasn't right with the 5th book, and reading it felt as if i was doing an unwanted chore. Unlike the previous four books, which had me racing me through each page and also made me finish books within a day or two, it took me five or four days to finish this book, quiete unusual considering i finished 4th book within three days. Harry Potter isn't himself in the book, sure i'm a teenager and all, but i really have doubts that nice and sweet guys could turn into jerks over a summer vacation. Nothing felt real in the book, and at times i wondered while i was reading the book, if this is the right 5th book. I also kept wanting to know how the summer was spent between Hermione and Viktor Krum, but unfortunately, J.K. Rowling never provided the info. Although i don't have a favorite character in the book, but with the character that died in the book, it was completely unnecessary, and pointless. I can't believe i awaited this flop for two years! None of the characters acted like themselves in the book, and i kept hoping that this 5th book will provide more info about Harry's maternal side of the family. Dumbledore's explanation was only a repeat from the previous books and unlike the first four books, it was very unoriginal. I can only hope that J.K. Rowling will make 6th and 7th books twice as good as she made the first three. Also, the episode with Harry and Cho, i doubt that anyone in real life could be so thick-headed.(Spoilers) In this book, Harry Potter is such a dumb selfish brat (no kidding) all he does is whine and whine when Hermione and Ron get to be Prefects, making up in his mind about why he deserves the badge more than Ron. Seems as if instead of letting the minor characters get the badges, major ones get it, which in my opinion is unfair. I was hoping i could get to know some other people in this book besides the ones that dominate it, but looks as if its not going to come true. Read the book if you want to, but heed my review and don't waste money on such a stinker!
Rating:  Summary: Of course it's good-don't get too hyped up. Review: I noticed that I am one of very few to rate this book with anything less than a five. I'm not saying that it wasn't a terrific novel. I am saying that myself and most of my friends would not call it our favorite. Between us, we think the best Harry Potter book would be the third (The Prisoner of Azkaban) or maybe the forth (The Goblet of Fire). Now, just because it's not the best doesn't mean that it shouldn't be read. Definitely read it (if you're into the series) but don't expect too much if you really liked the 3rd and 4th.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter grows up... Review: Bestselling author J.K. Rowling is back with the fifth installment of her award winning Harry Potter series. This time Harry's summer of boredom and solitude at the Dursley's is cut short when he is suddenly attacked. Harry is whisked away to his Uncle Sirus' house where a group has gathered to combat the ever-growing power of Voldemort. Harry returns to school under clouds of suspicion about his role in last year's tragic events and his assertions that Voldemort has returned. The Ministry of Magic, and Hogwarts, is deeply divided on whether or not Voldemort is back and a new teacher arrives to make Harry's life difficult. Through the course of the school year Harry must deal with the usual trials of Malfoy, studying and trying to woo Cho Chang while also coping with Voldemort returning and people not believing him. Rowling has not lost any of the charm or action that made the first four Potter books international best-sellers. The plot is crisp and the action never seems to stop. As usually there is a good twist at the end of the book that will leave people guessing. All of your favorite characters are back, Ron, Hermoine, Dumbledore, etc. At various times in this book I found myself laughing out loud as everyone at the school tried to deal with the teacher sent by the Ministry of Magic to keep an eye on Hogwarts. The stunts pulled by the Weasley twins make it worth it to read this book. Harry also has a chance to further explore his feelings for Cho Chang and it made for a more personal story-line. I keep waiting for Ron and Hermoine to get together - maybe I am reading too much into but I have a feeling they will eventually. This book is darker then it predecessors. Although some people would consider this a criticism, it does make sense as Voldemort has returned. Think of this book as some what like "The Empire Strikes Back," for the time being the dark side is winning. What kind of bad guys would we have if they didn't make things a little difficult for our heroes. Harry is definitely in his teenage years in this book - he spends considerable time whining and complaining about no one believing or trusting him. Sometimes this does make for some ponderous reading, but I think it is an accurate portrait of a teenager. Looking back now I don't think I even talked to anyone the whole time I was 15. Teenagers are moody and Harry is a teenager. I think this book is a great edition to this magnificent series. Every series has a middle section where it seems the bad guys are going to win and nothing is going right - that is where Harry Potter is now. I'm sure the next few books will pick up the pace again. I can't wait too see what new adventures await Harry Potter in the next few books.
Rating:  Summary: A tad long. Review: After all the hype and waiting, I must admit I was disappointed. Granted, I belong to the "older generation" and must continue reading this series to it's conclusion I'm afraid. Once started, one must give one the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure the pre-teen might enjoy it - since the characters are "age related", but I have to agree with a previous reviewer who sited concerns for the younger child. I found it just sort of dragged on and on and didn't really draw me into it. I kept wishing she would just get on with it. I'm afraid a lot of the pre-teen readers might walk away with the impression that Harry's behavior is acceptable and continue behaving in a similiar manner. (One must read the story to understand where I'm coming from.) Frankly, at several points I just wished someone would have administered a verbal "spanking" and tell him to just behave like a nice person instead of a brat. The conclusion did not justify the length of the book.
Rating:  Summary: Best Book of the Series Review: This series just seems to keep getting better. I adore the characters, and the author consistently surprises me with the realism used in extending the characters. Harry is going through his adolesence. He is moody and quick to anger. He does not do well with the females... Life seems to be so hard and unfair... Sounds like every other 13-14 year old boy. I can't wait for the next book!
Rating:  Summary: I love it Review: This is one of the greatest stories I've ever read. Very involving. My friends & I found it hard to stop reading.
Rating:  Summary: Was that 900 pages long? Review: OK, instead of wadting my time with a long-winded book report, I'll cut to the chase: while nearly 90 pages long, this book is fast-paced and engaging, and keeps you turning the pages. One of the great things about Rowling is how she adapts Harry to the personality quirks that come with the age group. He's a teen, so now he's edgy and cranky -- and instead of just going to ask for help, he is holding things in more. Typical teenager, and it all works into the story. What can I say without ruining the story? Just buy it, read it, and enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: McCarthyism by any other name... Review: I have to agree with other reviewers that this installment started slowly and it took about the first 1/3 of the book to get me really interested. The anger Harry expressed at the onset of the story seemed somewhat out of context initally and did not seem to mesh well with the rest of the story. The remainder of the book was fairly predicatable although I was very intrigued with the progressive involvement of the Ministry in the day-to-day affairs of Hogwarts school. I understand some reviewer's comparing this to the current Bush adminstration although I think a better comparison is era of anti-communist fervor inspired by Senator McCarthy. Unfortunately, most younger readers will not draw up these similarities and may find this aspect of the story a bit boring.
Rating:  Summary: A little disapointing, but still good Review: ...I had been waiting for this book since the end of the forth grade. When it finally came out, I was so glad. I read it and thought, 'this book isn't all it's cracked up to be' it was still good though. If I could rate the books in order, they would be Goblet of Fire, Order of the Pheonix, Scorcerer's stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: This book has two major problems: 1) It's too long. 2) The ending is anti-climactic. That doesn't bode well, especially when we've all waited so long for this latest Harry Potter installment. This is my least favorite book of them all. It's long and drawn out, and although there is major suspense leading to the end, it doesn't lead to much. I'm giving it three stars because it is still entertaining. I was only bored at the very beginning. After the first 10 chapters or so, things get quite interesting. There is a lot of suspense, there are funny parts, and other things that you expect to find in a Harry Potter book. But overall, it is not up to par with the other books in the series. I hope Book 6 will meet my expectations better.