Rating:  Summary: Don't read it too much or the spine will bend... Review: I anxiously awaited the fifth novel in the Harry Potter saga and found it well worth the wait, three years that is.J.K. Rowling, instead of the old-villian switcheroo or the villian-in-disguise plotting of the previous four books, goes for a more psycological plotting, which I found a great change. Though the plot won't be fully understood until the second read, you will still enjoy this book a lot. I found this book second best in the series after Prisoner of Azkaban. We found out a lot in both books but I'd like to see more about Harry's past and parents. Also the climax of this book is a little disappointing to those who expected something similar to book four's horror and pivotal nature. It doesn't match the emotion and time-traveling of book three's. I found it along with Sorcerer's Stone in the worst two climaxes. I'm not saying it was a bad, but my expectations were a little high. I'm not much of an action fan, but more emotional fan, and that could also explain why. I guess I did cry for a dozen minutes once Sirius' death sank in. I didn't cry though when he fell through the veil because it was just weird. There is humor on every page of this book that gives it's depressing mood an up lift, and it's a perfect example of J.K. Rowling's sophistication. This book has action, comedy, emotion, horror, suspense, angst, and fantasy so I think it would be a perfect read for everyone. This book could be shortened, as we could lose about fifty pages by cutting out the adverbs and some unnecessry subplots. even though it's longer than Goblet of Fire, it seems to go faster which is because of the improved pacing. I highly recommend you read this book once a year, because after five or so reads the spine bends and the book falls apart. Just look at my Prisoner of Azkaban or Goblet of Fire to see what I mean.
Rating:  Summary: The best yet!!! Review: It is really hard to pick which one of the books is my favorite, it just seems impossible. J.K. Rowling does it again and produces another classic installment of the enchanting harry potter series. The order of pheonix is by far the darkest book in this series, and is in my opinion again by far the funniest!! yes you will not be able to supress your laughter as it is amazingly funnier than all the previous four books put together. 1. The storyline: the story is wonderous. For the first time in this intreguing series we have a story that depends heavily on previous events from the four books. Rowling gives hints about things somebody said or did in the previous books that have a deep effect in the fifth. She never gives you what it is though, you'll have to go back to the previous books and read that particular chapter in order to find what it was. The twists and turns are simply unpredictable. You can keep guessing through out reading this book but you'll rarely or never get the right answers!!! also you get alot of answers for quetions you've always wanted to ask. 2.The charecters: Rowling's children actually grow up in this book. They're really changing. Harry is angrier, Hermione actually loosens up a bit and Ron's Baby sister Ginney has a bigger role her (more stronger and independent). Ron however is simply the same (which i think is wonderful). You also meet new charecters that are really well presented you'll feel that you actually know them personally. Keep an eye for Luna Lovegood(charming). 3. Villains: Frightening, every one of them had ahd a previous appearance in other harry potter books, but here they're more active and you'll hate them. Well described and set to fit this amazing story. 4. The ending is sooooooooo much better than any of the previous endings. You here have real answers and not mere hints. You'll be taken back to before Harry was born and you'll love it!! I'm 21 and I read alot of books (mainly fiction by Dickens and Austen) yet this book managed to sweep me off my feet!! I wasn't able to put it down. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Rating:  Summary: No longer a child's book Review: I've read the book about a month after it was released into stores, mainly due to a fright of the Potter-mania (I don't mind large crowds chasing a book like a hungry dog after a bone, unless they step on my feet as they do so). The only thing I can say that has not yet been said by others, is that the main reason that I loved this book was because it is no longer a silly little child's thing. The other books were good, but this one is simply great. It's darker, more mature, and no character is "entirely good" or "entirely bad" anymore.
Rating:  Summary: How Can You Really Rate An Icon?!? Review: I have seen and re-seen both movies, but this is the first Harry Potter I have listened to. It seems that Rowling continues to push the envelope on the story length that her audience can bear. At 23 CDs she not only has to remind the reader from book to book what has transpired, but even within the book there are several repeated descriptions. Is is heresy to say I could have used some abridgement. Plus, how many descriptions of Hermoine knitting clothes for house elves we really need? I also found it particularly tedius that it took over a whole CD after the climax for Dumbledor to explain to Harry what had transpired. One of the things that never really came across in the movies, but was apparent in this book is the portayal of magic as beauracracy i.e. the ministry of magic and all their departments and decrees (how British). I did enjoy some of the newly introduced magical creatures, especially the festrils.
Rating:  Summary: The best thing that happened this summer Review: The book was great!!! I was up all night to read it. The book was amusing and exciting. When you read the book it's like you're acutally in the story. This book involves more of Harrry's teenager social life but I can't tell you what happens. The characters are better than ever (including the villains). This particular book will explain a lot of questions and wonders. Once you read the book it will be almost impossible to stop reading.
Rating:  Summary: Good Plot bad spoiler Review: Like most Harry Potter fans I was up until 12:00 waiting for it to come out on the first day at a book shop. I finished it at the next day. The book was great until the 2nd to the last chapter. I was expecting a better reason to explain why Voldemort tried to kill Harry. This chapter showed that J. K. Rowling had a hard time thinking of the reason that Voldemort tried to kill Harry, but on the bright side it explained why Dumbledore hired professor Trelawney. Besides this, everything else was unexpected, surprising, and detailed as the other books. My favorite part is when Mad Eye Moody and Remus Lupin met the Dursleys. Moody showed Mr. Dursley his magical eye and Mr. Dursley fell in to the carts at Kings Cross. I just hope the 6 book has a better mystery with an undiscovered villain and a red herring like the rest of the books.
Rating:  Summary: Jim Dale is a winner! Review: I read the book before I bought the tapes - I had read books 3 and 4 and listened to the audio tapes/CD's of 1 and 2. I loved the books and all the characters - Jim Dale just has a way of bringing it all back with style. I was amazed to discover that he does all the voices for all the characters -- he does this so darn well too! You can just envision what is going on and see so well through the 'eyes' of his voice to the book's characters! Jim Dale should win all awards for his wonderful work from a wonderful book! I have loved listening to all the audio books of Harry Potter! What a performance! I'm listening to the tapes for the second time! Well worth the money and time!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Most Disapointed Review: I waited two years on pins and needles for this book, as I got everyone one at worked hooked on Harry Potter I am such a fan that is all I listen to at work, over and over again for two years. Finally she comes out with the new book I was elated and within the reading of the first chapter my heart sank, somewhere along the line she turned Harry into a whining spoiled little brat who cared about nothing but me, me, me. I hoped it was just me and as I got into the book it would get better but it didn't then to kill [a character] off at the end made me want to get on a plane and go to England and shake this women and ask her "Why did you do this, he is no longer the boy you wanted to protect and show that love was possible." I can assure you I will not wait with baited breath for the last installment.
Rating:  Summary: The spirit of Harry Potter Review: Harry Potter, the biggest book in America. I too have been caught in the Harry Potter craze. Having read all of the books, in order, several times, I found that J.K Rowling creates a rhythm between the books, so that you feel like you are a part of Harry's life. However, I thought the flow of Harry's life was disturbed in the fifth book. Harry has been at Hogwarts for four years know. Now, in his fifth year, we meet new characters that we have never even heard of before. I felt that there were so many other characters that Rowling could have developed instead of inventing new ones. The readers have almost no information about Padma Pattil; however, we have seen her before; same story with Semes Finnagin. Perhaps her reasoning will be revealed in the next book.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not the best. Review: After book 4 I could not wait for 2 years to get my hands on book 5. JK built up the story so well at the end of Goblet of Fire that I expected Order of the Phoenix to take off. But it didn't infact it took about 700 pages for things to really get interesting. Rowling did deliver the battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort which was long awaited and was second only to Yoda's battle in Star Wars 2. It was just a bit to slow to stand up to Goblet of Fire. Unfortunatly a sad part of the story ruined Prisoner of Azkaban which was long my favorite for being full of hope. However book 5 shattered that hope. I still look forward to 6 and 7 but do not anticipate them the same way I anticipated this one. I still highly recommend it however but if you have read the first four books you really don't need my recommendation do you?