Rating:  Summary: This is the best book ever! Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phenoix is the all time best book ever! I'm not kidding. It's a must read! It is full of action, friendship, a little romance, mystery and a ton of magic! it's one of those books you just can't put done until it's done! I think it is the best book so far!!!!!! Read it, you won''t be sorry!
Rating:  Summary: Should have been shorter Review: I recognize Rowling is writing each book at a higher and more sophisticated reading level (which includes length), but Order is unnecessarily long. One of her gifts in earlier books was to communicate a lot in few words. However (as in "Goblet"), there is *too much* going on and this could have been trimmed to 2/3 its current length with some disciplined writing and good editor.A good story, but it did not need 600+ pages to tell it.
Rating:  Summary: Why so negative - this is the best Potter by far so far! Review: Why so negative? This is by far the best of the Harry Potter novels so far - enjoyed by a 48 year old like me as well as by my 13 and 11 year old nieces (who agree with me - after a rather shaky fourth novel, which was way too long and far too complex, Rowling is back on triumphant form in this novel, and that makes it easily the best of the five so far). For Potter fans reading this, I courted my wife in Duke Humphrey's Library in Oxford, a 15th century library which was used in the films for the Restricted Section of the Library at Hogwarts! I often dined with friends at Christ Church (College) - the dining hall used for Hogwarts. Yes, even people of nearly 50 can love Harry Potter! Christopher Catherwood
Rating:  Summary: Exceptional! Review: This book is exceptional! It is further proof that Rowling is a genious. The people who say this book needs editing are wrong. The side-stories and wanderings on the way to the finale are captivating and do so much to develop these most-interesting characters!
Rating:  Summary: It was great! Review: It was great, but then again there are some things that i was disappointed! Like in the end i can't tell anyone who died but it was one of my favorite characters. And it was like everyone against Harry! i mean look @ his life! it's not the life he ordered. And the dang DADA teacher y would J.K. put that ugly woman in! Well can't wait 4 the next one!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Potter Book Yet! Review: I really hope that this review makes it to amazon because I would really like to discuss this book with my fellow readers. After the great "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" was followed by the amazing "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" then followed by the ok "Harry Potter and the Prisnor of Azkaban" and then followed with the entertaining but draggy "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" I was very much looking forward to the fifth part of the seven part seris "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." I got my copy the day after the release date, and started to read it right away that night. I read in over the course of two weeks, and decided that I'm going to read it again, to see what I missed. The first time I read the harry Potter books, it's to get the main idea, but the second time is read slowly and I take EVERYTHING in. Two weeks after I began it, I closed the back cover, and was blown away. This book was so much different then the other four, it was amazing that it was within the same seris. I liked this book because it explained more about the very gonvernmnt of the wizard world. As everybody who reads the seris, knows that Harry Potter found out that he was a wizard the day he turned eleven. He lives with his aunt and uncle, both whom hate him, and their dreadful son Dudley. They tell Harry that his parents died in a car accident, but on his birthday of eleven, the half-giant Hagrid, tells him the truth. His parents were killed by the most feared wizard in all the world, Lord Voldermort.(You-Know Who, He Who Must Not Be Named, Tom Riddle, take your pick) When the Dark Lord killed his parents he then turned on Harry. But something went wrong with the curse, love was on Harry, and the spell backfired, leaving Voldermort badly hurt, and Harry, left with a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead. But things brightened up. Harry became a pupil at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and fought Voldermort from returning. That was untill a couple of weeks before the fifth book begins, where Voldermort returns to full power, leading us into the fifth installment of the Harry Potter seris. It opens with Harry trying to find out infomation on the news. A mysterious death, etc. After a misunderstanding where Harry uses magic to save his cousin(underage wizards are not allowed to use magic when not at school) Harry goes through a hard summer before finally returning to school about two hundred pages into the books(out of a totel of 870) In school this year Harry has to go through with many things in his educatonal world, his personal world, and his survioring world. Of course, now hitting full puberty, he is violent, often angry, leaving his friends Ron and Hermione worried. Ron also has other things to worry about, now on the school Quidditch team(a wizard sport on broomsticks)and a prefect of his house(there are four houses in the school which students are divided into) he can't worry about Harry all the time anymore. The book was dark, the ending escecially. Plus the author J.K. Rowling leaves us with a surprise about fifty pages to the end of the book. There is a death. A main character dies and according to the author will never be back. But this is the best Harry Potter book to date. After this is "Chamber of Secrets" then "Goblet of Fire" then "Sorcerer's Stone" and then "Prisnor of Azkaban." All good the same, this one made me smile, sigh, and intrique me, right to the very last page. ENJOY!
Rating:  Summary: It is still an GOOD and AMAZING book!!! Review: I know a lot of people had waited for so long for this book and after reading it people said, "It is not as good as the others". But I know that this book is other than others, the people who only said that is that they dissaprove J.K. Rowling making Sirius died (which I am sad about that), but still don't just get that one reason and rate the 5th book a bad book!!!
Rating:  Summary: And The Story Continues Review: --The book starts answering many questions that we, the readers, have had about Harry and what happened that fateful night. It also starts forming new questions that have only started coming up in the past few books. All of this compelling the reader to keep trying to find out more. --The story will hook a reader instantly. Of course, there are sections that run slow, but then there are others that make up for it. I hardly noticed the length; like the fourth book, you will get too involved to notice until you are on the last page and can't believe you'll have to wait another couple of years for more. --Obviously, the story is getting darker. The imagagery and characterizations are becoming deeper and darker. Everything that is going on, by nature, is dark. A common complaint I have ran into is that the book is too dark and getting too "graphic". To have presented it with a nice or bright tone would have been out of place. The idea of a dark lord, known for his killings and evil, is anything but happy or light hearted. --All the characters, new and old, have personalities built up in such a way that you can't help from liking or hating them. You will really feel for Sirius and his situation, while at the same time really come to hate Ms. Umbridge with a passion. Personally, I found myself thinking of the character in a "real" tense; I would be connecting to them more and more with each page I read. --My only complaint, which you will notice when you read the book, is Harry's personality. Yes, he is reacting pretty realistically to everything, but maybe too much so. I found it hard to relate to a character that was constantly being beligerant and in a long and drawn out bad mood. Maybe if the harshness in the things he said had been lightened up a little, he would have been more likeable. --I would say this book is appropiate for 8 and up. And if you haven't read this book or the ones before it, it's time for you to find out what all the buzz is about.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter--THE NEWER THE BOOK, THE BETTER! Review: This is an AWESOME book! I think that each book keeps getting better and better, though I really admired the ending of the 4th book also. I've read EVERY harry potter book, and I must tell you that if you are new to the series--JK ROWLING IS THE BEST AUTHOR IN THE WORLD!!!!!and mary grandpre also is a FABULOUS illustrator....I DEFINIETLY recommend this book!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Review: I thought that J.K. Rowling could have made Sirius's death more dramatic because he just fell behind a veil there for he was dead. Other than that I loved the book but she could have made Harry a little less whiny then he was but I liked the other books a lot better.