Rating:  Summary: Rowling continues to excel Review: I had to wait until 6:30 Saturday evening to start reading the book, but I managed to finish it early Sunday morning (neglected little things like meals, sleep, or contact with family members). J. K. Rowling continues to amaze me. The books just keep getting better. There are more surprises (beginning with the Dursleys' and then who becomes prefect, continuing all through to the very end of the book when Harry gets off the train in London). The characters continue to grow, especially Neville Longbottom. New characters add humor and strength (Luna Lovegood) and make you wonder where there place will be in the last two books. Harry is typically clueless when it comes to women and romance, as are all men. :) Harry is also much angrier throughout the book, taking it out on his friends at times. Here is where Rowling shines. She adds more depth to the main characters (again, Neville is a case in point and he even outshines Hermione in the students' rebellious Defense Against the Dark Arts secret class), but also Ron (who finally makes the Quidditch team), Hermione, Fred, George). Rowling is able to throw hints at the reader in the first books and then develop them (see Percy Weasley). I'm trying not to give too much away because I was furious with the local newspaper reports putting spoilers in their headlines. But the characters aren't static, as real people are not static. They follow their character traits, sometimes miserably, but always logically. The Weasleys' suffer what many families suffer, with a serious split in the family. Yet, despite the necessary darkness, there is always humor. Hagrid finds a brother; the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher is the kind of teacher every person who has been in school will recognize; Gilderoy Lockhart makes an appearance--unfortunately as his memory starts coming back, so does his vanity; Nymphadora (love that name). There are also the losses (no spoiler here), and surprises. Harry finds that his father wasn't always the hero that he thought and we find more of Harry's mother in him, in his character and not just his eyes. At the end we find that the goodness, and love, in Harry is still what saves him from Voldemort. And Dumbledore, who spends most of the book absenting himself from Harry, is also human, and can make mistakes (but then, if he hadn't been, we wouldn't have all the adventures, would we?). Wonderful book, wonderful storytelling. And, speaking as a Christian, you have to love the message of self-sacrifice, the power of love, doing the right thing, standing up to evil no matter what form it takes, and willingly offering your life to save your friends. That is what Christ asked of his followers. Harry does react sometimes in extreme anger, and is frequently foolhardy, but his heart is always in the right place, even if his mind isn't clear. The clue is at the end when he tries a crucifio curse (and think about the name of the curse!) and we are told why he can't do it with full affect.
Rating:  Summary: not what i expected at all Review: My rating would be like 2.5. The book started off so good it was really interesting, I was so excitied because I love these books! I was upset after reading the entire middle finding out it was not as interesting as it was said to be. I did not like the ending of the book though, just one word TWO, how can there be two? But, I loved the hints Rowling threw at us. I knew what was going on the entire time. I expected more from this book.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter is growing up... Review: and the world is not a nice place. Harry suffers from being a teenager, and we know how tough that is! But even worse, he is not allowed to know certain vital bits of information because he is still perceived as being too young! He is being protected by those who care for him the most - and it may cost him more than he can bare to face! A very different story now, Harry's life and those of his friends are being affected by the truly dangerous place that the world has turned out to be, far worse than Harry's darkest dreams... An altogether marvelous and wonderfully deepening story - please, JK, please don't keep us waiting another three years for the next book!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter Book 5 Review: This book ties many loose ends left over from the prior books. Snape's dislike for all things Potter and Dumbledore's reason for putting Harry into his aunt's house is explained. In 15 year-year-old fashion Harry and Hermione launch kisses, but not at each other. The Lord Voldemort saga continues. And many other interwoven story lines move very nicely through the book. Rowling's story is consistent with all 4 prior books. No small feat considering that many other fantasy writers cannot keep their facts straight from book to book. This book is a real page turner and will keep you awake until you finish.
Rating:  Summary: Darker and Deeper than before! Review: It is a little creepier than before - Harry's temper really shocked me at first, but his explosions have explanations. The Dark Arts teacher is described as having a personality like "poisoned honey", but it is really more like sickly sweet poison! O.W.L.s are stressed a LOT, but students don't worry too much - until the exams. The Weasley twins are back at their old tricks, testing products for their new joke shop... Hagrid, he comes back from his secret mission with... Not telling. Oh, and Mrs. Umbridge, the Dark Arts teacher, starts an Inqisition Squad, and guess who's on it? No, guess! To get back, Harry and several friends start an "illegal" club. All right, if that hasn't sparked your curiosity, you probably don't deserve to read the book!
Rating:  Summary: short but sweet Review: The Harry Potter books are all sweet but this one has everything and more. Harry kicks some serious butt and has a bit of a temper. There's more wand duels and its sweet because everyone participates in helping the cause. Well except Fudge, who in the last book did not believe Harry. He is a real pain in this one. It only took me 16 hours to read this and I hope the next one is twice as long. I have just one more thing to say and that is READ this book.
Rating:  Summary: don't read this if you haven't read the book Review: Finally, an author who doesn't write only what the reader wants. Rowling has again triumphed - not surprising - though i trust we won't have such a wait for the next installment. This is a much darker work than its predecessor, examining Harry and his manner of dealing with his new year at Hogwarts. This year, he is discredited by the Ministry and the Media, neither of which will accept the truth, and the school is passed to a new headmaster. Those who fought for the common cause now find it is only the fight of the few who believe it, as most have turned their backs to the rising of the Dark Lord. At the same time, Harry gets his dream of winning Cho, only to find it may not be what he wanted. Things have now progressed too far in his world, and Harry doesn't have the luxury of looking to his own happiness. For those who read this even though they haven't read the book, you have to wait until almost the end of the book for Dumbledore to reveal the prophecy and why Voldemart wishes Harry dead. I've tried not to give away too much, because most of you will probably read this regardless of the warning.My advice is: read this quickly, before your friends tell you too much. Best you hear it from the author first. Dark times ahead, but hopefully not a long wait.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but quite long and more serious Review: Like the last book, The Order of the Phoenix gives Harry more serious problems than the first novels - he's 15 now. In the last book he saw Voldemort return and a student die, so of course he's still upset about that, and he finds himself with a host of other problems in this new book - including the nasty OWL exams. Some of the characters seem to be acting rather oddly at the start, but this is all explained by the end of the book. The book is a bit longer than it could have been, and it does get a bit bogged down in Harry's teen angst/worries, but what fan of the series would want a shorter book? Yay Harry!
Rating:  Summary: finished reading day after release! AMAZING! Review: This book was sooo good, I will read it a thousand times! The plot was increadable! There was only one thing I disliked, the way Harry was so angry alot of the time, and he took out his anger on other people. Hopefully in Book six he will have a better attitude. Can't wait until the next book!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix Review: I couldn't resist getting into all of the excitement of showing up at my local Borders at 12am on Saturday to purchase this little gem. I read through it as fast as I could while still enjoying it. I'm very tired, but also very satisfied. This book is different than the others in several aspects. Throughout the story we are reminded that Harry is a steadily growing and maturing young man, not only in his abilities and emotions, but also in his leadership and the adult responsibilities he takes on as he trains others to use and develop their skills as wizards. I couldn't put this volume down and I am eager for the next installment, however long it may take. Now with his more mature emotions intertwined in it all we get to see Harry grow through all of his "normal" school routines and events (the Slytherins are mean, school is hard, O.W.L.s are this term, Valentine's day trip to Hogsmead), which is fantastic. I would, however, like to see Harry and Snape (nevermind how unlikely) form a kind of friendship or an understanding...I yearn for it, but perhaps J.K. likes it that way and thusly so do I. If you haven't read it please do. It's a heartbreaker and a tearjerker, but the laughs and action don't come sparingly either. Congratulations to the author (That's right Mizz Rowling, you go girl!) on a wonderful sequel and a fantastically well put together fifth book. Waiting for 6, Geoffrey