Rating:  Summary: A different kind of Harry Potter Review: Everyone knows the basic plot due to the reviews and the hints, so I won't go into that. Basically, for the first 300 pages or so, I didn't really like this book. Harry Potter seems like a completely different character. He's angry and has a violent temper and he's not too likeable. Maybe J.K. Rowling wants us to see him as a normal teenager, but I don't know if she captured it correctly. Sirius Black....such a disappointing character. Again, I guess the author is trying to make him seem real, but it's not in a good way.So why'd I give it 5 stars then? It gets good. It's one of those books where you get to page 650 or so, and you start thinking, "Oh no, there's only 200 pages left." You start getting used to the new Harry, unexpected things happen, there are several places where I laughed out loud due to funny remarks by the characters, and the book answers a lot of questions from the first ones. One thing I didn't like, though - The "important character" who dies...such a meaningless death. It'd be like reading in LOTR "...and Gimli walked down the path, when suddenly a rock fell on his head, and he died." She/He didn't die heroically; more like they were just careless. But this is definitely a good book. I'm going to have to read it again to actually appreciate it. The dialogue is great. The Weasley twins are fun to read about. I think the part I enjoyed the most was D.A. Buy the book. Read it. If you've read the other ones, then this one is just something you have to read.
Rating:  Summary: Is J.K. losing her touch? Review: I have always loved the Harry Potter series but I was sadly disappointed with J.K.'s last book. I felt as if I was just reading about things that had already happened in previous books. There were new plot twists and parts had some orginality to it, but I wasn't satisfied as I was with the earlier books. I wasn't hyped up whatsoever for the next book, except only to find out what grade Harry got on his exams. I am hoping that the last two books of this series are an improvement compaired to this one.
Rating:  Summary: As the Phoenix Rises Review: The fifth installment of the beloved Harry Potter series is upon us, and the question arises: was it worth the wait? It was. JK Rowling has once more proven that she can weave a tale without wearing out the wonders of the fantastic Wizarding World that her imagination has created. Although the old notables are still around-Dumbledore, Quidditch, dementors-there are new additions that serve to renew our interest and pique our curiosity. Harry has evolved into a full-blown adolescent with adolescent rage, insecurities, and angst, and the story has evolved into a darker, deeper tale with some subplots dealing with politics and the media. Just for Harry's evolution, from awe-filled, oppressed ten-year-old to angst-filled, confused teenager, I greatly enjoyed reading this book. Much as Rowling has managed to capture the intensity of Harry's uncertainty and wonder at actually being a wizard in the first few books, she has also managed to capture Harry's uncertainty in his feelings for his role models-his father, Dumbledore and Sirius Black, and in his relationship with the fairer sex. Furthermore, the other characters have also grown, and their own adventures make good reading in the subplots. Ron and Hermione are constantly bickering, Fred and George take their stunts up a notch, and Ginny Weasley is actually dating. She has also managed to simplify the trappings and maneuverings of politics into a more understandable prose, blurring the delineation between good and evil that was clear in previous books (Harry and Hogwarts good, Voldemort bad). Aside from Voldemort and his Death Eaters, there are now other villains that aim to make Harry's life more miserable. However, there are also new allies that guarantee that Harry is not alone in facing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named: the so-called Order of the Phoenix, a motley collection of new and old friends. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a delectable treat that tackles may not end as upbeat as the first few books, but have progressed as our hero has progressed, from childhood into turbulent adolescence. It is the same Harry Potter that we have loved, but older, deeper, more thoughtful and with more adventure. A great read.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Keeps you guessing Review: Wow! I absolutely DEVOURED this book! I couldn't put it down! Not one plot twist I speculated in anticipation of the release of this book was accurate! This one was much MUCH darker and mysterious than the others, and leaves me thirsty for the next book! I can't wait!
Rating:  Summary: Definitely worth the wait! Review: HOORAY! HOORAY! DEAR HARRY IS BACK! We've waited 3 years for it...and JK Rowling doesn't disappoint! From the very first chapter, this book starts moving,gaining momentum by revealing secrets and setting up clues. I was surprised as early on as page 16! The storyline hooks you right away and reels you in like a fish. Harry is older, more mature, you can feel the teenage angst setting in. There is some anger and hurt as bad things start to happen, and you feel his frustration as he starts to question why his life has been turned upside down through the first 4 books. Great new characters are introduced, and are welcomed into the storyline with no awkward-ness at all. I also was really heartwarmed by the return of some beloved characters that we've missed. If you have read the other Harry Potter books, you will be very pleased with this one. If you have never read a Harry Potter book before, first, read the other 4, but Rowling does do a fantastic job of telling the backstory without boring us, so you should be able to catch on. (I still say read the first 4, though!) Harry Potter is bound for glory. This series is sure to be heralded for future generations like series by J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, Roald Dahl, and A.A. Milne. It's definitely a keeper. HOORAY! HOORAY! DEAR HARRY IS BACK! Read it---you'll enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: Worth the long wait Review: It's been three years since I've had the chance to read a new Harry Potter book, and I wasn't able to put it down. The time and pages flew by far too rapidly, but the book is as good or perhaps better than Goblet of Fire. I won't give any spoilers for those of you that haven't yet read the story. Suffice it to say that I hope it's not another three years before year six is released (although if she needs the time to make the story as great, so be it) My only word of advice is get the book, read the story and avoid anyone ruining it for you. ps...thanks JK
Rating:  Summary: Definitely worth the wait! Review: Rowling has done it again! After picking up the book on Saturday morning, I ploughed through it (not as fast as my little brother, who read it all in one day) and just finished feeling more entranced with the world of Harry Potter than I had thought possible. In this, the 5th book in a promised 7-book series, Harry returns to Hogwarts for his 5th year. Now 15 years old, Harry and his friends face many challenges: academic challenges, both familiar (Snape's ever-painful Potions class) and new (O.W.L. tests); social challenges (Quidditch cup is at stake again; Who will be chosen as prefects?); and personal challenges (fluxuating hormones, the strains of OWLS on friendship). Oh yes, and then there's that little problem of Lord Voldemort being back and gaining power. I don't want to spoil it for anyone...so I'll just say this: The 5th Harry Potter book is an amazing adventure in terms of both action and character-development. With Harry, we meet new teachers and new friends; learn more about the Dursley family and more about the Ministry of Magic; explore new branches of magic and new rooms in the castle; visit the forest and get butterbeer in Hogsmede; learn more about Harry's parents and all about the Order; see corruption abound and cheer those brave enough to fight it... from the Forbidden forest to a first kiss... from giants to centaurs... from long dark hallways to secrets too-long-held... from start to end, this book is amazing.
Rating:  Summary: Good thing its already a bestseller..... Review: Not her best work. I guess since she knew everyone would buy it anyway, she should just include everyting she liked- even long drawnout plotlines which did nothing to move the story along. Reaching adolecent angst (which I suppose should be expected at 15) brings out nothing likable about any of the characters. The only slightly interesting thread was the answer to the "who dies" question which was not only predictable- but unexciting or even emotional. I am sure I will keep reading the series as I will have another 3 years to get interested again.
Rating:  Summary: A worthy sequel Review: This is another great installment of the Harry Potter series. In this book, many things happen that will change Harry's life and the lives of his friends forever. It's very exciting and you just want to keep reading. After the return of Voldemort, a secret society, the Order of the Phoenix of the title, is formed to wage war against Voldemort and his followers. Meanwhile, Harry faces a court hearing to determine whether or not he can return to Hogwarts after using magic in an encounter with dementors. There is a shock near the end of the book when a major character (I won't say who) is killed and Harry must deal with his loss. Dumbledore also tells Harry "what he should have told him five years ago." Overall, this is an excellent book and one of the best of the series. Even though it's over 800 pages long, you will have it finished in no time because it's impossible to put it down. Five stars.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible read Review: I read Order of the Phoenix cover-to-cover within 24 hours of buying it at a few minutes past midnight on June 21. It is incredible. I was wondering how Rowling would pull off Book 5 after all the hype and pressure of the last few years, but she more than lives up to the promise of the first four books, and she has introduced enough new questions and characters to keep us on edge, waiting for the next installment. She has not lost her sly sense of humor, her intricate detail, her ear for character development, or her ability to drive you up and down the emotional scale. It is so rare to find a book that appeals to adults and children, and Rowling has produced yet another one. I am off to read it again!