Rating:  Summary: Book Review for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix were not as good as I had expected it to be. This book has caught me by surprise of how depressing this year has been for him, far worse than his fourth year. The series has gotten more dark and depressing as each book has progressed. Through out this book, there has been unaccountable number of unfortunate issues he had dealt with. From the beginning to the end, there have been very few positive moments that occurred to Harry. Even though the story and the plot was too despairing for me, it was still a well written piece. This year has been extremely tough for him. I thought that this book still held the excitement and suspense but they all turn out to have negative conclusions. The story starts off with when unpleasant encounter with Dementors. Harry also went on trial for using magic outside of Hogwarts. Another issue that made me dislike this book was the fact that Harry's has developed a short temper, he doesn't listen and yells at his friends when they are trying to help him, yet they still show overwhelming loyalty to him even with this attitude problems. Harry has been receiving pressure from the Ministry of Magic and the community as they as they portray them as insane for indicating the return of Voldemort. This year there was professor Umbridge, a character that is always giving Harry and his fellow students a difficult time at school. Harry has also started to interact with Cho Chang, but does not succeed in having her. The fifth year students are dreading to take the required assessment known as the O.W.L.s. Dumbledore has also decided to neglect Harry throughout the whole term even when he has very terrible and serious nightmares. There were also a lot of mysteries that kept the reader's eyes seduced to the pages, such as the reason for Hagrid's disappearance. And the most important mystery of all, what Voldemort is after and why. J.K. Rowling also makes a lot of connection with Harry's problem, such as the dreaded O.W.L.s similar to our present S.A.T.s. In my opinion the overall rating of this book should be a three to a four. The story was well written and planned. Even though there were also a number of unnecessary details that did not appear to have anything to do with the plot, they might have something to do with Rowling's future books of the series. The reason that did not convince me to make a high score was the amount of pessimistic situations Harry has encountered; making it not a very pleasant read.
Rating:  Summary: On the fifth book and getting better and better? Not quite. Review: Once again, our friend Harry Potter begins the story at the Dursley residence. Through a series of events, as usual, Harry once again returns to Hogwarts to encounter a number of difficulties, private and not so private.I'll just state right out that the main bone I have to pick with this book, the fifth book, is the immediate problem that none of the characters have really developed or changed; the few characters that have changed slightly have not changed for the better. Of course, it's reasonable that some characters should not change because they have not had much reason to do so; however, one would think that the main characters would be a little different. Harry Potter, after experiencing so many near-death situations in the past, realizing his own mistakes, and being given the chance to learn from them, has not become any wiser in Order of the Phoenix. He maintains his slow-witted, immature personality, as does Ron, and becomes far more bratty in comparison to the previous books. Having the main character be such an annoying individual for the better part of the book creates a feeling of hatred in the reader. The book has it's downs and so it has it's ups. J.K. Rowling had begun to slowly move away from the cut and paste formula of, create mystery, give dull clues, have mystery explained all at once. This makes the book a bit more enjoyable as the story flows all that much more smoothly. The fifth book also ties up some rather crucial loose ends regarding Harry¡¦s past. Although I would have liked to have had some things about Snape cleared up, the author can't be faulted for not choosing to do so. Overall, Order of the Phoenix could have been far better than it is. I would recommend it to someone who wants to have some loose ends tied up, or something to read in boredom; but I warn you, don't hype yourself too much and be expecting a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Effort to Appeal to Diverse Demographics Review: Trying to write a children's book that has also become popular with adult readers can not be easy. I think that Rowling does this wonderfully, which is one of the reasons that the Harry Potter books are as successful as they are. However, if the true target is for children, I think that the fifth book lacks a lot of what the first four thrived on: friendly good-versus-evil conflicts and right-always-prevails adventure. The Order of The Phoenix is a much darker story... due to both the return of Voldemort and also due to harry's complete inability to deal with growing up. I like to think that Harry's behavior is the result of the onset of puberty, but regardless of its cause the loss of complexity in his character is disappointing. Realistic? Sure, but the point was over-stated and it made harry seem like a whining, unlikable prat. He's been proven to be a better person than that in the previous four books, which makes me question this sudden lack of character. Still: I give it 5 stars as a children's book. Judging the book against adult criteria, the novel falls flat. The plot is written in painful accordance to Rowling's proven formula, repeating the exact same progression as the previous four novels. Start with escape from dursleys... Introduce new and interesting magical thing on the way to hogwarts... then something happens to harry but nobody believes him... and then they realize its true but for some reason the adults can't help... and then the mysterious thing that was introduced at the start reappears to help harry save the day. If this was intended for adult readers, that tired formula alone would be worth giving this fifth book of the series a 3-star review. However, I realize that it is primarily intended for kids, so I'll stick with 5 stars. I'd give four-and-a-half if that was an option. Don't get me wrong -- it was enjoyable, and I'll be first in line for book #6. As a book for the entertainment of kids (or adults who want brain-candy), The Order of The Phoenix delivers. Despite the many flaws I've read it three times through because, ultimately, it is a very fun read.
Rating:  Summary: what i think and introducing the book to new harry fans Review: The famous Harry Potter is back again with another one of this dilemmas in school and life. Some mysterious dementor visiting muggle-land was about to suck the soul of out Dudley - who is now muscular instead of fat. Luckily Harry broke one of Hogwart¡¦s rules (as usual) and saved the life (as usual) of Dudley. However, everything isn¡¦t as enjoyable to Harry as the other years. Somehow everyone is avoiding him especially Dumbledore; and a new teacher came to the school that is more malicious to Harry than Snape. Read this book to find out why everyone is avoiding him and see how Harry is doing with Cho Chang (his crush). More surprises include: Ron being on he quidditch Harry being a secret defense of the dark arts tutor. One of the most loved character dying A battle from Dumbledore and Voldemort I personally think the book wasn¡¦t as good as it could have been. I felt as if J.K. Rowling rushed the book because her fans were nearly begging her to finish writing the book. Obviously, Rowling tried to crank out the book as fast as possible because I felt some missing intensity the book could¡¦ve had. Hopefully her next sequel would be able to compensate the lack of intensity and organization of book 5. Although I feel that the book isn¡¦t as complete as it could¡¦ve been, I still recommend reading the book to all the Harry Potter fans. Like all other Harry Potter books, this one will get you hooked right into the book once you start it. My cousin bought the book AND finished the book on the first day it came out. That¡¦s how addicting the book can get you. My cousin skipped all the meals and didn¡¦t even take a bathroom break, so be sure to have an alarm clock ring every few hours to remind you to get up. What I like most about the book is how J.K. Rowling portrays Harry¡¦s life to be like any teenage 15 year-old boy. I was also 15 when I read this book (my birthday passed a few days ago) and I can connect part of my life with his. His rage and frustration and the way he thinks and feels are all exactly the same reaction I would have. Overall, out of 5-stars, I give this book a 4 star. (I recommend this book to all ages above 12)
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Review: I rate this book 4 stars because i haven't finished the book yet. I have only read a quarter of this book, however i think its an interesting book to read. Like the other Harry Potter books, i think for bookworms they will finish the book in a week. As usual, the book starts of with Harry being harassed by the Dudleys. One day, Harry faces two Dementor and he uses magic to eliminate them. However using magic is against that law of the magic world. Also, Harry gets frustrated that no one told him what was going on around the world. I like the way and the tone she wrote the book, its kind of humorous and both very detailed. I think you should try reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5) Review: Harry Potter was a hero in this series, as usual; he pulled through all the hard challenges he had to face. One interesting point while reading this book is that I¡¦ve noticed Harry¡¦s new attitude problem, added with some cockiness, maybe because of the effects of adolescence taking over him. This book not only focused on revealing bits and parts of the mysterious story, but also exposes the characters personalities. There was a big twist in the end, that the audience wouldn't have expected, which was a great turning point for Harry Potter. I didn't find the ending as exciting as it should be, seems like an ending to sell better later on in the new series. I have found, however, that in this particular book series, the author was starting to lose ideas for new and fresh plots lines. While reading, I was able to find myself connecting with the characters emotions or even feelings. The author was able to write out the story so that the reader is still able to comprehend and understand. Though I found some words unessecary, considering the fact that this book is still for the young audience. This book was extremely exciting to read and I couldn¡¦t stop flipping through the pages.
Rating:  Summary: harry potter's 5th Review: After a long awaited period by kids and adults, the 5th Harry Potter book has proven that the wait was worth it. Starting as always with the boring await for school to begin at the Dursleys, Harry has dreams and the scar on his forehead hurts, as if he had some connection with Lord Voldermort. Since the end of the last book when Harry escaped death in such a heroic way, the wizard newspaper has turned his story into him being the opposite of a hero, making fun of him and somewhat making him seem as an enemy himself. The Ministry of Magic knows Voldermort is back but doesn't want to put it out to the people so they won't panic. They also intrude in Hogwarts, putting a Ministry of Magic representative as teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ms. Umbridge. After some time goes by, they turn her into the High Inquisitor, taking Dumbledore's position. She always gives Harry a hard time. Harry's 5th adventure, with him having to worry about so much since its his 5th year at Hogwarts, having to take exams, knowing the man who killed his parents is free, experiencing love, and as always taking risks, could be known as the most promising so far. I would recommend this book to anybody because even though you're not 15 years old like the main character, we can all somehow relate the story to our lives. It also in a way brings out the little kid inside of us, bringing back fantasies about witches and wizards. So it doesn't matter if your old or young, this book is appropriate for all of us.
Rating:  Summary: Star Quality Review: This is by far the best out of the Harry Potter series! There is so much suspense, and everything in the story fits in place. There is no possible way that any other author could come up with a plot like this. No book should outsell it. It is so unbelievably amazing, I can barely put it into words. This book deserves a 6 star rating, because 5 is not enough. Anyone and everyone who is reading this review, should immeadiatly buy this book. It is so stunning a story!
Rating:  Summary: So way cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This book was so good. It took me about three chapters to get into it but after that it rockedd!! I thought that Harry was really mad and took it out on Ron and Hermione. I also thought Umbrige was horrible. She is the worst!
Rating:  Summary: very disappointed Review: This book is really a big disappointment. First of all, after 4 years at the Hogwarts and with so many challenges he has had, Harry is now supposed to be lot more mature, sensitive and intelligent. But the book just made him as a terrible and dumb kid. He does not think and analyze for one second, only shouted and yelled and frustrated and made tons of stupid things through the whole book. Obviously he is supposed know that he would face many difficulties by now, and we would expect that he could now deal with them with lot more skills, rather than just acting like a spoiled emotional kid. The book is tooooo long with too many unnecessary details, unlike other Harry Potter books, all the details were there for some good reason. It also lacked the suspense as the other Harry Potter books had. The ending was just too dull and predictable. The death of Sirius was just non-sense and not convincing at all. How can he die just like that?! If he had gone through what he had for all those years, how could he be so hardheaded and died so stupidly in a fight? I expect he really comes back again in the next Harry Potter book. Hopefully the 6th Harry Potter will be much better than this one; otherwise, no more Harry Potter for me¡