Rating:  Summary: Its a great book....... Review: I've read all the previous harry potter, "The order of the phoenix" is quite thick compared to the previous ones. But it is as interesting as the other 4 books! Its fabulous! Everything is so detailed, I could just picture everything in my mind... I hate to finish reading the book because I was so engrossed with the story that I didn't want it to end. The part when 'he' died was quite brief and sudden. I'm actually quite sad about it, he's a really nice man. Nevertheless, this is the book you must get or you'll regret!
Rating:  Summary: Fast paced and absolutly brilliant Review: I think that this book is extremely well written and that has a very good plot . I am also happy that some of the open "doors" in the plot start closing for example the reason behind Voldemort tring to kill Harry . This book shows us Harry's darker side and also shows us places we have never been like St. Mungos and the Ministry Of Magic. I say this book is a must for everyone who enjoys reading.
Rating:  Summary: Loose ends leave it unpacked Review: The book is loaded with subplots that heighten the suspense. The initial pages live up to the pre-launch hype and adds to the build-up. The expectations keep rising as we progress in the book only to be let down at the end. The climax simply does not match up and the Dumbledore-Harry seance at the end adds to the woes of the readers. The characterization of Sirius Black is not a patch on book three. Hagrid exceeds his potential. Just when you think that he cannot bore you any further, he introduces Grawp! Dolores is another poor attempt. Would have liked her to be a bit more powerful and weighty. McGonagal and Snape provide the saving grace. Fred and George (and Lee too) are brilliant as ever. An overdose of spells, charms and jinxes make the book a bit weak. Snape's memory and the Kreacher plot are plainly bad. All the ends thrown open by the sub-plots are not closed well eventually. For instance we do not know what happens to the SPEW. The Percy track too is left hanging - would have been more complete if he at least earned a rebuke! What happens to the woolen hats / socks that Dobby collects? Why was Harry unable to see the Thestrals till now? (or did I miss anything here?) Having said all that, I must agree that the book is unputdownable in parts. But one does get disappointed if all the page turning leads one nowhere. JKR may have left them as is to with a view to cover them in the last two books. But as a reader, I am unhappy to see the pieces jutting out.
Rating:  Summary: She's Back With Another One Review: I'm not going to say much because I believe the book stands on its own without someone praising it (as well he should)! I just want to tell everyone out there that they should not think the Harry Potter series only for children... trust me there's something in there for everyone... especially in The Order Of The Phoenix!! Do not hesitate to buy the book. However, I would suggest that you read, at least, starting from book 3 (Prisoner of Azkaban). This is of course NOT NECCESARY but it might help you put things into perspective (know your characters and the sort of problems Harry usually faces). This one is there to answer all the questions raised by book 4 (Goblet Of Fire), and it is also there to show how Harry (representative of many teens) copes with... growing up! Not to mention all the mystery and adventure that constantly surrounds Potter wherever he goes. DO NOT WAIT FOR THE MOVIE. Trust me, a lot of good material is edited out of the books to accommodate the movie (good movies), which limits your imagination of the fantastic world of Harry Potter. J. K. Rowling is a genius with an eye for details. Even the tiniest detail could prove to be the doing or undoing of her characters! Her writing style is simple yet rich... and her plots would keep you on the edge of wherever you are reading her books. Enjoy!!
Rating:  Summary: Best Harry Potter novel yet. Review: Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix by J.K. Rowling is way better than the Goblet of fire.I can't wait for the next Harry Potter novel to be on sale at stores.
Rating:  Summary: death to harry Review: I GAVE THIS BOOK 5 STARS SO MAYBE YOU WOULD READ IT there was a time when i could not wait to get my hands on this long-awaited fifth Harry Potter book. why i felt this way, i do not know. it seems that the glory of hollywood has gone to Rowling's head, adding scenes to the book only to give it length. seriouly, many of the things discussed in the book have absolutely so no point what so ever. for example...the whole dementor and trial thing, hagrids little brother, Harry's pathetic romance, the occlumency classes and harry's dreams...give me a break! another thing that really bugs me is the fact that Rowling promised the death of a significant character. the person that died hardly played a role in the main plot and could easily have been left out of the story in the first place. if you ask me, Rowling just needed to add this death scene so that people would be interested in buying the book. and what is with Harry's whiny attitude? puberty must have given Harry an extra dose of hormones! sometimes i even wished that Voldemort would just jump out from nowhere, kill harry, and end this monstrosity. i honestly was expecting much more from Rowling, and hope that her future publications in this series will renew my once avid dedication to the world of magic.
Rating:  Summary: The begining of understanding. Review: Wow, Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix was worth the wait! (Thank goodness the 3 yrs went by fast.) You can not read this book before the other 4 because you won't understand what has happened to Harry and the Wizarding world. OTP really begins to answer questions that Harry has had ever since he started Hogwarts. It is also the begining of choosing sides for the coming war. Harry, has become very tense and angry since Goblet of Fire because his fellow students are afraid of him, they think that he's crying for attention and they have turned against him. As this school year progress's we learn that even if you have magical powers, you don't have the ability to know everything that's going on, or stop terrible things from happening. It's scary that small steps like creating new rules (laws) can quickly take away your rights. And that people in power must have accountability for their actions. OTP is a non stop page turner, there's a new character that you'll hate more than Professor Snape. ( I Think you'll agree). I definitely would reccommend this book and the series to any one that enjoys a good story and mystery. The Harry Potter series is a mystery, Why did Harry not die in the attack? Again Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix is the beginning of understanding this mystery. Bring on Book 6 and 7! Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Ahhh.... Review: Where to begin... I have been a Harry Potter fan for a while now, and thoroughly loved all the previous books, but after about two days of reading the fifth book nonstop, I find myself dissapointed for a number of reasons: First off, it undoubtedly needs to be edited. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a long book, and there is nothing bad about a lengthy story as long as things are happening in it to make it worth reading. In the case of The Order of the Pheonix, however, long amounts of pages waste time on unimportant matters (harry moping about himself, for example) that should be simply cut out. Sometimes the book left me frustrated to the point where I coudn't stand to read it. Second, as I have already mentioned, Harry spends much of the book whining, complaining, and feeling sorry for himself. I was not at all impressed with this. I understand hormones, but not quite to this extreme. Harry throws a number of childish temper tantrums and takes anger out on friends. It all got very annoying after the first 300 pages of it... There wasn't really a plot until the end, it was sudden after 700 pages of nothing, and didn't actually do anything for the character[s]. Their is far to much gloom and almost no happy moments. Dumbledore's "explanation" of everything was made up entirely of what we already knew. I have heard so many people ask, "but why did Voldemort try to kill Harry and his family?!" Well, why wouldn't an evil killing machine try to kill those opposing him? Is this so hard to figure out? And finally, what dissapointed me the most out of the whole book was the person who died. I saw no reasonable explanation for this death whatsoever, it shouldn't have happened, it didn't need to. Why not kill off someone who wouldn't have made a big impact on the later books? Do we really need to depress Harry more? I found this book to be very dull in my standards, it didn't live up to my expectations at all. After the previous books, I had expected something equally as great, if not better, as it seemed likely, but alas, no dice. The book, I thought, sent out a lot of negative messages about school and government, especially for the average reading level of this book, ages 9-14 (I think). For the time it took Rowling to write this, I expected something better. She is an excellent author, and I just wish she hasn't run out out good storylines.
Rating:  Summary: Here he comes to save the day.... Review: After a long wait, Harry Potter is back. Was it worth the wait? I think so. There were a lot of unanswered questions from the last book, many of which are answered here. Of course, this book brings up many new unanswered questions. I won't go into the plot of the book, because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it yet. This book is actually pretty much review proof. If you read the other four books, you are gonna want to read this one. And if you haven't read the other four books, you shouldn't start with this one, because you will be very confused about what is happening.
Rating:  Summary: Is it a Children's book? Review: I don't seem to know... I for one, have really enjoyed the darker turn the books because it makes it more realistic and the stakes are higher. In children's books main characters CAN'T die, but in HP you aren't so sure. However, there is definitely a lack of maturity to the writing. Don't get me wrong, Rowling is amazing as always. However, there is triviality in Harry's pouting (as a teenager, NO teenagers aren't always like that) and in his problems. There are not THAT many stupid people who refuse to believe the truth, that's just cliche. And the fact that EVERYBODY in Slytherin is evil is just too simple. Can't there be some NICE Slytherin members? Not everybody who is ambitious (as the Sorting Hat puts it) is pure evil. I do like the Snape development (I always knew he wasn't all bad!), but the character death is totally unnecessary. It seems it was only put there because Rowling felt she had to kill SOMEBODY. Still a worthy read, but I know Rowling can do better.