Rating:  Summary: Worth the Wait! Review: I was so pleased to see the story jump right into the action.Be sure to keep the previous one nearby-it picks up exactly where that one left off.The plot and clever little details are so much more detailed and organized than the previous Goblet of Fire. It was worth the three years to see this than a book written in a hurry. Why 4 stars instead of 5? Of course the story is extremely engrossing as were the previous ones of the series. We were promised that Harry Potter is darker. But darker does not mean deeper. The central features of the wizarding world and character personalities depend a lot on cliches. This is the one aspect that makes this otherwise magical world not quite as convincing.There are also situations and secondary happenings that seem more like fillers. In any case,it's good to be back in the magical world of Hogwarts. But beware,not unlike our own Muggle world, these are times of fear and uncertainty.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book ... but not better than book #3 or #4. Review: J.K. Rowling is a great writer and has a wonderful imagination. Chapters 21 through 37 were the most exciting to read. During those chapters it was very hard to put the book down. Many truths are revealed about Harry's father (James Potter), Snape, Voldemort, etc. Harry Potter for some wierd reason goes through a lot of turmoil and is constantly angry about everything. I did feel bad for him, however his negative attitude got old after a while. He had very little self-control and way too much anger especially toward the end of the book. He kind of reminds me of Anakin Skywalker (Luke Skywalker's father) who in the 2nd movie "Attack of the Clones" was on the path to the "Dark Side." By the way, the one main character that dies in the book was totally unnecessary. The press had an article about the author crying for having killed him/her off. I, on the other did not cry, but was rather upset. But hey, I'm not the one making millions of dollars off of the Harry Potter series. Needless, to say I am looking forward to reading the next book whenever it comes out.
Rating:  Summary: Crazy for Harry Review: I really anticipated the release of the 5th installment of Harry Potter's story. And I wasn't disappointed at all. It was a wonderful and exciting story. Now I'll go back and reread the other four, I just can't get enough of Harry.
Rating:  Summary: The Magic Is Back - You'd Better Believe It! Review: I don't know how she does it - create one masterpiece after another. I had only to read the first chapter, where Harry is back on Privet Drive with the Dursleys, to know that dear ol' J. K. Rowling was back in all her glory. From the very beginning I was swept away by the magic, the intrigue, the revelations and the machinations as well as the delightful little touches with which she always fills her book (verisimilitude, for the literary minded). Anyone who could put this book down obviously has never read it, or else has no clue as to what fiction is about.
Rating:  Summary: Good but a little disappointing Review: I brought the book the Monday after it came out and finished by Friday, but I was a little upset because Harry seems like a spoiled brat through most of the book and I was really upset by who was killed. I mean can the kid get a break.I was also mad when certain people left school. I reality (hehehehe) they would have been sent right back to school no matter what. I did like the idea of the DA and the order and all.
Rating:  Summary: Well worth the wait Review: The latest book in the Harry Potter collection is well worth the long wait, it takes you on a magical ride of emotions, one moment you will be angry the next you will be laughing at another antic by the Fred & George with their Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. Alltogether this a great book and I am eagerly awaiting the next book which will hopefully come more quickly then this one
Rating:  Summary: Rule of Thumb -- quantity is not quality Review: Here's my best tip for those of you embarking on the saga that is Order of the Phoenix: Read the first 200 pages and the last 200 pages - trust me, you won't miss what's in between. With Harry Potter and the gang, J.K. Rowling has created one of the best stories of all time -- filled with extraordinary visual details and compassionate and startling characters. However, her editors were sleeping on the job. The middle section is tedious and does nothing to advance the plot. After the first 200 pages you get that Harry is an angry pubescent -- frustrated and hormonal, but she keeps it up flogging the reader with homework woes and recycled emotion. I nearly gnawed off my limbs to get out from underneath the tedium. I love Harry Potter and I love J.K. Rowling, but less is more!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter returns Review: First of all let me say that I wasn't disappointed in this book. It kept me reading 'til the last page, though it took me four days to finish because of summer activities. The plot is great like all of the others, and I couldn't wait to find out the answers to my questions at the end of the book. I WOULD have liked to know the scores to the OWLs before the next book, though. ^_^; I was upset with the death in the book, not because of any problem with it, but because it was a character that I really enjoyed. I'm a sensitive person. ^-^; The only problem I had with this was what brought my score down to four. I don't like Harry's attitude during the book. It's very different from the Harry I'm used to, having read all four prior books multiple times (especially the third, which is still my favorite). I actually do understand it, though. He has his reasons to be angry. It's sort of like in the fourth book, during one period where Ron and Harry were fighting. I understood it, but it didn't mean I liked them fighting. Other than the above, this is a great addition to the series. I hated Umbridge more than I ever hated any villain in anything. I think I hated her more than Voldemort himself. Of course, that just makes her a good villain, one who knows how to get down under your skin. P.S. I want more Lupin. =^-^= Werewolves are the best! ~*~*~*~*~
Rating:  Summary: Have Patience! Review: After reading the latest novel a second time through, I have a better feeling for where the author will be heading in the two remaining books of her series. Several of the "problems" with this installment can be seen as the author setting up the details of the conflicts in those future books. The dissatisfation some readers feel because of the apparently lack of resolution of certain issues is therefore because of a lack of patience on their part with the author's intentions. This series is best viewed as one whole, very long story, because it becomes increasingly apparent that the author knew exactly where she would be going all along.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter 5 wasn't as good as 1-4 Review: In my opinion, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was slightly boring and frustrating to read. I'm 15 and a huge Harry Potter fan,(I have Harry Potter posters, stuffed animals, picture frames, figurines and anything else you can think of that's Harry Potter related), but I could barely sit through this book. Harry kept having temper tantrums and I wish he would just grow up or get a shrink or something. He made me really frustrated and I wanted to go into the story and slap him a lot of the time. Professor Umbridge was equally annoying and I wanted to buy a wand at Ollivanders to hex her. The story was more like a whole bunch of little events instead of one flowing story like in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The way characters from the previous book showed up in this one was cool, yet sort of unnerving. For example, Ms. Figg happens to be more in the plot, and Harry met someone in the first book for about one minute, and you think you'll never hear about them again, then they become a huge part of the story. This book is good, just not as good as books 1-4. The end of book 5 gets very interesting but seems very dark and depressing, as does the beginning and middle. I know the author cant really help this but the book was really huge, and hard to lug around. It would have been better if it was printed on two separate books, so you could lug one around, finish it, then lug the second half of the book around. The fifth book wasn't horrible, but frustrating and long, but I recommend reading it anyway.