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Rating:  Summary: Not one stone shall stand Review: 21 AD Pontius Pilate stooped to bribery and theft and executed Jews without trial. Pilate built a new aquaduct and funded his construction by seizing money from the temple treasury. The Jews were strongly opposed to this treachery, yet he pillage against their resistence.64AD Gessius Florus engineered and pushed the people into rebellion as a coverup. Florus had been running a scam by using personal guards to systematically raid the houses of wealthy Jews and hearing the governor was coming to Judea, he feared reprisal, so he provoked a rebellion leading to the destruction of Judea. AD 44-46 Theudas gathers 400 followers on the east side of Jordon. Later Fadus the Judean Procurator captured the band. 67 AD John of Gishala posed himself as a freedom fighter for the people; however, "he had set his heart on war in order to attain supreme power". Gishala terrorized any who would not join his cause; ransaked the wealthy; violated the women; acted out blamphamous behavior dressing like a woman and taking unlawful pleasure; and launching a murderous killing spree. 66 AD Eleazer conspires to gain religious power; he does this by filling lesser church offices with sympathizers and then he proceeds to rob the city. Eleazer aligns with Idumeans, who destroy 8,000 Jews in one night and another 12,000 who resisted the take over. Simeon, Son of Gioras wants also to take over the city and be crowned the king and he rallies an army of 20,000 taking the city of Hebron. The consequence is three factions fighting each other for control of the city. Mathew 24: 1-2 1. And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple; and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2. And Jesus said unto them, see ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you. There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. The city of Jerusalem sits on limestone. Underground passages provide water into the city. However, under seige, the underground passages filled with sewage as septic tanks could not hold so much sewage. Plaques broke out because of the raw sewage and during the three year seige, thousands of Jews died. It was estimated that 600,000 bodies were thrown over the wall. When the Romans took the city, they immediately killed all the leaders, sold the Jews into slavery, began to burn the Temple - after looting treasure. Once the fire started Titus allowed his troops to plunder the temple. Titus order all the walls be torn down and the troops pushed rubble of the temple and its courts over the sides of the hill. The top of the hill was bear down to bed rock and dirt. Draper does an excellent job analyzing Christ prophecies found in D&C 45, Math 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. Furthermore, I was intrique with his decision to bring historical account by the historian Josephus. After Christ death, the Holy Land would be raped by the Romans, pillaged by the robbers, and mislead by the images of the archtyrant.
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