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Rating:  Summary: New World Order: a paranoid offering from a dangerous man Review: I read this book from the perspective of a liberal Protestant minister, and I am appalled at what is here. Pat Robertson's need to satan-ize every person and group that doesn't toe his party line is frightening. The reason it's frightening is that this man heads a large, well-financed and well-organized political group (the Christian Coalition), which tries to directly influence politicians to embrace their hardcore reactionary Protestant born-again agenda. Unfortunately, the sick attitudes expressed in The New World Order are being adopted by many in the current Republican Party, which is exactly what Robertson had in mind when he wrote The New World Order. His idea of the perfect New World Order is to have his brand of Christians in charge of the world, with him installed as King.
Rating:  Summary: Time to wake up Review: I think most of you need to step aside yourselves for a moment and really question your current view of christianity in America. I suggest reading "How Should We Then Live:The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture" By Francis A. Schaeffer. It's short and very easy to understand. I highly recommend it...
Rating:  Summary: The Wiles of the Dark One. Review: In the proud tradition of Zarathustra, the Hebrew prophets, the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, St. John the Divine, the Manicheans, the medieval flagellants, and Martin Luther comes this masterpiece of apocalyptic drama, brought to you by one Pat Robertson. Say what you want about the man, if there is one thing he is familiar with that is the territory of evil and the wiles of the Dark One. Tell us how he offends your delicate modern sensibilities, but don't deny him the chance to inform you of the great evils present in the world particularly in the form of globalism. Sure he wants to abolish the teaching of evolution in our schools and replace it with pseudo-science. But, I don't know which is scarier myself: Pat Robertson or the idea that he might be right? Personally, I find it a tad bit troubling that all of our presidents seem to belong to an organization that has as its avowed mission, "the restoration of the British empire through the instigation of communist revolution."
Rating:  Summary: The New World Order: Millions Sold/Best Seller/for a reason! Review: Pat Robertson's book, The New World Order, clarifies what has confounded too many people in America today. It details the influence of the Bildeberger Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. It also tells about the private corporation that we call the Federal Reserve System.Basically, Pat tells how the world is progressing toward the One World government that is foretold in the Book of Revelations. In order for the world to come together into one government, we cannot have a constitutional republic in America guaranteeing our freedoms and combine that with the communism, fascism and socialism prevalent in the rest of the world. If the One World government is to operate, we would have to give up our freedoms. And we have, if you haven't noticed.
Rating:  Summary: Explains anti-Christian conspiracy, but makes key errors Review: THE NEW WORLD ORDER explains the forces that are behind the erosion of traditional Christian society and beliefs the around the world over the past 250 years. The Freemasons, Adam Weishaupt, the Communist movements, the Council on Foriegn Relations, the United Nations and the Trilateral Commission are explained and their role are documented. Pat points out the living truth that there were two sytems of belief that are mentiond in the Bible. One was Abraham, who was called and given the covenant with God that through his seed, CHRIST, the world would be blessed. The opponent to this was the King of Babylon, Nimrod, who built the tower of Babel that tried to reach heaven and become omnipotent. Abraham represents God's preordained purpose for man, while Babylon represents man's conscious human will trying to place itself up as God. Robertson makes many statements that question George Bush's actions in the Persian Gulf. All the world's nations were united against Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq, and Iraq is where the ancient city of Babylon is located. This is also where Bush used the phrase "New World Order." It comes as no consequence that George W. Bush plans to attack Iraq as we speak. The occult forces that are plotting to take over the world and wipe out Christianity would appear to want as their capital city Babylon, the city that has oppressed God's people, as it was in the days of old. Robertson makes some errors in this book that don't actually play out. He says that the United Nations will lead an attack on Israel. This is ABSOLOUTELY NOT TRUE. The United States uses its power to dictate to the UN, and the UN Security Council provides a rubber stamp on US and Israeli international aims. Robertson fails miserably in recognizing who the internationist conspirators are. They come from all nations, races and religions, but are being controlled by elements in the organized Jewish community (the Pharisees that Jesus condamned as "hypocrites"), and are following the plan as outlined in the PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION. Robertson hopes to inspire fear in his readers by saying the UN occupations forces from third world countries would invade America, loot us and destroy our infrastructure and society. It is the banking interests, high finance and mulit-national corperations who are looting us, and there is no need for the UN to invade America from the third world because the US government which is in the palm of corperate interests, allows for mass immigration (legal AND illegal) into the US. This works against the interest of the American working class and traditional culture without ANY armed coercion.
Rating:  Summary: Explains anti-Christian conspiracy, but makes key errors Review: THE NEW WORLD ORDER explains the forces that are behind the erosion of traditional Christian society and beliefs the around the world over the past 250 years. The Freemasons, Adam Weishaupt, the Communist movements, the Council on Foriegn Relations, the United Nations and the Trilateral Commission are explained and their role are documented. Pat points out the living truth that there were two sytems of belief that are mentiond in the Bible. One was Abraham, who was called and given the covenant with God that through his seed, CHRIST, the world would be blessed. The opponent to this was the King of Babylon, Nimrod, who built the tower of Babel that tried to reach heaven and become omnipotent. Abraham represents God's preordained purpose for man, while Babylon represents man's conscious human will trying to place itself up as God. Robertson makes many statements that question George Bush's actions in the Persian Gulf. All the world's nations were united against Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq, and Iraq is where the ancient city of Babylon is located. This is also where Bush used the phrase "New World Order." It comes as no consequence that George W. Bush plans to attack Iraq as we speak. The occult forces that are plotting to take over the world and wipe out Christianity would appear to want as their capital city Babylon, the city that has oppressed God's people, as it was in the days of old. Robertson makes some errors in this book that don't actually play out. He says that the United Nations will lead an attack on Israel. This is ABSOLOUTELY NOT TRUE. The United States uses its power to dictate to the UN, and the UN Security Council provides a rubber stamp on US and Israeli international aims. Robertson fails miserably in recognizing who the internationist conspirators are. They come from all nations, races and religions, but are being controlled by elements in the organized Jewish community (the Pharisees that Jesus condamned as "hypocrites"), and are following the plan as outlined in the PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION. Robertson hopes to inspire fear in his readers by saying the UN occupations forces from third world countries would invade America, loot us and destroy our infrastructure and society. It is the banking interests, high finance and mulit-national corperations who are looting us, and there is no need for the UN to invade America from the third world because the US government which is in the palm of corperate interests, allows for mass immigration (legal AND illegal) into the US. This works against the interest of the American working class and traditional culture without ANY armed coercion.
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS THE BEST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ Review: This is the most informative book I have ever read about Freemasonry and the Illuminati. The New World Order is almost at its pinnacle of power. The book tells of many bank loans to Hitler and Stalin by so called Americans....and we are talking about trillions of dollars in weaponry coming from the United States. Wondering who would do such a thing. The names are in this book...get it. I also recommend all books by Doc Marquis.
Rating:  Summary: Dated but still worth reading Review: This might be the best book any elitist, intolerant, bigot has ever written. It has it all. It tells you how to live, what to believe, and even what is wrong and right. It is my hope that this book will be in classrooms everywhere someday. Students should just burn all history and biology books and read this book over and over again until it has completely brainwashed them.
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